God it's been a while. I'm trying to get back onto a normal updating schedule, because otherwise I procrastinate, even on something fun. Just bear with me as you have been; my readers are the driving force behind all my stories.

Recap, since we all need it: In the final chapters of Iron Outcast, Harmony brought up an idea of finding all the half-breeds that were left in the mortal realm. The Forgotten were growing in strength, and no faery wanted to lose the Nevernever to those ghouls. The first chapter of Iron Fugitive was that of a chase, part of several plans to exhaust other fey troops. Titania had gone against the agreement as soon as Oberon's back was turned.

As for personal levels, Kenzie fell sick again and had to be taken home, where human doctors could care for her. Frustrated, Ethan went with Harmony on a secret mission. Both of them got back in one piece, but barely alive. The last we saw of Ash, Puck, and Kierran was their guarding their friends' sickrooms.

Harmony's POV

When I woke up, all I knew was pain. I gasped as my agonized senses relaxed. My healing abilities were better than I remembered, then. I bolted out of bed, my thoughts shifting from the lack of visible wounds or even scars to Ethan. Not all of the blood on him was his, right? It couldn't be.

Lightning crackled in the air around me. I eased my hold on my powers, knowing what happened last time I let them get the best of me.

The doorknob refused to move. I twisted again, then a third time, muttering several colorful things under my breath. Who would want to lock me in? I glanced around. The infirmary's walls were pretty familiar to me, not that I would ever say that in front of Puck, but this room as a whole was new. There were no windows, nothing sharp for even a healer to use skillfully. Did my own healers really not trust me that much? A flash of pride shot through me, yet it was short-lived.

"Let me out!" I shouted, pounding on the door. It probably wasn't a good idea to try that so soon after I woke up – I never admitted to having good ideas anyway. "Guys, I'm fine now, and I know Ethan's not. You have to let me go!"

Crystal's presence reached to me from across the door as Puck moved closer. He still stopped too far from my room for my liking. There had to be sentries outside that wouldn't let him through. "Harmony, it's okay!" he called back. "We're taking care of everything. You just need to rest."

"Puck," I growled, unsure if he heard that single word. He was the best at dancing around the truth.

Hearing Kierran did nothing to calm me down. He was, technically, part human. "Really, Harmony. Besides, they won't let you out until they know you're alright. You took a lot of damage before you got home." A pause. "What were you doing out there with Ethan? You both know not to go too far out of radar with the Forgotten and the other fey looking for us." I didn't have to see his face to know that he figured he wouldn't get a response. Smart boy.

Let's see if they blocked me as well as they think. I raised my finger to the air, the Nightshade symbols unknown to everyone. The sigils had no real power except to open trods and forge new pathways. In this case, that was all I needed.

"Don't–" Puck was too late in warning me. The power ricocheted off the wards I assumed Kierran had helped put up, slamming me onto the floor.

Self-hatred burned through me for the lack of faith in my boys. Of course they would ward me. "I have to help Ethan!" I yelled at them as I launched to my feet once more. "Why don't you believe me? There might be something you've all missed. Unless you're telling me he's awake, which I seriously doubt."

Ice brushed against my skin. "No one ever said that, Harmony," Ash responded, sounding calmer than Puck and Kierran ever could.

"Ash, please." I pressed my hand against the door. "It's my fault Ethan's in there dying. I planted the idea in his head, and he needed a way to vent after we sent Kenzie home. I won't leave the infirmary building if it means I get to see my best friend." Did he ever feel like that? Puck had a lot of NDEs, but Ash was always so stoic. Growing up in the Unseelie Court would have been an advantage for me, too, to hide my emotions like the first unseen layer of frost. I was good, but not Winter Prince-level. "If something happens to him, there would be too many people lining up to kill me. Your queen is one of them."

The Winter chill vanished. "And I'm sworn to follow her."

"Ash…" I rested my forehead on the door. I knew whose side he would take in this. Even without his knighthood oath to Meghan, Ash would protect her from whatever chaos I had in store. Fighting a losing battle, I retreated to the bed. "The things you boys do for the ones you love."

It was nothing compared to what I had done and would likely do again.

I was shocked when the door opened to reveal Celeste. The elderly human woman held out a tray of food. I stuffed my face in less than two minutes, chewing and swallowing as she led me down the hall. The boys had disappeared to do something or other.

Well, Kierran and Puck had. Ash was inside Ethan's room, silent in the corner. Meghan hovered at her brother's bedside.

"This is why I like Celeste," I grumbled to the Iron Consort. Cracking my knuckles, I willed my angry powers back to life. "Meghan, since you're in here, you can help me out."