Chapter 1- The Beginning

"Back when the earth was new

and heaven just a whisper…" Testimonial by Rita Dove

Back when the earth was just beginning, God had a 'right hand man' I guess you could say. He was a humble angel, with a wife and a son. Yet, as time pass the lord became more known to mortals and the angel felt the he was being tricked and betrayed. He began to turn evil and got so jealous that one day he killed one of the lords followers. Disguised and grief-stricken by this he tore off his wings has banished him from heaven, yet before he left he was able to say goodbye to his family, and when he said bye to his son, he put a curse on him that made him, and all of his children and grandchildren be banished from heaven after their own child was born.

Who was that angel? Why, the devil himself. After all, even the devil was once an angel and this is the story of his newest heir, me, Morella Smith. Before me is my father George Smith, and before him is his father Charles Smith, then his father Benedict Smith, and so on and so forth. If you can't tell, all the heir before me are males, which means I'm the first girl that was born not wed into this bloodline. Before I go any further, I should start with the day that changed my life, the day my mother and father had their wings ripped off, and my little brother and I were sent to live with my grandmother.

Screams and cries are all I heard. Rain fell like arrows falling from the skies hitting me with reality. Thunder yelled out in the background calling 'traitor', lighting pierce the sky with hatred. A newborn, with creamy skin and little black hairs on its head cried in my arms for its mother, my mother. Of course, that would never happen, not anymore. As for me, I just stood there in the rain on the edge of heaven, with my brother in my arms, protected by a blanket from the cruel rain. I stood there and watched with tears flowing from my forest green eyes, as my parents that loved and cared my me for a century (although I looked 11 years old), were having their wings torn from their backs.

I was prepared for my father to go to hell, for he told me that our family was cursed and bound to go to that wretched place. Yet, my mother… I had no idea she would have to go, I knew they had me before the got married, but I thought they would let her stay to raise us. Guess I was wrong. The angels are sending us to live with our grandmother in Romania.

"Ahh!" cried out my mother. Even though you couldn't tell from the rain, I bet there were tears also running down her red cheeks. I could never imagine the pain my parents are going through, yet I know one day I will.

My mother looked towards me and gave my brother and I one last loving smile, as did my father. I smiled a sad smile as I heard the last of their wings being ripped, and suddenly they disappeared with nothing left behind, but blood and their wings. They were gone and left me here to raise my baby brother. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned frightened, frightened that the angels would rip my wings too. Yet, who I saw was not one of those baste, but my grandmother, Alice. A mortal would have thought she was my mother, with how young she looked. Yet, we didn't look alike. Her wavy, blonde hair and warm brown eyes are nothing like my damp curly, black hair, and now cold, scared green ones.

My grandmother kneeled down and hugged me and my brother, Matthew, close.

When she pulled away I saw the tears in her eyes as well. It must have been hard for her to see her only son go to hell.

"Come, let's go home." she whispered, yet I could still hear her over the rain. I looked down at Matthew and saw he was still crying. I turned back to my grandmother and nodded. Matthew needed to get out of the rain before he got sick, and it would be nice to just forget this place and what just happened here.

Hey guys, I hope you like it so far! This is my first story on , so any advice would be great. This happens before Sebastian made a contract with Ciel, and Sebastian will come in the next chapter or so. For a heads up I want to bring in Morella and Sebastian's relationship slow, but I will show hints of it at times! Also, I will have Ciel and the contract part in the story, but just not for a while. So...yeah. Please leave a comment! Bye!