The Fellowship of the Morons
By Samhoku
Disclaimer: I do not own this story. The only people I own are myself and my sister. I am trying to keep this realistic as my sister and I are not fangirls.
Samantha and Veronica had just gotten back from Middle Earth. Samantha looked up from her sewing just in time to see a grey man with a long beard and a pointy hat come by. Sam ducked underneath the desk and whispered to her sister, "Didn't we just get back from helping Bilbo?"
Veronica hid under the blankets and yelled, "We are not home!"
Gandalf poked his head in their room anyways, "Time to come help with Frodo!"
"Don't we get a say?" Samantha asked with mild irritation. She had gone to wearing skirts all the time and had managed to get her skirt tangled in the folding chair.
Gandalf ignored the question and transported them all to Middle Earth. They where all in the wagon with him. Samantha had her arms folded over her chest and was glaring into outer space.
Veronica was holding a stick that looked suspiciously like a water shooting stick. Suddenly her face brightened and she grinned devilishly at Gandalf, "I have a Hobbit be good stick."
Gandalf said dryly, "Good for you." Then he pushed them both into the back with the fireworks before they got to Frodo. Samantha gave an unearthly howl after getting her arm sat on by her sister.
Gandalf laughed to himself, then he put his head down and tried his best to look like an innocent old man before they got to Frodo.
"You're late." Frodo said with mock irritation, trying his best to look fierce. His sharp blue eyes caught movement in the back and asked, "Who are they?"
Gandalf looked at Samantha and Veronica and chuckled, "Samantha, get your skirt over your legs."
Samantha stuck her tongue out immaturely at Gandalf and covered her legs, "If you hadn't pushed me back here we wouldn't have the problem with my legs, now, would we?"
Gandalf ignored Samantha then did his script, "Wizards are never late, Frodo baggins, neither is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to."
Samantha used her hand to mock the wizard and Veronica whacked her sister's shoulder lightly. Samantha gave her sister a fierce glare.
Frodo jumped in the cart and caused it to shake, hugging the older wizard with enthusiasm and laughing along with the wizard.
Samantha suddenly realized where they were going and a huge smile split across her face, "Are we going to see Bilbo?!"
Gandalf chuckled and looked at Samantha then Veronica whos expression mirrored Samantha's. Gandalf nodded and smiled at them in a kind way, "Yes, we are going to see Bilbo."
Samantha and Veronica both cheered and hugged each other. Samantha realized what she was doing and slowly looked at her sister before detaching herself from her.
Frodo laughed openly at the two strange girls. The oldest one especially seemed strange. She was wearing mens clothes. The one called Samantha was wearing a skirt...
Samantha muttered, "A dress isn't very practical if I know what we are doing..." She looked at Gandalf, knowing the wizard would have heard her.
Gandalf smiled a bit and said to her in her head, "We will find you a tunic and breeches again. Never fear."