AN: Hi guys! I know, I know I should be working on Better World and What We Never Knew but what is a poor writer to do when an idea keeps smacking you in the back of the head making you lose your train of thought. Oh well here's chapter one for ya! Good Reading!

Summary: I don't belong in this world. I don't belong where the rich play their silly little games. I just want to go home and be with my friends. But I have no home anymore. Japan is where I live now but it will never be home. MoriXOC

Ryoko Nakamoto

'Ouran Academy where the children of the elite spend their time. Students will enjoy the first-class facilities and supplies. The young ladies and gentlemen of tomorrow will enjoy school life refined fashion and learn success through advanced classes and a variety of extracurricular activities.'

At least that is what the paperwork had said when Izo showed it to me. Still a high school was a high school and there was no difference when a new kid showed up. The whispering had started the moment I stepped out of the car. Soft questions of; "Who's that?"; "Do you know her?"; "Does she go here?" It was normal but still made me nervous. I hadn't wanted to come to this school or live with Izo but I didn't have a choice.

My mom had died nearly three months ago and Izo had swooped in and snatched me away from my friends and my grandparents convincing everyone that an owner of a multi-billion dollar company was better suited to care for a 16 year old then a store clerk and a mechanic. Legally he was my father but generally he was a DNA donor. So I was stuck in Japan away from my home to live with him and attend Ouran Academy. I was a second year student in Japan instead of a junior in America it was weird.

Glancing up I studied the large building. It was a pinkish salmon color that clashed horribly with the almost butter yellow dresses the female student body were required to wear. I groaned and fluffed out my skirt to release the wrinkles. I hate dresses or skirts or anything of the such. I preferred jeans and running. Yet Izo insisted I be driven to school today so I "didn't get lost"(as he called it). He just wanted me to make a good impression. Yeah like that would happen.

He had somehow got me into class 2A and I stuck out like a sore thumb around all these blue bloods. I would have fit in better with the lower class students in 2C or 2D. It started off simple my red hair. Yes red hair it was like waving a flag saying "Look I'm not totally Japanese!" or "Hey I'm some kinda punk!" Either way I stuck out. I walked different. Most of the girls here took dainty well placed steps in their little Mary Janes, I on the other hand was still getting use to something that wasn't a boot with ankle support or running shoes. I didn't have the cute little briefcase bag that they all had. Not from Izo's lack of trying but it just made no sense to me. How was I going to carry all the things I needed in a bag the size of a hooker's purse?

Sighing I headed inside to find the office. I could see even more differences between me and them as I walked the hall towards the office. Their hair and make-up were done up to stage perfection. Mine well…my hair was in a messy ponytail and there was a defiant lack of make-up. I had once worn the fading scars on my face like a badge of honor but now they made me self-conscious. Truly I hated the uniforms but I was glad that they had long sleeves and covered my legs.

I was a slight daredevil so scars and permanent bruises were part of the look. Every mark had a story, an epic tale of awesomeness that had people cheering when it happened and gasping wide eyed when it was retold. Yet here tales of jumping bikes, or leaping off a warehouse into the docks and things like that wouldn't go over well here it was best to hide those marks. I should consider trying out make-up tomorrow to cover the few on my face.

I stopped and looked up at the door. Knocking I slowly opened it. Peering in I could see a petite brunette sitting behind a desk. She was typing at an amazing speed across the keyboard of a laptop. Stepping fully into the room I waited for her to notice me. A few seconds passed than half a minute. I was starting to get twitchy so I raised my hand to my mouth and cleared my throat. Her dark eyes flashed up then back down.

"How my I assist you?" Her voice was soft but stern and her typing never slowed.

"I'm Nakamoto Ryoko. I just transferred here and I needed a schedule." I said bowing slightly. I think I did that right.

Her eyes flicked up then to a door to her left. "Of course, student Suoh will be your escort for today."

I tilted my head. "Escort?" I repeated like an idiot. Really? I expected a map and a shove out the door with maybe a good luck. But an escort, who the hell would volunteer for something like that. I know there is no way in hell they could ever force a student here to do that job if they didn't want to.

"Yes of course student Suoh loves welcoming new students with unusual backgrounds."

I felt my left eye twitch. Oh I get it now. It's a game of watch the new guy. See what makes someone different then make fun of them. That was not going to happen. "I believe I could find my way around without any assistance if I had…"

The door to my right was flung open and it seemed that the room was cast in a rose tint and…and did I just see rose petals go by? I twisted my head looking around for roses when I felt someone take my hand. Jerking back I was looking at a tall blond boy with surprising violet eyes. Wonder if they're contacts?

"Welcome to Ouran Academy, princess!" He said holding out a single rose. What did he just call me? "I am Suoh Tamaki and I will be your escort for the whole day." He flashed a smile.

Was I supposed to be impressed? I heard an almost love struck sigh and glanced over to the woman behind the desk. My jaw dropped. She had stopped typing all together and was leaning forward almost over the desk hands clasped to her cheeks with stars in her eyes. Was a grown woman love struck over a teenaged boy? I pulled my hand away from him, ignoring the rose and looked over him with a sigh. This was going to be troublesome.

"Suoh-san do you happen to have my schedule or do I need to get it from her?" I asked pointing to the woman still in her daze.

"Yes of course princess! I have it right here!" He said tucking the rose in my hand before taking a folded piece of paper from his pocket. I looked over the rose it was amazing. It was obliviously a tame long stemmed rose but most tamed roses had no real sent. I lifted it to my nose and sniffed. A smile crossed my lips and I closed my eyes. It smelt wonderful like I was home again. "Nakamoto-san?"

My eyes snapped open to look at the blond. He had a very handsome smile crossing his face. Brit would have melted. She had a weakness for a pretty face. "Well shall we continue to class Suoh-san?" I asked opening the door.

He nodded and pressed his hand above my head holding open the door. "Of course."

Man I hate being short. Well at 5'9 I wasn't really short but still didn't help that he had a good three inches on me. I walked out of the room followed shortly but Suoh. He was walking beside me explain the history of Ouran, the lavish life that was led here and all sorts of different things in a very dramatic style. I tuned him out examining the paintings and finer things around us. I lost track of how far we walked when I felt someone lightly touch my shoulder.

"Nakamoto-san we're here."

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"Our first period class." He said pointing to an attractively carved wooden door.

"Our?" I asked eyeing his suspiciously.

"Yes! With a few exceptions we have all the same classes."

Don't groan. Do not groan. I repeated in my head. Not only did I have the dramatic fool to lead me around but I had to deal with him in class. I rubbed my eyes with a soft sigh. I finally noticed he had thrown open the door and pulled me into the room.

"Do you know how late you are, Mister Suoh?"

"I do apologize sensei but I was showing the new student around and lost track of time."

Glancing up I could see the teacher a pinched faced older woman with glasses perched on the edge of her nose. "Well take your seat and let the young lady introduce herself." The woman's voice was welcoming.

Suoh went to his seat and I was left standing in front of a class of blue bloods alone. Don't say anything stupid. It was easy enough to fake a smile at them. "Hello my name is Nakamoto Ryoko. I just moved here from America." I said with a slight wave.

"Very good." The teacher quipped then added; "Any questions for Nakamoto?" A few hands popped up and one was the student directly in front of me. She was a very pretty girl with a hateful gaze. "Miss Ayanokoji."

She lowered her hand and crossed them together on her desk. "Who are your parents?"

A low whisper echoed though the class room. Did something like that really matter? There was a low dose of venom in that question and I resisted the urge to snap at her. "My mother died recently and my…father…" God that word tasted bad. "…is Izo Nakamoto president of Nakamoto Steel."

"Any other questions?" The teacher asked.

"Sensei she didn't answer my question. She only told us who her father was."

"Miss Nakamoto please answer the rest of the question." Oh her voice had just dropped to a colder tone. Was this topic just as important to the staff?

I think I might be screwed. I looked at the teacher then the girl. If I was anywhere else I would have pounded her. Still I promised Izo I would behave. "My mother was Alexandria McClain." Longing echoed in my voice and my chest tightened in loss. I miss her so.

"What did your mother do?" Ayanokoji asked again adjusting her auburn hair.

I glanced at the teacher, asking her if I had to answer these questions. She silently urged me on. Sighing I turned back to the class my chest hurting. "She was an artist in New York City."

Ayanokoji seemed to want to keep going but the teacher finally said something. "Nakamoto please take a seat." She scanned the room and waved me off. "There is one open behind Mr. Suoh."

I made my way to the back and settled down behind Suoh. The blond turned around towards to me tears welling up in his eyes. I smiled softly and titled my head in a way silently saying it was okay. I was afraid that if I didn't he would pounce on me.

His expression switched quickly then he smiled and pointed to his side. I glanced to see a boy with dark hair and glasses looking straight forward completely ignoring me. I forced another smile for him and readied for class.

A/N: So what do you guys think? I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and when I get 3 reviews i will put up the next one. Good Reading!