I don't own House or Wilson, or Cuddy, and the gang, and this fiction is not intended to violate the owners' copyrights. This is a snippet of life, several years after Season 8. It is a sequel to my story "Eighth Day."

"You Bloody Scalawag"

"We need a boat," House told Cuddy.

"A boat? Why?"

"For the family pirate. We might as well teach Rachel to sail. We can channel her energy for good, sort of like the "Crimson Pirate."

Cuddy rested her elbows on the table and her forehead in her hands. "You're right. She's never lost interest. Do you know anything about boats?"

"We had a motor boat when my Dad was stationed in San Diego. Pretty much everybody did there, also in Okinawa."

"That's not the same as sailing."

"It's a start. She can get an idea what boats are about, basic safety, basic navigation, nautical terms. We can worry about sailing later if she's interested. I don't have the agility to do any serious sailing with her. Anyhow, we can get a boat small enough to keep on a trailer in the backyard and use it on the river. If we like it, maybe next summer we can try it out on the ocean, just near shore."

"Okay. We'll have to be careful with both of them, making sure they always have life preservers on and so forth. Bobby is so little. Do they have life preservers that fit toddlers?"

"Lisa, there's no way I'd let any of us get near a boat without life preservers. I won't risk any of you. I'm past stupid bravado."

Cuddy stood up and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I know. Let's see if Wilson wants to come in with us."

"Wilson probably gets seasick."

"Fiona won't. She probably knows all about boats."

House barked a laugh. "You're right. She grew up fishing for cod with her family off the coast of Greenland. A motorboat on the river will seem pretty tame."

House fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Who are you calling?" Cuddy asked.

"Wilson. He should know that he's about to be part owner of a boat. Stand back. I think you'll be able to hear the squawking."

"You could ask him, not tell him," Cuddy observed.

"Why start now?" House said, as he selected Wilson's entry in his address book.

"Indeed," Cuddy said, as she sat back on the sofa. "Why start now?"