Spider-Man and his Amazing Girlfriends

Okay so Maximum – Reborn's Everybody Loves Spidey and FrivolousThoughts' Caught in the Web inspired me to do this. This may not just be DC and Marvel (including my favourite potential love interest for Spidey Kitty Pryde) but maybe other franchises as well. Okay so the chapters which are crossovers with other companies like DC have to be so they have always coexisted. This first one I am doing is because I am a fan of the idea of Wonder Woman and Spider-Man being together...trouble is that the idea is used too rarely for how I would liked!

Chapter 1: Wonder Woman

It was in the sparring arena in the Watchtower and the Justice League was training with their rival superhero team the Avengers. In the arena right now were the Avengers' Spider-Man and the Justice League's Diana Prince the Wonder Woman.

Spider-Man was slinging about on his webs while Diana kept charging at him but missing. "Seriously you are fighting like one of my villains the Rhino." Spidey joked as he dodged another charge from Diana using his Spider-Sense.

Diana then began throwing punches at Spider-Man which he dodged with his Spider-Sense and managed to time a well aimed punch to Diana's face which sent her back a little. "You know your leader Superman?" asked Spidey still in his joking matter "we Avengers had a member just like him called the Sentry who had the power of a billion suns or something..."

Peter then began dodging more of Diana's punches and continued to banter "so you are pretty much a goddess and all the weapons you have is a rope? Compared to my team's god Thor and his hammer your weapon is lame."

Spider-Man then dodged another of the punches from the Amazon beauty. From the audience were the representatives of the Avengers and Justice League teams. "Does he ever shut up?" questioned Green Lantern John Stewart while the Red Hulk just laughed.

"That would only be possible if he wasn't living anymore of if you surgically removed his voice box." Red Hulk said "telling him to shut up would be like telling you all not to save people."

"How can he dodge all those attacks, I don't think even Bats would be skilled enough to miss all those?" questioned Barry Allen the Flash.

"the kid has managed to survive attacks from the green Hulk, Juggernaut, Venom and the Rhino, the Kid is just hard to hit." Answered Spider-Man's main mentor in the group Tony Stark aka Iron Man who's smirk was hidden in his helmet.

Then Spider-Man after lifting up his mask to his mouth hanged the ceiling by his web when Diana's back was turned. When she turned around he did something surprising by taking the Amazon princess's face and kissing her.

The two teams were shocked by this though Tony did shout "atta boy Peter!" Diana was so shocked that she let her guard down and allowed Spidey to take her down to the ground and Spidey was standing over her now the victor of the sparring match.

Later in the watchtower Spidey with his guard down didn't react to his Spider Sense when he was holsted up in the air. He looked terrified at the furious Amazon who was now holding him by the throat.

But then she smiled and then using her free hand unmasked Peter and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. She let go of the shocked hero causing him to fall to the ground. She gave him back his mask and said "I look forward to being able to team up with you sometime Peter Parker but Athena help you should you try something like that again."

Spidey understood as he put his mask back on and then webslinged away smirking, Athena had better help him because he had every intention of trying that again.

I am open to suggestions!