Bella POV

"BELLA!" Alice screamed.

Ah! Darn pixie won't leave me alone ever since Carlisle told her she could plan his and Esme wedding.

I go upstairs to her bedroom and see about a million dresses pulled on her and Jasper unneeded bed.

"Alice what is this?" I ask.

"We need to pick out you, Rose, me, and Renesmee dresses. Then the boyes tux. And I need to find Esme! I have to get her fitted for her dress! OMG AND I STILL NEED TO GET THE FLOWERS!" Alice freak.

"Alice!" I yelled. "It's fine! Listen I'll pick out the dresses and you find Esme!"

"Ok!" Alice smiled and walk off.

I sighed and turn my attention back on the dresses laid out on the bed. I pick a long purple dress with a black belt around the waist and a sweetheart neck line for Rosalie. Alice already had her lying out. It was a sparkly sleeve less dress. The color of coarse was purple. Esme wanted purple and Carlisle decide black for a second color. I look at the long dress. It was totally Alice. Next was a dress for my sweet Nessie. Renesmee was going to be the flower girl. I choose a lace dress with short sleeves and a purple ribbon to tie on it. For me, I chooses a purple flowly type dress with a purple belt and the straps had sparkles on them.

"Alice is this really necessary?" Esme ask as Alice push her in the doorway.

"Guess you found her." I said.

"Yup! In the garden like I should of have known!" Alice said. "And of coarse it is Esme!"

"But Alice honey you do know that I haven't aged in years. I'm sure my measurements have been the same for the last couple of centuries." Esme point out.

"And?" Alice ask her.

"Fine." Esme sighed.

Ha! I thought to myself. Now Esme sees what I been going threw for the last two or three weeks! I will admit I wasn't so happy when Esme and Carlisle told us about them getting remarried. I remember the whole thing like it was yesterday.

I was sitting in the living with the rest of the family. Alice told us to all come down and that something great going to happen. Whatever...

Renesmee happily skip in the room with Jacob trailing behind her. She was the last one to sit and she sat down on my lap. Edward put his arm around me. And we waited.

Soon enough, Carlisle came in carrying a giggling Esme bridal style. I look away. I couldn't stand seeing them like this! Yes, I do have a crush on Carlisle. But would you blame me?

Once they saw us sitting in the living room, Carlisle put Esme down and both look a little embarrassed.

"Oh um kids!" Carlisle said. He put his hand in Esme and held it tightly. "Didn't you say you were going hunting?"

"We came early." Alice told him.

Lie! We never went hunting. Alice wouldn't tell us why she wanted us to lie and say we did. But I do think we will find out why.

"What's going on?" Rosalie ask.

"Carlisle and Esme has some special news!" Alice squeak.

"Did you tell her?" Esme ask Carlisle.

"She had a vision." Carlisle shrug.

"Tell us what!" Rose demanded.

"Were renewing our vows." Esme smiled. Carlisle kiss her.

Everyone went crazy. Congratulating them and telling them how romantic it was. For me, I was mad! I love Esme don't get me wrong. But I also have this crush on Carlisle. It's silly but I have the urge to kiss him.

I put on a happy face and walk over to the couple. I congratulate them and hug them. Probably hugging Carlisle a little longer, his scent was heaven!

I could do this I thought. Beside I'm married to Edward and have our little girl! This should be a piece of cake!

So I don't feel so bad for Esme. I have always been jealous of Esme. Perfect life, perfect, body, perfect husband, and perfect everything! And now a perfect wedding plan by crazy Alice here.

"Bella dear?" Esme snap me away from my trance.

"Huh?" I dumbly ask.

"Can you take over?" Alice ask me. "I forgot something downstairs and I need you to finish measuring Esme."

I nodded and took over. Measuring Esme body was torture. I wanted her body. Her lovely curves and full breasts. I know Carlisle into curvy girls instead stick skinny like me. Before I was turn into a vampire I tried to gain some pounds. But then I got pregnant and Renesmee kind of ruin my plans a bit.

"Well there you are." A man voice spoke.

Esme head snap back and she smile when she saw who it was. I didn't need to look back to know it was Carlisle standing there.

"Carlisle!" Esme cheerfully said. "What are you doing home so soon?"

"I thought I would take off early to company my wife. I really miss you, I feel bad when I leave you here all alone." Carlisle told her.

I finish measuring her and Esme walk over to her husband who happily took her in his arms. I watch the couple. I wanted Carlisle. What I thought was a crush was much more. I mean come on I should be what he dreaming of! Not suicide Esme who jump off a cliff when she was a human!

"You know you really didn't have to do that. I know your really busy right now." Esme said.

Can't even be appreciate when her husband takes off work just to be with her.

"I don't deserve you." Carlisle kiss her nose. Esme giggled. "Your too understanding."

"I'm many things love." She laughed.

"Right you are." Carlisle said. "But remember Bella right here."

If I was human I would been blushing. Esme turn around to be with a embarrassed face. Carlisle wrap his arms around his wife and kiss her neck. Man! I really want him to do that to me.

"Oh I'm sorry Bella!" Esme was biting back a moan from her husband nipping at her neck. "Thank you for helping."

"It's nothing." I look down at the floor.

Esme kiss Carlisle cheek and walk over to me.

"It's everything." Esme hug me. "I'm so grateful to have such wonderful girls. I know Alice gets carried way a little."

"A little?"

"She is Alice." Esme chuckled.

I fake a laugh and walk out of the room. But before I did, I watch as Carlisle brought his wife back to his arms and deeply kiss her. I can't do this! I have to stop before this wedding happens!