Fire Dragon "Hello people! Sorry for the delay but I took my long waited vacations, one month exactly.and a week of time off to rest from my vacations *smile sheepishly* anyway, I didn't have much time to write on the plane (goddamned five hours) since I was besides this creepy old man *shudders* but I've got really good pics ^-^, can you believe that it was 90 degrees on November? So, what was I talking about? Oh, yes, I'm trying to get the next chapter as fast as possible while working on the new face of my website so please tell me what you think."

Attention: some of the characters will suffer of OCCness. You have been warned.

I like to thank those of you who have reviewed: Silent Comet: thank you, I try my best. SilverCaladan, Zaeria, Tenshi-Hotaru, and Zerofan thanks ^-^. Joseph M. Thanks for pointing that out, but writing on two different languages is very hard and since English is my second language I still have some problems with spelling, plus I'm learning Japanese to boot (my poor, poor head *-*) But I'll try to read it slower the next time since my beta readers kinda bailed on me.

Disclaimer: I'm sorry, but Santa didn't get me anything this year, so until next year I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon.


Dragon Quest Ch 16 Chaos Realm Part III

"We'll make a run for it once they're out of sight." Mamoru whispered to Heero, receiving a curt nod in return. Once they had walked about half a mile, Mamoru walked closer to Heero and began weaving the air and light around them, putting all his concentration on making them disappear.

*Almost there.* Mamoru thought just as one of the Amazons yelled.

"Yami! The prisoners are trying to escape!" She raised the alarm. Immediately, the two boys found themselves with spears on their almost transparent throats.

"Tama, who?" Yami, the leader, snapped.

"The tall one." The amazon pointed at Mamoru, who before he knew, had been hit by the butt of a spear, sending him unconscious.

"Tie them up, we can't let carelessness take us by surprise again." Yami barked. "And I hope thou hast more sense than thy comrade, so do not try to escape." She glared at Heero. "I need the both of you alive for the Mother's ceremony, but you do not have to be all in one piece!" She snapped before walking briskly to the front of the Amazons.


"Damn." Mamoru moaned, trying to refocus his eyes. "Where are we?" He asked as his eyes landed on Heero, who sat besides him working on breaking the ropes that held him while trying to appear innocent, which looked almost ludicrous coming from Heero.

"They brought us to the Shrine." Heero replied. "I think they're about to start." He signaled towards where Yami and the rest stood.

"What do you think they'll do to us?" Mamoru sat up.

"I'm sure they don't want to sit and have a tea party, that's for sure." Heero snorted, giving his ties another tug.

"Now, what do we do?" Mamoru whispered.

"We wait until the others plan their retrieving assault." Heero finally settled himself.

"Hmph, I usually do the rescuing, not the other way around." Mamoru mumbled to himself.

"I really-" Heero was cut off by the sound of drums coming from the other side of the clearing.

"'Tis time for us to show thee the meaning of the Chaos Shrine!" Yami yelled.

"I don't like the sound of that." Mamoru said as the Amazons came to pull him, making him stand.

"Move." An Amazon, Tama, if Heero remembered well, pushed them towards the altar.

"Look at that." Mamoru motioned to the direction of the Shrine. There, Heero could see as, beginning from the top, stood a small altar, which held a small dark stone which strangely enough, it seemed as if drew the light towards itself.

"The tear." Heero nodded while his eyes traveled down, noting as the walls of the shrine were covered with ancient symbols carved into the stone. "That's weird." Heero frowned, "I thought we could read and understand all languages and dialects from this world, however, I don't seem to make out any of the symbols." He said.

"Don't worry," Yami said holding a chalice with a dark liquid inside, "Thee will understand the true meaning of the Shrine soon enough." She said, looking at them with calm, blue eyes that made both teens shudder. "And with thy own eyes thee will see what we have been thru." She raised the chalice towards Heero's mouth.

Immediately, Heero clenched his jaw, trying to keep his mouth shut until Yami signaled one of the Amazons, to pry his mouth open. Bitter-sweet liquid entered Heero's mouth until it was full, almost the to point of gagging. Just as the 01 pilot was about to spit it out, the same Amazon closed his mouth forcefully, hitting him on the stomach to make sure he swallowed it.

"Now, thee." Yami moved from Heero to Mamoru.

Heero looked groggily as the Amazons tried to force Mamoru to drink the strange concoction when two things caught his attention, one, a flash of yellow that moved quickly towards the other end of the shrine, coming from where the altar was, and two, a soft, almost non-existing flaps of wings that passed over his head before he heard a cry that could only belong to Nataku. On a blink of the eye, right when the Amazon was about to hit Mamoru on the stomach, an invisible force threw the two Amazons holding Mamoru, giving him the chance to spit the liquid while Duo appeared behind Heero, knocking his two guards and catching him before he hit the ground.

"Damn it Heero! What did they do to you?" Duo cut Heero's binding and held the youth.

"He was forced to drink some weird stuff!" Mamoru said as Duo struggled trying to cut Mamoru's bonds while sustaining Heero. "We have to hurry!" The black haired boy yelled as Minako's Love Me Chain circled another two Amazons. "The Dragon Tear is at the top of the Shrine!" He pointed.

"Let's go Heero." Duo walked towards Mamoru with Heero on tow. "We just have to get that rock and we're outta here." He tried to lift Heero, who tried to get his shaky legs underneath him, but being unable to support himself, he had to take leverage on Duo.



"They're too many!" Trowa yelled from where he was shooting his arrows.

"We have to keep them away from Heero and Mamoru until they have the Dragon Tear!" Makoto punched yet another Amazon.

"Easier said than done!" Rei growled as her fiery arrow burned the ground where an Amazon had been standing.

"Damn it, they're getting too close to them!" Wufei parried a spear with his katana.

"Yeah, but what can we do? They're too many!" Usagi looked worriedly to where the three were.

"There's something wrong with Heero!" Ami pointed as Duo had to practically drag Heero towards where Mamoru was.

"Watch out!" Ishtar yelled as an Amazon raised her spear and lunged it towards Quatre, who was too distracted by helping Heero and Duo to notice.

"NOOOO!" Lluvia yelled from where she was holding the horses. The senshis and pilots blinked as in front of Quatre started forming a small ice disk that grew until it covered him, making a shield that bounced the spear before it touched the target. "You will not harm my knight!" Lluvia yelled while a small needle like ice piece formed over Lluvia's hand until it looked like a big spear (Fire Dragon, "it's like the one Zoicite threw at Mamoru when Usagi first discovered that he was Tuxedo Kamen) and with a small twist of her wrist it flew directly towards the offending Amazon, impaling her thru the chest.

Everyone watched as her hair had come out of her ponytail, floating freely while it changed from brown to blue and mist surrounded her, forming two large wings behind her. Besides her, Janus' eyes narrowed, and giving a small gesture, the earth heaved and opened right under two amazons that were about to throw spears at Makoto.

"Well, if you can't against them, join them." Talon shrugged while his blond hair seemed to become alive, small whips of air revolved around him forming a pair of wings with the dust before a violent gust of wing trapped five Amazons on a whirlwind, knocking them to one side of the Shrine.

"Fools!" Ishtar yelled as several towers of fire rose from the ground, burning several Amazons. "You dare think you will win against a Dragon?!?!" She barked as the bodies fell to the ground.

"Look! They're on the top!" Usagi pointed.

Sure enough, Heero, Duo, and Mamoru stood in front of the Tear when Yami appeared before them.

"The ceremony was interrupted." She eyed Heero and frowned, "But thy demise will not come from my hand." She stepped aside. "Thy enemy will show itself to thee when the time of the gathering comes." She said before calling the remaining Amazons and jumping from the altar, they disappeared into the forrest.

"What the hell was that supposed to mean?" Duo fumed as Heero and Mamoru reached for the Dragon Tear.

"I have no idea, but I think it would be wise to get out of here as soon as possible before they come back with reinforcements." Ami said, cradling her bruised arm while everybody approached them.

"I still don't understand what that crazy onna said." Wufei said while stretching his arm for Nataku to land on.

"Ami's right though, we should relocate." Heero said, however, at his first step his legs gave in, almost falling flat on his face if Duo hadn't caught him first.

"Here, let me see." Usagi moved towards Heero, putting a hand over the boy's forehead. "By the Goddess, you're burning up!" Usagi gasped.

"I suggest we move to a more secluded area." Janus eyed the bodies lying around the Shrine.

"That would be wise." Ishtar nodded while watching the side of the temple and frowning. "We don't want any more surprise visits today, plus it's getting dark." She moved towards where Heero was.

"Let's find where to make a camp." Makoto said.

"We'll go." Wufei sent Nataku ahead while Trowa and him looked around.


Once on a clearing about two miles from the Shrine, they laid Heero on a makeshift bed made with leaves and branches covered with Heero's bedroll.

"Usagi, do you think you can try to heal him with your powers?" Duo looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I can try." Usagi kneeled besides him, and extracting the Silver Crystal, (FD, yes people, she still has it! Read the note on last chapter to know what happened) she began to glow while touching Heero's forehead. However, the moment that she touched him she retrieved her hand as if his forehead had bitten her. "I-I can't!" She gasped.

"What do you mean you can't?!" Duo hyperventilated.

"There is something more than just a spell." She looked at the others that had gathered around them. "There is something really wrong that my magic can't cure." She said on the verge of tears, throwing herself to Mamoru who was besides her.

"This must be the poison that Jun was talking about." Rei looked worriedly at Heero.

"But, but, but, but what can we do then?!?!" Duo practically yelled.

"The Inn keeper mentioned a settlement of Light Dragon priests about two days from here." Trowa provided.

"Yeah, he said that they made the antidote for this poison!" Lluvia exclaimed, hope now shining on their eyes.

"I don't think this is going to be easy." Ishtar eyed Heero critically.

"We have to make a stretcher to carry him." Talon looked at Heero who frowned and shook his head.

"No." Heero looked at them. "That will be wasting two days." He sat up, or tried to since the world seemed to revolve around his head.

"Waste?!" Quatre said unbelieving. "We're trying to save your life, and you say is a waste?!" He looked at his friend.

"You should leave me here, I'm only going to be a burden to you." Heero inhaled deeply.

"Are you fucking crazy?!?! How the hell do you think we'll just leave you here by yourself!?!?! Do you think I would leave you here to die?" Duo yelled, angry tears burned in his eyes as he stared at Heero.

"I have done my part, we got the Dragon Tear so you don't need me anymore, I would only be a liability to you." Heero said in monotone, a form that he hadn't used in weeks, and specially not with Duo for months.

"A liability? A fuckin' liability?! That's what you think you are? Goddamn it Heero!" Duo shook Heero, not caring if he hurt the cobalt eyed boy. "You, you promised me that you wouldn't get hurt." Duo whispered before letting Heero go. "I hate you!" Duo stood up from where he sat besides Heero and sprinted towards the forrest.

"Duo, wait!" Usagi called as Duo disappeared inside the forrest while his aura turned from angry reds to gloomy blues and black shadows swirled around him.

"You know, Duo's right." Quatre sighed. "How could you ask us to desert you here all alone?" He hissed, "You are a selfish bastard." Quatre said, repeating some of the feelings that Duo had before leaving.

"But, what can I do?" Heero tilted his head. "I'm just doing what's best for the group." He blinked as Minako suddenly appeared in front of him and slapped him, not caring that he was invalid at the moment.

"Are you blind or plain stupid!" She growled.

"I don't understand." Heero said as the burning sensation spread thru his cheek.

"How can you ask him to leave you?" Minako asked desperately, "Can't you see how much he cares about you? How much he loves you?!?! What you're asking him is tearing him apart!" She yelled, but then she looked at him in the eye. "Please, if you love him, just a little bit, go after him.before he does something that we will all regret." Minako turned to see towards where Duo had disappeared, Heero's gaze also traveled the distance before turning back to Minako's blue eyes. Nodding, he stood up with some trouble, his will being the only thing making him stand straight. Giving a sigh, Heero started walking towards the forrest, looking for Duo with a resolution that he only felt when he flew Wing Zero.

"Geez Minako, did you have to be so overdramatic?" Mamoru raised his eyebrow. "It isn't like Duo is going to kill himself about this." Mamoru shook his head.

"Oh, c'mon Mamoru, I haven't used my acting skill in quite a while! I was getting rusty, and the boy really needed a push." Minako pouted.

"Yeah, but it wasn't nice of you to slap him." Ami chided her.

"Well, serves him right for being such a selfish prick." Minako defended herself.

"You know," Wufei looked at her, "His actions are not selfish. He was giving everything up so we could finish our mission." The Chinese boy stroked Nataku's head.

"I guess you're right." Rei said from where she sat, "He is unselfish.In a stupid kinda way." She sighed before looking towards where the two teens had disappeared.


"Where have you gone?" Heero mumbled while trying to follow the faint trail on the dark. -He can't have gone that far.- He sighed, leaning on a tree trying to catch his breath, (FD *looking up as if looking for a fly* "Got ya!") trying to make the world stop from revolving around him. Taking another deep breath he continued down the path until a soft sound caught his attention.

"Duo?" Heero called out, trying to keep from falling down on some roots that had sprouted from underneath the earth.

"Go away Heero!" Duo called from behind some roots.

"Where are you?" Heero frowned, looking underneath some branches, he found the braided boy cradling his left leg which seemed covered by something sticky. "What happened?" Heero sat near Duo who scooted away from him.

"Nothing, just leave me alone." Duo hissed while glaring at Heero. "You wouldn't care anyway." He looked down at his bloody hand.

Shaking his head, Heero moved closer to Duo, "Here, let me see that." Heero grabbed Duo's leg before the boy could move. Ignoring his throbbing head and the double vision, Heero cleaned Duo's wound while said boy brooded. Silently, Heero worked and Duo watched while the previous boy ripped a piece of his sleeve and dressed the wound.

"I fell." Duo snapped finally, "I got caught on one of the stupid roots and I cut my leg and twisted my ankle." Duo said, angry at himself. "You shouldn't have co-"

"Duo, please." Heero cut him off. "I need to apologize to you." He said while Duo blinked confused. Taking a deep breath, Heero began, "I really don't know what to do on a situation like this.I'm not good at expressing my concerns towards others. I was only trying to think on what's good for the group, we can not risk the well-being of millions of innocent lives just because one drawback." Heero watched as Duo was about to talk when he shook his head and raised a hand to stop the braided boy. "When I was small, the man that raised me showed me that a job was not complete until the last man was down.he also told me to follow my heart, that's why I couldn't leave you stuck on this planet if you could finish the mission without me.however," Heero touched where Minako had slapped him. "Something made me realize that that's not the only way of action and that there are other.responsibilities which I hadn't previewed that matter more." He searched on Duo's eyes and found disbelief and curiosity on the violet depths. "I forgot about the others feelings." He looked down at his hands, which were covered by Duo's blood. "I completely forgot about how you felt about it.I just hope you could forgive me for acting so-" Heero found finger over his lips, looking up towards Duo, he found the youth leaning towards him.

"It's ok Heero." Duo hushed him. "You just took a big step towards the right direction." He gave him a small, sly smile, "You know, your friend gave you a good advise." His smile widened when Heero looked confused. "You should always follow what your heart tells you." Duo leaned closer towards Heero, the finger that had stopped Heero from talking now was used to caress the boy's lips until Duo retrieved it, replacing it instants later with his lips.

Blinking, Heero looked confusedly at Duo as the young boy closed his eyes before licking Heero's lips. A gasp escaped his lips as his eyes closed, giving Duo easy access to the brown-haired boy's mouth. Heero smiled into the kiss, letting Duo know that he was okay until he felt his world spin as Duo put a hand on the back of his head, this time however, he gasped for real lack of air.

Duo felt Heero gasp before going limp on his arms, blinking he looked down at Heero who looked pale and was taking deep breaths. "Shit Heero, are you okay?" Duo patted his cheek.

"The's still on my system." Heero said between breaths.

"Damn I forgot!" Duo swore before helping Heero to stand. Both teens found themselves leaning on one another for help. Duo with his twisted ankle and Heero for his current poisoned state. "Let's go back to the camp before the others think we got lost or something." Duo grumbled.

"I believe they would be thinking on the 'something' part." Heero looked at Duo before the former laughed, almost making them fall on their faces.

"Sure Hee-chan, they'll think I ravished you under the trees." Duo joked.

" almost did." Heero leaned even more when another dizziness spell came over him.

"Yeah, but baby steps from now on Hee-chan, baby steps." Duo led Heero towards the camp.


"Do you think something bad happened to them?" Lluvia glanced worriedly towards the forrest.

"They can perfectly take care of themselves." Trowa shrugged, looking at Quatre glaring at the forrest. "They are not going to pop out just because you want them to, little one." Trowa patted him on the back.

"We're ba~ack!" Duo walked into the camp.

"On better thought." Trowa blinked while Quatre smiled at the two.

"I hope you worked out your differences." Ishtar told the two arriving boys.

"I think they worked out more than that." Makoto grinned, pointing with her head at Duo limping.

"Woo hoo! You go tiger!" Minako winked at Heero.

"Haha, very funny." Duo said dryly. "Help me put him down."

Immediately, Janus and Talon, being the closest to him, helped him put Heero down on the make-shift bed.

"What happened to Heero? He seems paler than usual." Ami looked at him.

"He just extenuated himself." Duo sat besides Heero, trying to lift the pressure off his twisted ankle.

"And what happened to your leg?" Usagi removed the cloth that covered the wound.

"Oh nothing." Duo scratched the back of his head.

"We should go to sleep now, tomorrow we'll start for the Light Dragon's settlement." Ishtar said as Ami and Lluvia helped Heero to his bed and Usagi finished with Duo's leg.

"This is getting even more interesting." Wufei looked at the two boys before looking to the sky and raised his hand to catch Nataku as the small Dragon perched on his forearm. "Isn't it Nataku?" He petted her head gently, remembering as Nataku had began her 'broadcast' when she followed the two boys. Shaking his head, he moved towards his bed roll, a sly smile on his lips as Duo moved his own blanket near Heero's bed.


FD "Ok, there it is. A little short but it will have to do."

Heero "That wasn't a very long monologue." -glares-

FD "You have talked more than anybody else and you kissed Duo so shut up - !"

Heero -grumbles and walks away-

FD "Anyway, thanks for the reviews, that's the only thing keeping me going with this story. I think next chapter will come out a little quicker next time ^-^, but I'm still working on another three stories that I have and plus I finished the new face of my website, I'm so happy -throws confetti into the air and cheers- so just give me some time and I'll post the new chapter faster. Ja."

PS. Thank you all for supporting the parings on this story. This is one of the few, if not the only shounen ai/ usa/mamoru story that there is on this cathegory that I am aware of. If any of you know a story that is like this or only shonen ai please let me know.