Here it is. The 1st chapter of "Lindsay's Revenge." ENJOY.

Jack's P.O.V:

I lifted up the last box from the moving van into the new house I've purchased for me and my fiancée, Kim Crawford. We were high school sweethearts and we're getting married in three months.

And I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of nervous about the wedding. I mean, I know I proposed and all, but—

It's been fifteen years. Lindsay Evans has been released.

"Jack! Have you seen the box of silverware?" Kim yelled.

I shook my head, realizing I was lost in my thoughts. "Check the kitchen." I replied.

I hope nothing will happen at the wedding that has to do with Lindsay.

Lindsay's P.O.V:

I paced around my jail cell. I'm going to be released today from this hell hole.

I glanced at my cell neighbor, Colleen. She told me she's been arrested at least ten times. Five when she was 15 and five when she was 16.

She walked up to the side of her cell to face me. She took my hand.

"You are going to get out of this hell hole and take back the man you love. You are going to be his love for all eternity." She sniffled. "I already miss Randy."

Randy was her boyfriend, and the only person that understood her when she broke out of her cell. I think of them as Katniss and Gale from The Hunger Games.

I nodded and squeezed her hand. "I will. I will take back my Jace. And I will give Randy the message."

Tears went down her cheeks as she let go of my hand.

"Enjoy your freedom, while you can." She advised me.

I heard footsteps approach my cell. I turned to see Officer Davis with a key ring and a set of clothes.

"Today's the day you've been waiting for, Ms. Evans." She put the key in the lock and opened the door. "Enjoy your freedom," she paused and she smiled, "Lindsay."

I smiled back and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Officer Davis."

She let go and gave me the clothes: a Forever 21 top, Arizona Jeans shorts and black bow-flats.

I threw my orange jumpsuit on the ground and put on my outfit and slipped on my bow flats.

I exited out of the bathroom and strutted down the corridor and through the door.

I inhaled deeply. Ah. The sweet smell of freedom. I hailed a cab to take me to a nearby café, which turns out to be Falafel Phil's.

Oh, I remember every little detail that happened here 15 years ago.

THE FIRST CHAPTER OF "LINDSAY'S REVENGE". Review this story so I can know whether or not to continue. (Hint: TELL ME TO CONTINUE.) Peace out! :)