Hey guys! This is my first story, but I really don't mind flames, as long as you're not cursing me out the whole time.
I may not play One Direction in Dad's throne room.
Bianca di Angelo giggled as she found a One Direction CD. Just yesterday, Nico had been talking about playing a prank on their dad, and even though he was just kidding, Bianca figured she had nothing to lose. She crept into Persephone's room, where she found a stereo. She grabbed that too and walked to the throne room, hiding behind her dad's huge throne.
She took the CD out ever so carefully and put it in, pressing play. There was a small pause before it started, and she used the time to run out before her dad came in, hiding in the living room.
The song Magic came on, just as Hades entered the throne room. Bianca expected him to yell, scream, or run out. To her surprise, he started to dance!
So Bianca sat there, mouth open, watching Hades do random dances to Magic.
I know, it was REALLY short, but they're just drabbles!
Peace, Love, and Turtles,