I woke up to my head cradled in Tobias's arms. He was kissing my face in every possible spot he can get. I don't think he cared if he wok me up or not, and neither do I; I'm just happy I woke up next to him. His kisses started to get sloppier and I started laughing. He turned my face over and put on the most childish grin ever.

"Good morning beautiful. How are you on this wonderful morning?" He said while kissing my nose.

He's way too happy. Usually when he's this happy it only for four reasons; day off work, free food, me, or he's trying to hide something. I narrow my eyes at him as he rolls on top of me.

"And you are you so happy today mister?" I ask while placing my hands on his either side of his face, feeling small pricks on his chin. I smile up at him.

"I want to look at my beautiful girl every morning when you wake up and fall asleep with you in my arms." He lent down and kissed me softly, teasing me. "Is that so much to ask for?" I look over at the clock and see that it reads 7:16. I look back at Tobias and kiss him as softly as he kissed me.

"Unfortunately it is. We have to be down there in less than 15 minutes."

Tobias makes a sound that sounds like an animal in pain and a groan. I have to laugh at his stubbornness; usually he says I'm the stubborn one. "It's your fault that we're gunna be late. You distract me." He took his pillow and whacked me in the head with it lightly. I take mine and whack him with it, not a lightly as he did to me. Soon enough there were feathers everywhere and it was 7:24. I look over at Tobias who as feathers in his hair and on his shirt. I love this side of him, where he is himself; not Four, not the Dauntless prodigy, not the big mean scary instructor, but my sweet strong boyfriend who would take the world for me.

"Now it's all you're fault that we're gunna be late." I got out of bed and put on some new clothes. I'll go down to the training room and I'll meet you there." I gave him a quick kiss and went down to the training room. All of them were there except for Brittany and Brianna.

"Where the hell are the two skanks?" I screamed at them. They all turned towards me with wide eyes; apparently they didn't hear me coming in.

"I said where are they?"

"They got into some cat fight about a boy with each other and both of them are in the infirmary."


"Well I might as well just start with out them. Since you guys already did physical, the next stage is emotional. Here is where you will go through my fears and you will face them as your own."

"How many fears do you have?" Leo asked.


"I get it." Leo said like he just figured out the world's hardest math problem.

"Any other geniuses have any other questions?" I asked impatiently.

"So does that mean the Four had four fears?" Stacy asked.

"Yes. He has four fears and that's why they call him Four." I talked as if I was disciplining a preschooler; these guys aren't as bright as I thought they were. And speaking of Four, where is he? He probably fell asleep again. I mentally rolled my eyes at Tobias for making me do this alone.

"Okay, since they're 9 of you and I have 6 fears, some of you will not go today but go tomorrow. You will wait in this room and I will call you up one by one into the fear simulation room where you will be tested. I won't tell you which fear you'll get, just figure it out by yourselves." They all look at each other with a mix of fear and excitement.

"Lets get started."

"So that's how you do it. It's simple really." Uriah was explaining to me how to run the simulations and record the data. Tobias still hasn't shown up so I had to hunt Uri down to get him to help me. He explained it as if it was simple child's play, but I didn't know how to do anything.

"Okay I think I got it this time." I pushed a couple of buttons and a screen popped up with everyone's names on it next to a random fear. I smiled as I read the fears:

Poor Nora got the crows

Aaron got responsible for death

Josh got drowning in a tank

Brittany got drowning in the ocean, which I am kinda excited to see

Brianna was going to be scared to death. I really want them to go first, but you know, save the best for last.

"This is going to be great." Uriah just looked at me like I was crazy but shook that feeling away.

"Well I have to get going. Try not to enjoy this too much." He rubbed my hair and walked towards the door.

"Can you send the first person in here. And find Four please. I'm afraid me still might be sleeping." I said while smiling. He nodded and sent little Nora in. She change since first stage; she got her hair cut and got a tattoo on her arm that says 'love the person you are not the one you want to be.' (AN. I really want a tattoo that says that cause it's my quote and I should copyright that to make it mine FOREVER!)

"Sit down Nora." She walked towards the metal chair and sat down very quickly. She was breathing rapid, like she was fighting with herself. I got the syringe out and walked towards her.

"Hey don't worry. It's not that bad." Trying to ease her tensions. She just nodded and looked down.

"I like your tattoo." She looked down at her arm and smiled a bit. "What does it mean?"

"Even though I left Abnegation and chose Dauntless, I don't want to change who I am and who I was raised as. I'll just be a stronger Abnegation." She said in a quiet voice.

"You remind me of me; a weak Abnegation transfer who might just end up ranked first." I walked towards her and injected her with the serum. She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"You were ranked first? And you were a transfer." I simply nodded and walked back to the computer.

"You're not afraid of birds, are you?"

"No. Why?"

"No reason." I started the landscape.

When everyone was finished with their fear landscape and headed back to the dormitory, I turned off the computer and leaned back in my chair. It's been exhausting; I see why Tobias didn't like this. He still hasn't shown up and I haven't seen him at lunch. Zeke says that Eric forced him to work in the control room today or he'll be factionless. It sounds like something Eric would do, but he could have at least told me that Tobias wasn't going to help me today. At least I get to see him when I get home.

I put the paperwork away and stood up form the desk. I didn't realize that Satan was standing right in front of me, smirking at me.

"What do you want Eric? Do you want to make me work in the control room all day?" I shot at him. He started laughing.

"What the hell are you talking about Stiff?" He sounded amused.

"Zeke told me that you made Four work all day today or he'll be factionless. That's a new low for you Eric." I folded my arms over my chest and continued my glare at him.

Eric looked up like he was thinking about a question. "Nnnooooo. I was in Candor today." He pulled out some document and held it in front of my face. I had the seal of Candor on it and said the time and date he arrived and left. He left at 6 and came back only half an hour ago.

I felt cold all of a sudden. Did Zeke lie to me about where Tobias was? Was Tobias lying to me? I couldn't think straight anymore. I shoved the document back in his face and ran out the room. I had to find Zeke, or preferably Tobias. I went down the hallway the led towards the control room when Will blocked my way.

"Hey Tris. What are you doing here? Have you eaten dinner yet? Wanna get some with me? I'm sure that'll be fun." He grabbed my hand and turned me around but I turned us both around and continued my way towards the control room.

"Sorry Will. I have to find Four. I haven't seen him all day."

"Wait Tris, why don't you-"

"Look for him this way? That's a good idea." I tuned the hallway and ran into Zeke who backed me up, away from the control room.

"Hey Tris. Four wants me to take you back to your room cause he says he'll be there soon and that you shouldn't worry and says you should trust me when I do this." Before I could ask him a question, he through me over his shoulder and took me towards my room.

This is getting ridiculous.

"Does he want to see me?" I asked impatiently.

Zeke stopped and set me down in front of my door. "Tris, he-"

"Does he want to see me today, yes or no?"

"It's that-"

"Yes. Or. No?"

He looked down and sighed. "No, not todaycausehesworking-"

"Yeah. In the control room. Or he'll be factionless. Right?" I snapped at him before I opened my door and slammed it in his face. Tobias, Zeke, and Will were all acting weird; next thing you know Christina, Shawna, and Marlene will start acting weird. Well whatever it was, it better end soon; I don't like being ignored.

I changed my clothes and crawled into bed. The sheets were cold and so was the pillow, I always like it when the bed was cold and it would warm up to your body heat. I pulled the crisp white comforter up to my head and wrapped myself around in to make the cold surround me for a while before it became warm. Next thing I know I was in a dreamless sleep, alone.


My fingers hurt. To many pencils. To much planning. Not enough free time. But hey, when you're planning something as big as I am, it won't even matter in the end. And this plan better fucking work out if I'm slaving away at it like I was today. Today was a mess. As soon Tris left to go to the initiates, I bolted out of bed to find Christina. She is my partner in crime after all.

Uriah, Zeke, and Will had to keep her away from me the whole day and it was terrible, frustrating, exhausting, and awful. Zeke told me that she was getting really mad that people were trying to tell her what to do and where to go. She eventually slammed the door in Zeke's face when he said that I didn't want to see her. Of course I wanted to see her; I saw her all day on the computer monitors. I just can't see her today.

It's almost done.

Christina walked in looking like she seen a ghost. "They're not going to be ready on time, maybe another week or so past the original date."

Great. Just fucking Great.

"If you want, Will and I will handle to rest of the things today while you can go home. You look tired. And you spent a whole day away form Tris which is like a new record."

I smiled softly at her and accepted her offer. I got up from my uncomfortable desk chair and headed towards the door.

"It'll work out, right? I mean, this whole thing. It'll work right?" I ask Christina a little bit unsure of myself.

"Of course it will." She reassured me.

"If it doesn't, she better not leave me."

"Why would she do that?"

"She's mad at me now. What if she stays mad?" I ask.

"She wont stay mad at you forever. She loves you and just tell her that you were busy and that she needs to trust you." Christina's advice wasn't always good but this time it was. I nodded and started walking towards my apartment. Our apartment.

This better all work out.