"Tris? Wake up. Wake uuuuuppp." I can feel Tobias gently nudging me awake.

"No." I mumble back to him. I really didn't want to get up from Tobias' bed. I moved in his apartment right after initiation, so its ben about two years. At first everyone was a bit skeptical about our relationship, but then they got sued to it and started to accept it. I'm 18 and Tobias is 20; I work at the tattoo parlor with Tori and Tobias works in the control room with Will. Today is the first day of initiate training.

I'm sleeping on my side and I can practically feel Tobias smiling. He starts kissing my forehead, then both of my closed eyes, my nose and then finally my lips.

"Come on, wake up. Big day today." I get up and I rest myself on my elbows. Some of my blonde hair was in the way since is let it grow out since the war. Tobias smiled at me and brushed my hair out of the way of my face before resting his forehead on mine. I stared into his deep blue eyes and smiled.

"Hey there." I almost whispered.

"Hey there beautiful." He smiled and started kissing me. I mentally rolled my eyes and started kissing him back. I still don't know why he keeps calling me beautiful every day; everyone knows I'm not. I don't even consider myself pretty; I'm 18 and I look like a 12 year old.

I push Tobias off of me and take a quick shower. I put on some black skinny jeans and one of Tobias' black V-necks and my boots. When I got out, I go to the kitchen and see Tobias fully engaged in his muffin. I laugh and start picking at mine.

"Why do you eat your muffin like that?" Tobias asks.

"I don't know; like, why do you stare at your muffin and then eat it? It just feels natural."

He laughs and then kissed my cheek. "We better get down to the net. Newbies should be here soon."

"I don't wanna go." I start complaining like a little kid. Tobias smiles and then kissed me softly. I love seeing this side of Tobias; He makes other people see his as this big, tough, scary guy, but he lets me see the real sweet and gentle side of him.

"Come on. It'll be fun to scare them on their first day." Tobias mumbles in my ear. He hands go under my shirt and holds on to my hips. He pulls me closer and starts kissing my face. I start giggling and put my arms around his neck.

"Don't we have new initiates to train Four?" I asked.

"Yes we do Six, but I really don't wanna deal with them right now." He started kissing my neck and I playfully pushed him away.

"If we don't be there soon, Christina would kill us." I laugh as he held on to my shirt as I start walking towards the door.

"Fine fine. We'll go now." He says before he kissed me again.

"I swear if some smart ass makes comments about names I might shoot them." Tobias laughs and we start walking towards the net.

"Where have you two been? The new initiates are about to be here any second." Christina is training the Dauntless born initiates with Uriah. She said it'd be 'more action and more exciting.' I can feel Tobias behind me as he wraps his arms around me. I can feel my handgun in my pocket as I lean back into him. Ever since the whole thing with Peter and Al, I thought that I should start carrying a gun around with me.

We hear the first scream; Christina smiles, I yawn, and Tobias starts playing with my hair. When we see someone hit the net, I walk up and see who it is. It's a girl in Abnegation grey. She has dark brown hair, green eyes, and doesn't look very strong. But hey, I probably looked like that when I had my initiation; and now look where I am.

"What's your name? This could be your only chance to change your name." I say.

"Nor…yes, Nora. My name is Nora." I help her down and I look at Tobias.

"First Jumper Nora!" He shouts and we could hear the cheers from above as more and more start jumping down. When the dauntless born jump down, they jump down in pairs, sometimes even three jump at the same time. They all laugh as the new initiates look at them like they had two heads.

They separate into groups of Dauntless born and transfers. The transfers were looking down at their feet not quite sure what to do, while the Dauntless born were jumping up and down and shouting at each other.

"Good fucking god they're going to get them killed if they keep acting like this." Christina said while looking at the 15 Dauntless born initiates.

"And you get 15. We got 9." I say with a smile while she glares at me.

Candor - Brittany, Brianna, Zack, Drew

Amity - Stacy, Leo

Erudite - Aaron, Josh

Abnegation - Nora

"Uhh okay everyone, settle down." Christina tries to calm them all down but they keep making noise. I roll my eyes, take my gun out, point it at the ceiling and shoot it three times. Everyone get quiet.

"Listen up. Dauntless born with this one," I say pointing to Christina, "and transfers with us." I point to Four and myself. They all run in the direction they're supposed to and soon it's just the transfers, Four, and me.

"Welcome to Dauntless." Four shouts at them. "We will be your instructors throughout your initiation. I'm Four and this little one is Six." He pats my head like I'm a child that just came back from school; so I elbow him in the gut and smile in satisfaction.

"Wait, like number? Why the hell would you call yourselves after numbers." Some smart ass Candor mouth said, it reminds me of when Christina said that to Four.

"Listen..." Four starts walking towards her but I beat him too it. I get my gun out and shoot it towards her ear; not so that it hits her ear, just so that it grazes it. She looks at me in shock. She starts rubbing her ear to make sure it's still there.

"Anyone else got any smart ass comment?" I yell at them.

"No mam." They all shout at the same time. Tobias turns around and smiles at me while trying to hold back a laugh.

"Okay everyone follow Four. We'll give you all a tour." I turn and whisper to Four. "I'll stay in the back with the gun." He laughs and starts leading them towards the pit. I see all the initiates looking around in wonder and in awe of the dauntless compound. I see two candor girls staring and giggling at Tobias as he crosses his arms over his chest, exposing all the muscles in his arms. Yeah, I don't like those two.

"This is the pit. Here is where you can get piercings, go to restaurants, go shopping," I cringe at the word. "Or you can get a tattoo by either Tori or Six." Everyone turns around and they all look at me with wide eyes.

"You give people tattoos?" One Amity boy asks with a discussed look on his face.

"You want one kid? Don't worry, it wont hurt…much." I saw his eyes widen and his head lowered.

"Anyway, behind me is the chasm. This separates bravery from idiocy. If you fall in, you die. It happened before and I can assure you it will happen this year. Someone will jump." Now everyone is scared. I start laughing to myself but one of the girls staring at Tobias notices me.

"Are you seriously laughing right now?" Her name was Brittany and the other Candor girl was Brianna. I take my gun out and set the bullet in the chamber and held it up to her forehead.

"Are you saying that I can't laugh when I feel like it?"

"N-no" She said.

"No what?"

"No mam." I remove the gun and hear her exhale in relief. I walk towards Four who has an extremely satisfying smile on his face. He started chuckling to himself as well; then he led us into the training room.

"This is where we will be training. You will report here every morning at 8 am for training. If you are by any chance late, well, we'll find a way to make you remember to be on time." He grins and they still look scared. "Now go to lunch." They all run out of the room, egger for food. Tobias grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.

"You were amazing." He mumbles in my ear.

"You weren't so bad yourself." I say before I kiss him hard on the mouth. I can feel him smiling against my lips as he kisses me back. I don't know how long we've been kissing, but I hear my stomach growl, and apparently so did Tobias.

"Come on, let's go get some food." He led me into the crowded cafeteria and we sat at our usual table with Christina, Zeke, Uriah, Will, and Shauna. Christina already looks exhausted. Tobias went to go get us some burgers while I got our usual spots.

As we talk about our day, I see Tobias walking over with our burgers when Brianna steps in front of him and tries to flirt with him. I roll my eyes and watch them because this sure as hell will be entertaining. At first she looks hopeful, like she actually has a chance, but then her face drops and she look like she's about to cry. He turns back to our table and she storms off to where she was sitting before. He sits down and I take my burger from the tray and see that there are three empty plates.

"Did you already eat three of them?" He nods while he starts eating his fourth. I shake my head and I start eating mine.

"So I'm having a 'welcome party' for the newbies tomorrow at my place. You guys coming?" Uriah asks. Uriah just wants an excuse to have a party.

"Sure. We'll come." Tobias says. I nod in agreement. I feel tired. I lean on Tobias' shoulder and feel my eyes getting heavy. I haven't gotten that much sleep last night, or nay night really; Tobias always finds a way to keep me awake at night, if you know what I mean.

"Is Trissy tired?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I say like a little kid.

"Does Tris wanna go back to our apartment?"



"Yeah" I say and then I start laughing. He gets up, helps me up, and then we head back to our apartment. I lean on his shoulder and lace my fingers through his. It's moments like these when I'm really happy I have Tobias. We get back and he unlocks the door and I fall on the bed. It's only 3 pm, but I feel exhausted. Tobias puts in a movie and makes some popcorn. I change into one of Tobias' shirts (cause lets face it, his shirts are the practically the only things I wear) and climb into the bed.

"Why thank you darling." I say as he hands me a bowl of popcorn. He changed out of his clothes and into a pair of sweatpants. He leans into the back of the bed and lifts me onto his lap. I laugh as his demands that I stay on his lap the whole time so I can keep him warm.

Halfway into the movie, there's a knock on our door.

"Who is it?" I ask. I don't hear a response so I got off of Tobias, who started whimpering, and went to the door to see who it was. I look through the peep whole and let out an exaggerated sigh. I walk away from the door and Tobias gets up and answers it.

"Hello?" He says. "Oh it's you."