I don't own Johnny Test or any of the characters I just kicked this around too long.

This story is from a slightly different universe, not by much. Everyone is still the same gender. The girls are still geniuses obsessed with their next door neighbor Gill, who I think I'll give a him a cousin or a twin that nobody knows about, maybe. Johny is still their favorite test subject but since it's illegal to test on human's he's a clone of their older brother Johnathan. Again I kicked this idea around too much, so it's gonna be weird. I also made some changes to Bling-bling and their relationship. They're still bitter rivals as of yet. But they get along better than in the show. Like most my stories I got some of the Ideas from dreams and the rest got kicked around too long. So please be nice to the story line and just tell me if the way I'm writing is any good cause I know a lot of the time people like won't like the story, but if it's good even if your not sure why than it's written well. You see what I'm getting at.

I'm doing this to see if my details, descriptions, and characterizations are good enough to get away with my "sins of writing" the things that not everyone likes.

Johnny sat up in his bed, it was unusual for him to wake up without prompting but today was different. He'd finally convinced Eugene (Bling-bling Boy) to leave Susan alone. At the cost of going through this stupid contest with him. They'd made a bet if one Johnny would step aside. It was contest that would eat up the next four years of his life, not that Eugene wouldn't take up more of it. The contest was that if Eugene could get Susan to date him without science or anything else than he could date Susan without Johnny's interference. If he just walked up to her and asked her out he'd win.

The thing was Eugene knew he didn't stand a chance with Susan so he'd complained it wasn't a fair contest and somehow Johnny was waking up at three am to give pointers to his enemies. Johnny stood up out of bed careful not to wake Dukey. He quietly crept to the closet, somehow managing not to step on anything in the dark messy room. Dad's right, Johnny thought as he struggled through his messy room, I need to start Cleaning my room. If only so I can sneak out without tripping over stuff and waking anyone. He pulled the clothes he'd set aside when undressing for bed that night. He yawned he definitely hated being up this early. Why'd he even agree to this stupid contest, anyway?

Oh right, he had wanted an excuse to get away. Well now he had one, and he needed to get away quick. He crept through the dark room to the window and out of the house and so began the days of training that would go on till highschool.