Hey guys! So this will be the final chapter of Ties That Bind. At least I think so. Who knows It might stretch to two. We'll just have to see where it goes. After this I will post the first chapter of Midnight Assassins Sequel. Chapter one is completely finished and has been since March of last year. I am so not on my game. I'm really sorry about that, but college students don't have a lot of free time so I hope you can forgive me for this way overdue conclusion.

Summary: Sakura was born in Kirigakure. She is the daughter of the Mizuikage Mei Terumi. She is destined to end up as the next Mizuikage when she is kidnapped and finds herself on the outskirts of Konohagakure Injured and in need of help having successfully escaped her captors. There she meets Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, and Sai. Who are all ANBU and just returning from a mission. They stumble upon Sakura who is delirious by this point and she sees the before passing out. She later wakes up in the hospital and is told where she is and that he mother wants her to stay in Konoha. As war is bearing down on them and traveling would be incredibly dangerous. She meets unlikely people and makes lasting friend ships.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto in anyway shape or form. If I did it wouldn't be nearly as awesome.

Chapter 15

Sasuke's P.O.V.

Naruto and I followed Sakura's path from the house keeping a careful distance. She has sharp senses and if we were caught who knows what would happen. She wasn't in the best of moods when she left and if the current chaotic sate of her chakra signature said anything she was very irritated.

A light snow fall started up as we came to the edge of a vast clearing. Broken, worn down, or destroyed training dummies were at one side of the clearing and to the other side were target posts wrapped around the barren branches and trunks of thick trees. The many nick marks and missing chunks scattered across it's surface said that it either had not been replaced in a long time or genin used it as well.

Sakura ignored all of those things and went to the center of the clearing and sat down. cross legged, set her hands on her knees palm upwards, closed her eyes and began taking deep breaths holding each one in for ten seconds before releasing it slowly. She was calming herself down and focusing her mind through meditation. After ten minutes of this she stood up and created an ice clone before taking a fighting stance. A half crouch with one palm raised outward and the other fisted closer to her side. Her eyes finally opened and that seemed to be the signal because both Sakura's immediately launched themselves forward. A taijutsu battle.

They exchanged blows alternating between blocking kicks and punches and delivering them. Neither one seemingly able to land a blow on the other.

They moved around so rapidly I had lost track of the real Sakura. Small fissure and cracks spread on the ground around and in between them with every missed attack. Just as it seemed neither one would get the other hand one of them made a mistake and realized it to late.

A smirk spread across her face as she wrapped her around the others wrist and yanked her forward into a punch before tossing her across the clearing through a tree not too far from the one we were hiding in. A few minutes passed before she was up again. The blood trickling from the small cuts confirmed my thoughts. This one was the real Sakura. She stayed near the destroyed tree and created another ice clone. She handed the second clone a wrapped package and she disappeared. The remaining two stayed where they were and waited for the thirds arrival. After five minutes she strolled back in to the clearing and gave a signal.

Both Sakura's dashed in to the trees running in the direction the third had come from. I slipped down from the tree Naruto and I were hidden in and followed after Sakura. It's not like I had to look very hard. The constant shakes and tremors as well as the occasional explosion left a pretty clear trail. Seems they were racing for something. I had almost caught up to them when Naruto appeared at my side. A messenger hawk resting on his shoulder and a roll clenched in his hand. Seems the signal we had waited for was finally here. Time to get back to work it seems.

Ino's P.O.V.

Finally the signal we'd been waiting for came. It was time to move out. Naruto and Sasuke's abrupt appearance with an all to familiar looking scroll confirmed it. An assassination mission, S-Class.

We returned to our rooms and suited up. Replacing civilian clothes for the ANBU uniforms. I yanked my loose hair up into a tight ponytail and clipped my bangs away from the left side of my face before stripping my clothes.

I yanked on the form fitting black pants and wound a strip of cloth around my right thigh before pulling on my black sleeveless shirt exposing the swirled black ANBU tattoo on my right arm. The gloves I slipped on had metal plates attached to them and stopped at shoulder level. The last things I pulled on before leaving my room was the white a white armor vest with purple stings holding it closed in the front. A pouch with poisons, senbon, spare shuriken, kunai, and antidotes. A tanto was strapped across my back and knee high heeled boots replaced my usual ankle sandals. I tied the strings of my black and purple cat mask over my face and met the others on the roof.

Hinata was wearing mesh shorts underneath a white skirt the same color as her white armor vest. A black sleeveless form fitting shirt underneath the vest. Mesh gloves slightly longer than the black ones she has pulled over that with shorter metal plates strapped to her wrists. A small black obi is tied around her waist and she has stuck her tanto through it. Heeled ankle boots complete her outfit. Her hair has been drawn up in to a high ponytail with two chopsticks stuck through it.

Tenten is wearing the standard ANBU uniform consisting of Black pants, a black sleeveless shirt, the white armor vest, shoulder length gloves covering the tip of her tattoo, with metal arm guards. Black sandals with bandages wrapped up to her calves on both legs. A large scroll is trapped to her back right above her waist and a short green scarf with slightly tattered ends is wrapped around her neck.

Neji is dressed similarly to Tenten with the exception of her scroll and scarf. Instead he has a tanto and a brown scarf in a similar state as Tenten's.

(A/N I interrupt you're regularly scheduled chapter to bring you this important message. For the duration of the ANBU mission they will be identified by the animal of their masks and are the following:

Ino- Cat

Tenten- Panda

Hinata- Tiger

Naruto- Fox

Sasuke- Snake

Shikamaru- Hawk

Neji- Sparrow

Kakashi- Lion

Itachi- Weasel :P

Yamato- Monkey

That brings us to the end of this. Now back to your regularly scheduled chapter.)

"We'll be splitting into two groups. Cat, Hawk, Snake, Sparrow and Panda you will follow Monkey. The rest of you will come with me". Lion said before vanishing into the trees.

"Lets move out" Snake said before we too faded into the night.

TIMESKIP! (Apron two hours)

We had long sense left the gates of Kiri and headed towards a rather small village on the border of Kiri territory. Lately a gang of rouge Shinobi had been dancing in between Kiri's borders and taking out the small villages there. Just like before the war had started. The only difference was now they had acquired someone in their group in every bingo book in the five great nations as well as some of the lesser known hidden villages. Misumi Tsurugi. One of Kabuto's former lackeys and the only one known to still be alive. He'd taken to hiding until about two months ago when he began recruiting all the missing nin not yet captured. He'd been causing a lot of trouble for the Mizukage and she hadn't been able to spare a team to deal with him. Until now.

His last known location was the village I could finally see in the distance. Unfortunately flames and smoke threw the whole village into sharp relief. The black billowing smoke painting the starry sky with it's dark hat colors. When we we're about twenty feet away I could hear a few people screaming. I swallowed back the sick feeling in my stomach even as it threatened to slip up.

"Cat, Snake, Sparrow locate Misumi or any of his lackeys. Don't kill him yet we'll need to question him, so try to avoid that if you can. Panda and Hawk will come with me and search of survivors". Monkey said and we split off into the the two groups.

Smoke seemed to come from every inch of the village. Not a single building was spared from the destructive flames. The cries I'd heard when we a approached the village were slowly dying out. I tried not to think about what that meant.

"Over here, someone trapped in the house". Sparrow called out pulling our attention to a building with one wall still standing. The roof had caved in compromising the entire structure of the place. How anyone could still be alive was beyond me. "Put the flames out as much as you can. Lets get this person out as quickly as possible".

We worked diligently to remove all the debris. Finally after what seemed like hours we pulled the last of collapsed building away.

A small body was curled up against the still standing wall. It was a young girl. The left side of her body was badly burned, many of the burns were bleeding. She had a few cuts as well. Some of them belonged to a kunai. The rest were most likely made from falling wood.

"She's still alive, lets get her away from that wall. I don't think it will hold out much longer. Especially now that we moved a bunch of the collapsed building. Bring her over here". I said as I laid out a make shift bed.

Shortly after she had been set on the bed she began to stir. "Mother"? She called out weakly. Her voice hoarse from all the smoke she'd no doubt inhaled. "I'm not your mother. Please be still so I can treat your injuries. Moving around like that will only make them worse".

She stopped wiggling and shifting but I could feel her heart pick up in fear. The beat was still very strong so I was confident she would pull through this experience. Maybe not unscathed but alive nonetheless.

Green healing chakra floded my hands once more and I started with the few cuts she had. The bleeding being her most life threatening injury at the moment. Luckily they were shallow cuts and closed quickly. I moved on to her burns next. As the minutes passed I could feel her heart rate return to normal. She was relaxing now that her fear was ebbing away along with any pain she felt. I felt eyes on me and looked up to see it was the girl watching me. Her amber eyes were mesmerized by the rapidly fading injuries on her body. I wagered a guess that she'd never seen medical ninjutsu before today much less a ninja.

I sat back once I was finished lightly painting, I always forgot that haling serious burns took a lot more chakra than you would think, not to mention a good twenty five percent of her body had been injured. Now that she wasn't covered with wounds I could see her better. She had strawberry blonde hair that looked almost pink in the light of the few fires still burning in the village behind me. It was short and pulled up into a spiky pony tail with the end curling towards her neck. She had long fringe parted to the right and just barely brushing the top of her eye.

She moved to sit up when I finished but I held one of my hands to her shoulder. "You need to stay put, exhaustion will be kicking in, in a few minutes. Speeding up the healing process puts a strain on the body. So that will make you tired". I told her and when her body relaxed I released her shoulder. I made to turn around when she shot up and her small arms wrapped around my waist.

"Please don't leave me alone again Ninja-San. That scary man will come back again"! She was crying now and I felt my heart constrict painfully at that. She was all alone now. A quick scan of the village would verify that, but there was no real need to. We'd been through most of ti already and the rest of it was just burning cinders. There was nothing left of the village that had stood here hours before.

A thought occurred to me at my realization of the absence of life. It meant Misumi was no longer here, the same can be said for his lackeys.

I looked back down at the girl I was holding down on the mat and realized she was asleep. At the same time the rest of our team appeared. "You're headed back to Kiri with the girl. Tiger and Panda are going with you. The rest of us will continue on. We found a faint trail leading twenty miles to the North and into Neutral territory. If we're not back in four hours you will rejoin us. Move out". Lion said before vanishing with the others.

"We'd better not stall, she may not be in danger of dying from burns but she's almost dehydrated. I said picking the girl up and running for Kiri.

We were about half way back when I picked up that someone was following us. Luckily the other two noticed at the same time we did. We made no move that showed we knew someone was there. Simply kept going waiting to see if the person would make a move.

After about two more miles I couldn't feel anyone behind me anymore. I wasn't stupid to think I had completely lost them. They had simply hidden their presence completely. I was about ten minutes from Kiri's gates when they made their more.

"Konoha Shinobi Elite, give me the girl and surrender unconditionally and I shall spare you". The voice was male but I couldn't place it. Like hell I'd hand over an innocent civilian to an enemy. I didn't really have to respond. My silence made it more than obvious that I wouldn't surrender.

"So be it, you made your choice. A foolish one at that. Prepare to die Konoha Shinobi Elite". The way he spoke was weird. Almost stiffly formal. I'd heard someone speak that way to me before but I just couldn't remember. It wouldn't help me now of course and my thoughts were only serving as a distraction. If I can just get to the gates I can get the girl to safety and then maybe deal with this guy.

I wish Shikamaru was here right now. He'd no exactly what to do and when to do it.

Sakura's P.O.V.

I knew someone was watching me and I had a pretty good idea as to who it was. The presence may have been one I hadn't felt in a long time but it was hard to forget. After all how do you forget people who used to be your comrades and teammates? I certainly never did. Besides it's hard to forget people like those in Konoha. They really seem to care for one another. It's just a shame that an outsider like me could never got in with that world.

Somehow I always new that my cold personality would eventually hurt me in the end. I can't blame them for not wanting me to stay. After all the way I treated them even when they wanted to help me wasn't kind. Maybe that had started to change during the war. I had let myself open up, I dared to hope but the damage had already been done. No one had wanted me to stay except Naruto. But that's just the kind of person he is. So warm and caring.

I shook my head. I can't think of the past now. I want to see what they are up to. They all left Kiri trying to be as stealthy as possible. They were up to something and I am going to get to the bottom of it. First things first though. I should change my clothes. Sparring with yourself isn't always the best idea. I thought as I glanced down at my clothes. Torn in various places and stained with blood here and there. I'd probably scare someone like this.

After I got home I slipped off my clothes and tossed them into the corner. I'd deal with them later.

I grabbed my black long sleeved shirt and yanked it over my head and my black pants and pulled those on afterwards. Then i pulled my hair from my shirt and straightened out the mess it had become before pulling it up into a high ponytail and clipped my bangs to the side with a few bobby pins. That done I wrapped a strip of black cloth around my right thigh and strapped my kunai pouch to it. I pulled my red sash tightly around my waist and tied my weapons pouch to it. I briefly recognized it as the one Ino gave me a while back.

I tucked my katana's sheath into the sash and slid the sharp blade into it. I tucked a few scrolls into the front and grabbed my boots as I ran for the door. Peeking out first I saw no one around and jumped for the nearest roof.

Slipping past the guards was a tricky task. They were all familiar with my chakra signature and if I was caught I wouldn't be able to find out what was going on. Somehow I managed it. Soon I was running through the trees. It may have been faint but I picked up the trail. Naruto's tracks were hard to completely hide and a little ways outside the village I found his trail. Ino's as well. The others not so much. They didn't leave trails. Especially Itachi, Sasuke, and Kakashi most of all. Good luck trying to track him of all people down without a bloodhound.

It seems I wasn't supposed to catch up with everyone. Because I'd found Ino. Hinata and Tenten were with her. They were protecting the figure lying on the ground a short ways behind them. The person I recognized as the one who often watched me around the village. How he slipped in and out I didn't know. He never left any trace.

Ino wasn't badly hurt. Just a few cuts here and there. Hinata and Tenten were in the same condition. Their opponent was unharmed. Just how strong is this guy?

Finally I couldn't stand by any longer. Ino, Tenten, and Hinata wouldn't be able to hold him forever, especially when you consider how well he's fairing against them. I was just about to move when a voice called out.

"I know you're there, why don't you show yourself"? Even though he'd said it as an invitation it was clearly an order. "And if I don't"? I called back moving from my spot after laying down a paper bomb. I place them all around the area in a giant circle. No matter where he went if he tried to escape I would get him.

"Then I'll just gill the Konoha Shinobi Elite and take the girl they guard anyway. Before you can even lift a finger they will die". I held my breath waiting to see what happened. I know they're in danger and I want to help. No I will help. I just need to be smart about it. Otherwise we could all die. I don't know anything about this person other than the fact that he's been watching me since I returned to Kiri after the war ended over six months ago.

Finally I jumped down from the tree I was in and walked into the clearing. Ino's eyes zeroed in on me and I saw them widen even behind her mask. Hinata and Tenten were quick to look as well. Though Hinata didn't seem surprised. She'd spotted me awhile ago but hadn't said a word. She probably knew exactly what I was up to as well. Hinata was smart. She wouldn't say a word about what I'd done.

The moonlight hit me full on when I stepped into the clearing. The wind blowing behind me scattering the snowflakes around in little flurries. It was snowing again. A gentle quiet fall floating down from the sky. The beautiful picture it cast almost ironic to the deadly scenario that surely awaited.

"I'm here what do you want with me"? I asked as I walked closer to Hinata who stood on the side of their cluster, closest to the part of the forest I'd come out from.

"I have no interest in you. The girl behind you is the one who I came for. Someone who runs from her future holds no interest to me". He stated calmly. I clenched my fist. It's not like I could deny it. I had always been running from something. The past, the present, who people thought I should be, what they wanted me to be, who i wanted to be, what I should be, and even things I wanted. When I hadn't said what I wanted all those months ago I'd turned my back on myself essentially. I had always run, but I'm tired of running. It's time for me to start doing.

"Maybe I do always run from things. Maybe deep down I'm afraid of everything that I could be or want. But I certainly don't need a jackass like you to tell me that. Don't lie to me you asshole. No one watches someone for months just for the hell of it. Didn't know I knew that huh? How stupid do you think I am"? I asked as I pulled my blade from the sheath at my hip.

He laughed then, the sound was strange. Even though he clearly found humor in my words his laugh was emotionless. Just like his voice. Monotone. Emotionless.

"You certainly are quite the character aren't you Terumi Sakura? He said before reaching a hand up and parting the cloak he'd been wearing. He pushed his hood back and untied the strings holding the cloak closed and on his shoulders.

"Misumi Tsurugi"! Tenten hissed at the man. I realized why his face was familiar to me know. Though I'd never met him face to face before I had certainly heard of the rouge shinobi, former member of the team that had infiltrated Konoha during the first chunin exams seven almost eight years ago. He was currently at the top of the bingo books. As he posed the most threat.

"What does someone like you want with a little girl"? I asked pointing the sharp tip of my katana at him. If he made a wrong move I'd slice him in to a dozen pieces.

"You should know that I am very familiar with your skills Sakura". I raised my eyebrow at his use of my first name. I didn't want to be on any sort of terms with such a person. "Only my friends and family may use my first name. Next time I'll cut your tongue out you bastard". I crouched when he smiled. Things were about to get serious.

"I am under no obligation to tell you what I want the girl for". I took one step forward. "Are you sure you want to do that Terumi-San"? He asked reaching behind him. I knew about the surgery he'd undergone and all about his ability to manipulate himself after dislocating his joints. I'd study every medical text and scroll I could find. This particular procedure was banned a long time ago because it put a great deal of pain and stress on the body and the success rates were very low. Most of the patients ended up as cripples for the rest of their lives.

"Yes I am very sure I want to kick your ass into the grave". I snapped. All I need to do is make sure he isn't within touching distance. If I can disable the use of his arms then that'll put my chances of victory on a higher scale. If he gets me I'm done for.

He took a step forward and I exploded across the clearing hoping to use my speed to take him off guard. Unfortunately he had a kunai ready to block the first strike of my katana and the blades screeched as they ran together.

I clenched my fist and swung it towards his face only for him to catch it and twist my hand to the side. I held back from flinching even when I heard a crack. Both our hands were occupied now so I raised my leg and kicked him in the side. He didn't block in time an flew back into a tree knocking it over. I jumped back when several kunai flew at me from the direction I'm sent him. One of them stuck in my arm but the cut wasn't deep. I yanked it out and threw it to the ground.

"Get the girl out of here now. You won't get another chance"! I whisper yelled to Ino and Hinata. Hinata looked like she wanted to protest but I pushed her and she started running close behind Ino. Giving me a backward glance as she disappeared from sight.

"You don't honestly think they can get away do you"? Misumi said with an air of arrogance. He threw more kunai this time with paper bombs attached and smoke and snow blew up with the explosion. I wouldn't be able to see now so I closed my eyes and sought out his presence. He was running after Ino and Hinata though the trees. I caught up to him and grabbed his ankle and threw him to the ground behind me.

"Now you've done it". He said staggering to his feet and spitting blood out. He wiped his mouth and vanished. I searched the area for him but couldn't find him.

"Tenten do you..". Pain ripped through my side as I was sent flying into a tree. Parts of the tree cracked and the rough bark dug into my back as well as many splinters. Those would be a bitch to remove later. Across the field I heard someone cry out. "Tenten"! I yelled closing my right eye as warm liquid trickled down the side of my face and into my eye. A nice little gash ran on the side of my face and into the corner of my eyebrow. Probably from a broken branch.

I managed to stand up and looked to where they were. Tenten was holding a sharp spear in one hand and staring at the other where a senbon had been shoved all the way through her palm in the center. Blood was making a trail down the long silver needle and sating the snow.

She knocked Misumi off his feet with the end of the spear and jumped back three times before pulling the needle out with her teeth and dropping it to the ground. Then she wrapped a strip of cloth around her hand and tied it tightly.

I grabbed my katana from where I'd dropped it and walked to her side. "Lets finish this". I said to Tenten and she nodded.

Despite having the advantage in number Misumi had no problems holding his own against us. Tenten was down one hand and my wrist hurt a great deal. Damn bastard probably fractured it when he twisted my arm. I tried to ignore it and fight anyways but Misumi seemed to know about it and attacked me on my left side repeatedly forcing me to put more strength in my blocks.

Somehow he managed to get Tenten's spear away from her. He'd grabbed the blades sides and twisted it out of her grip. It flew into the base of a tree and shook the whole thing from the force of the impact. I knew Tenten was a weapon's master so I tossed her my katana and pulled a kunai instead. It would be easier for me to work with this and not put so much pressure on my wrist. Or so I thought anyways.

I'm pretty sure Ino and Hinata made it back to the village now so we don't have to worry about him trying to go after them. It seems Misumi is too determined to take us out at the moment anyways.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

After searching for two hours we'd been unable to locate Misumi or any of his lackeys. No trace or trail of them could be found either. So we were headed back to Kiri to report the failure. We weren't too far from the village when a small explosion went off to the right of us. Smoke was rising in the air, suggesting that a fire had been started as a result of the blast.

Deciding that it would be better to check it out we split up again. Neji, Shikamaru, Naruto, Kakashi, and I would see what was going on. The others would head to the village.

Racing through the trees towards the smoke I saw that my assumptions were correct. A few trees were on fire, but it wasn't as bad as I originally thought.

Movement near the opposite edge of the clearing drew my attention. Someone was racing trough the trees chasing another person. A little to the left I saw Tenten resting against a tree unconscious. A small gash on the left side of her forehead was still bleeding a bit but it wasn't bad. From the cuts she had I'd guess that she was caught in the explosion.

A cry of pain had me looking back over to where I'd seen the figures disappear. Someone came flying out of the trees backwards, having been thrown. They fell on their side roughly and didn't move. Long pink hair spread messily on the ground and I realized it was Sakura on the ground. She groaned and rolled to her back clutching her left leg. A kunai was stuck in her thigh pretty deep and bleeding quite a bit.

She sat up and managed to stand before taking hold of the kunai's handle. Biting her lip she yanked from her thigh letting a gasp and a few painful breaths escape her before wrapping a bandage around the wound staunching the blood flow.

She finally notice our presence and relief shone in her eyes before they iced over again. "Are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to help me? Misumi is trying to get away"! She yelled as she tested her wait on her left leg. Deeming it not to painful she walked towards us with a slight limp. Red was just starting to stain the top of the bandage but she paid it no mind.

"Where's Hinata, Ino, and the girl"? Kakashi asked as he directed Naruto and Neji to follow after Misumi. "Tenten and I stalled Misumi so they could get away. He wanted the girl for some reason. We had no choice but to hold him off". Kakashi nodded accepting her answer.

She wobbled suddenly, unsteady and her eyes became hazy. "Shit, it was poisoned". She muttered before her eyes slid closed and she collapsed. Kakashi caught her and held her up. "I don't think it was life threatening but I'm going to take her and Tenten back to the village. Sasuke, go with Naruto and Neji. Bring Misumi back alive if possible". I nodded and ran in the direction Naruto and Neji had disappeared to earlier.

We never could find Misumi and no matter how many times we sent search parties out no clues were ever found. He simply vanished without a trace. Tenten and Sakura spent three days in the hospital. The poison wasn't very serious but Sakura's mother forced her to stay anyways. Just to make sure. Tenten stayed because she was asleep until the third morning. She had exhausted her chakra supply so that was why she stayed asleep so long.

In the days that followed after that I noticed a change come over Sakura. At first it was just little things like acknowledging me or anyone else in the room. After that she started greeting us whenever we came back and telling us goodbye when we small things that the others mostly ignored.

It wasn't until the week before Christmas that I actually found out what had caused the change. The girl that had been rescued from the village was behind it. Her name was Momo Nanami. She wasn't a ninja but she had come from a small clan that wasn't very well known. The reason that Misumi was after he because she was the last surviving member that carried a now rare Kekkei Genkai. According to Momo's limited knowledge of this particular ability it allows you to completely become someone else. You would completely assume another identity. Everything from the appearance of that person to their voice is copied. It's no wonder Misumi wanted her.

The only drawback that this ability has is that the user must have first seen the person the wish to become or have some of their blood. Changing back is fairly difficult as well, but Momo told us she didn't know how to do that.

Sakura had been attending Momo while she was in the hospital and Momo had spoken to her everyday. Slowly bringing Sakura out from the walls she had built up around her heart so no one would get in.

It happened Christmas night. Sakura had been drinking the egg nog that Naruto had dumped extra bourbon into. Almost an entire bottle to be precise. She dragged me outside and told me that she wanted to go back to Konoha. Her face was very red by this point and she was tripping over her words but somehow she managed to get her message across. So after New Year's we would return and Sakura was coming with us.

Hey guys! I know I have been gone for such a long time. Been busy with school and such. Anyways I have written and re-writtnen this chapter probably 60 times but still I'm not satisfied with it. I am missing something. So I will give you this for now. Any suggestions you have would be spectacular. As of right now I can't finish this story. My inspiration for it is just gone. To be honest I haven't been able to write or finish a story for a long time now that's why I have nothing new. I still love writing but right now it's just really hard for me. So I will be going on Hiatus for now. I will find myself again and bring stories that you guys will love. I realize that's not fair to those of you who have stuck with me for so long. I will still answer any questions PM'd to me or any reviews given. I haven't given up. So with that in mind I hope you will accept this sorry chapter for now in hopes that one day soon I will be back to give it the ending it deserves. Thank you to all who have given me support and kicked me in the rear when I had something less than satisfactory here. *Hugs & Kisses* Ja na!

-SasuSaku993 Out-