A/N: Hai Initiates! This is my last update until I have to go back to school xD. I'm sure I'll still be able to update on the regular times (Friday and Sunday) so it's not the timing that I'm worried about; It's just that I don't want to go back to school haha. Also I noticed that in the last recent chapters at the bottom I left some of my notes or ideas and they're spoilers so in case you've seen it (or haven't) I won't be using them c;. To be honest I almost had a heart attack but it's my fault lmao. Anyways, on with the chapter :6

Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent, the wonderful Veronica Roth does.

Tiffany Blews - Fall Out Boy

Tris POV

All of us looked at each other as we heard Tate's confession and shortly after, his death. Tears started to fill my eyes and I saw Christina and Lauren silently crying. Even though they knew him better than me because he was their initiate, my Abnegation senses kick in and I can't stop myself from trying to help Tobias and Zeke help carry him to the infirmary.

Tobias stops me by pulling me close to him. "Tris it's okay, Zeke and I can carry him to the infirmary. We'll meet up with you guys as soon as we're done, okay?" he said tenderly, looking me directly in the eye.

I opened my mouth to protest but Tobias pulled me even closer towards him and kissed me. He held me in his arms softly, as if he would break me. I just lost him; I can't lose him again, I think in my mind.

I pulled away and looked up at Tobias. "Please, don't do anything to get yourself hurt, I can't lose you again. When I woke up and you weren't there-" I started, but stopped as I felt myself beginning to break down. I swallowed and shook my head reassuringly. Tobias placed his fingers under my chin and urged me to look up at him.

"I'll see you when you come back, I promise. I'm not going anywhere again Tris, I won't leave you." Tobias stated, determinedly.

I nodded my head and gave a small smile. I saw Zeke hug Shauna and give Uriah and brotherly hug. Tobias hugged me one more time and let go, leaving to help carry Tate to the infirmary with Zeke. We watched them go and decided to come up with our next plan.

"You call the shots Six, you're the smartest one here." Christina said in a raspy voice.

Everyone looked to me, expectantly and my mind blanked. I don't always know the answer to everything and it's irritating because everyone thinks that I know what to do in reality I don't. I'm only 17 for christs sake. Since all of us are here already, we don't have to find random people to help us, assuming that they already know that Dauntless is being attacked.

"I say we attack Erudite." I simply state.

"We're not going to just let them intrude our compound and get away with it. After what Jeanine did to Abnegation, I do not want Dauntless to end up in ashes. We're supposed to be the soldiers of this city and I will not let Erudite win a fight again." I continue, clenching my fists and my anger bubbles up inside of me.

They all stared at me speechless for a second then Eric spoke. "Okay, I agree; I'll go alert the rest of the leaders and let them know." Eric said, walking away from the group with Lauren.

"Shouldn't we break up into groups?" Uriah asked.

"Yeah I agree, but not initiates vs members. There should be a mix on both sides." Peter said.

Agreeing with Peter, I nodded. "Okay, let's go to the Pit and see what the hell is going on." I said, leading everyone towards the Pit.

"Wait no offense, but who are you?" Colton asked, his eyes bloodshot red.

I looked over towards Jake and Sydney and they looked at me sheepishly. "They're Four's siblings." I state, not knowing anything about them except for that little piece of information.

The initiates eyes widened in shock but they quickly held it.

"Let's go, I need to make sure that Grace is okay." Ethan said, anxious.

We all headed towards the Pit, prepared to take down Erudite.


When we arrived towards the Pit we saw chaos to say the least. Everyone was yelling at each other all at once and some were just waking up from the simulation, confused. Squinting through the fading smoke, I spotted the rest of the initiates heatedly fighting and I saw Mackenzie, Ethan, Faith, Emily, and Colton (slowly) hastily run towards them.

The rest of us followed and I saw Mackenzie run into Jason's arms and cried into his chest. Ethan and Faith ran over to Bryce and Grace, and Bryce hugged Faith tightly.

"Hey where's Tate?" Jackson asked, noticing that Tate was missing.

I looked at Colton and my heart broke as I saw silent tears run down his cheeks. Jackson and Jason simultaneously looked at each other and quickly hugged their best friend. Macy and Madi quickly embraced him and sobbed, knowing that there will always be a missing piece between them.

I looked away, not wanting to interrupt and I noticed that Grace was still unconscious and Ethan violently shook her.

"Why is she still asleep while everyone else is awake." Ethan yelled, looking towards me.

"I don't know Ethan, maybe she inhaled more smoke than everyone else." I suggested.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Ethan exclaimed, looking at me like I grew a second head.

David walked over to Ethan and shoved him over to the side. "Dude, chill. I'm sure she'll wake up eventually." he stated confidently.

Ethan nodded, realizing that he was overreacting. Bryce patted him on the shoulder reassuringly and looked at Faith who was kneeling down next to Grace. Looking at them with their hair styled the same way, I noticed that they look strikingly similar. Ethan kneeled down next to Faith and whispered something to her. Faith nodded and Ethan picked up Grace and cradled her in his arms.

"The real question is what the hell is going on? We woke up and then all of a sudden everyone was arguing and we heard gunshots." Jason thundered.

"Erudite is attacking Dauntless. Apparently they dropped bombs in the Pit and it caused everyone to pass out. The only people that are awake are Divergent." Uriah stated while handing everyone guns besides Ethan.

"So you guys are Divergent?" Jason asked gesturing to Ethan, Faith, Colton, Emily, and Mackenzie.

"No shit sherlock." Colton said, with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Everyone laughed, ecstatic that Colton was attempting to be happy.

"We need to break up into two groups and then decide what we're going to do next." I stated, and everyone turned their heads towards me.

"I say let's defense vs offense. That way the more experienced people will be able to successfully kill instead of getting themselves killed in offense." Macy said.

I shrugged. "That works for me. Okay so Christina, Will, Uriah, Macy, Bryce, Jackson, Mackenzie, Peter, and I will attack." I declared.

"Then that leaves David, Madi, Madelynn, Emily, Colton, Faith, Grace, Ethan, Jake, and Sydney to defend, but attack if needed." I settled.

Everyone nodded besides Ethan. "I'm going to take Grace to the infirmary, so I won't be able to help." Ethan said.

"It's okay, I understand." I smiled, knowing that Ethan cares about Grace a lot.

"Thanks, hopefully she'll wake up sooner than we think." Ethan said.

Faith squeezed her sister's limp hand and nodded at Ethan. "Take good care of her, even though I know you will." Faith laughed.

Ethan started to walk away, and I heard a nearby gunshot fire. I saw the bullet fly towards Grace in Ethan's arm and Faith screamed. In a blink of an eye, Faith jumped in front of Grace and fell to the ground as the bullet hit her.

A/N: Hmm, will Faith survive? Time will only tell lol. I hope you guys liked the chapter and don't forget to review and vote for the pole on my profile on what I should do after TDE! c:

QOTC: Do you like The Shadowhunter Chronicles? {City of Bones, Clockwork Angel, Lady Midnight} and if so, are you going to watch Shadowhunters?

-KaylaxHerondale :]