
I cast a look at Albus as the girl ran from my office, he no longer had the twinkle in his eye and his face held every sign of his age.

"Go after her my boy, this is her best friend she is loosing you know what it's like so help her through it," urged Albus.

I got up and hurried to my bed or rather our bed now, she was laying there crying her eyes out and my heart broke for her. I laid down beside her on the bed and pulled her to me letting her cry herself to sleep against my chest. I began to think back to my memories of my best friend Lily, and how much it had hurt to lose first her friendship and then later on loosing her from this world, I wondered if perhaps Potter would reject Hermione's friendship over her supposed relationship with me. This girl deserved so much more and yet here she was stuck with me whether that be until I've outlived my usefulness or I die from old age I don't know, but yet I still mourned for her lost youth. No girl her age should have to fight a war like this, living on the run only to be captured and have their life choices stripped from them.

I don't know how long I had been laying here lost in my own thoughts, but I felt the girl begin to stir.

"I understand what must be done, but it hurts like hell. I mean he has been my best friend for 7 years and to find out hes living his final days now not knowing his fate is already decided." she stated.

I sat there listening to her mind as she steeled herself against the pain and began preparing herself for what is to come and it was in that moment I realized she was no longer a girl but a young woman. Her sacrifice and her courage amazed me as she got up and walked to my door to get back to the task at hand.

She looked back at me and asked, "Are you ready?"

I nodded and stood up and followed her back to my office. Our first task was to right down a list of the horcruxes that had been made which she knew more about than I did from all the information Harry had passed to her from Albus. There was the Diary destroyed in Potter's 2nd year, then the Ring which had cursed albus before he destroyed it, the locket they had found just before Hermione's capturing, and then of course Potter himself. That left us 3 more to find she informed me that there guesses on the last three were Helga Huffepuff's cup, Nagini, and The lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. As The Dark Lord had spent time in Albania the Diadem made sense but where he hid it I do not know, The cup however I had an inkling of an idea that it may lay in the Lestrange vault as he had asked her to keep something safe there for him. We came to the conclusion that without the sword the best way to destroy the remaining Horcruxes was with the the Baslisk teeth laying down below the school, one of us would have to learn how to say open in Parseltongue however. We sat there for hours researching through books and viewing memories Dumbledore had collected trying to see if we could come up with the location of the Lost Diadem but with no luck.

I think I am going to have to call it quits for the day as I have a lot of paperwork for the school to read through and fill out and sign, you can continue to sit here and research however," I told her.

The girl nodded never looking up from her place in the book, I walked over to my desk and sighed at the pile of paper sitting there waiting for me. We sat there working in silence when I felt someone against my wards, I flicked my wand and the books including the one in her hand vanished and she let out a little squeak.

"Get over here Hermione and kneel down in front of me with your head in my lap," I ordered.

she looked angry as she had no choice to follow my order, as she knelt before me she looked embarrassed and as she laid her head on my lap I put my had in her hair petting her.

"I'm sorry Hermione I have no choice right now just keep quiet unless spoken to," I said into her head.

There was a knock on my door and in walked Amycus followed by none other than Miss. Weasley with a pissed off Minerva biting her tongue by the looks of it while glaring daggers at Amycus. As there eyes made there way over to me Amycus look of glee became even more at seeing our placement, Weasley's were wide with shock and Minerva's bore into mine with such a look of hatred I had to steal myself not to flinch as i continued to pet Hermione.

"Sorry Severus I didn't mean to interupt, but I found Weasley terrorizing some of the Slytherins and when I was attempting to punish her this old hag, decided to interupt. I decided to bring them both to you as its obvious they are resisting the new ways," explained Amycus.


"ENOUGH, I will deal with Miss. Weasley myself, now both of you out of here," I demanded.

With a glare from both parties they exited my office leaving the girl in question standing alone looking slightly nervous yet still defiant as ever. Knowing exactly how to keep the girl in line at least somewhat I sneered at her.

Now Miss. Weasley I know you care about Miss. Grangers well being so if I were you I would keep myself in line because the next time you are caught out of line and Miss. Granger herself will suffer do you understand," I threatened.

"Yes sir," she gritted out.

"Dismissed," I snapped.

As soon as the door slammed shut Hermione was on her feet pointing her finger at me and glaring.

"What the hell do you think you are doing threatening my friend like that," she yelled

Getting to my feet I sneered at her and started backing her into the wall , "First of all Miss Granger I did it only because I knew it would kepp her in line whuch would then keep both her and my position safe, and Second of all I know for a fact I told you not to yell at me again do I need to actually order it of you or do you think you can manage on her your own," I said.

She looked terrified as I had her pinned against the wall with my body as I glared down at her. It's what she got for defying me when I was only trying to protect the girl and myself from the Dark Lord. I could hear in her head as the realization at what I had done sank in, and then the guilt for yelling at me began to seep in and my anger eased off some. I became very aware of her pressed against me and feeling my body reacting I shut down the connection and removed myself from her suddenly.

"Now Miss Granger it is time you and I walked down to dinner, remember follow behind me with eyes on the ground, do not make eye contact with anyone as the Carrows and the Slytherins both will see it as a reason for me to punish you," I told her.

"Yes Sir," she stated quietly still thinking about early.

Huge thank you to you guys for being so patient and supportive while waiting for me to update I know I said the updates would be awhile but as I found myself with the flu today I figured I would take the day to write something for you guys. I hope you all enjoy and I will update as soon as I can. As always R&R and please fell free to leave ideas behind in the reviews I love you guys and of course I sadly don't own any of this.