Author's Note: It's back! Consumed has gone underneath a major rewrite and I've changed how I'm going to go about it! Don't worry, the original character is still Savannah, I'm just going to go about it a different way than I originally planned it out! I think this might be a little more interesting and different than the typical Sis!Fic that you find in Vampire Diaries, we shall see! This is the prologue, and it will cover past and present timelines before moving on with the story, starting then from the beginning! It's still my very first TVD FanFiction, so wish me luck!

Pairing: Progresses through storyline! There will be Tyler/OC moments and Damon/OC moments, with endgame being a Damon/OC/Klaus connection triangle.
-Face Claim: Lily Collins

Rating: Fiction M- For language, adult themes/situations, violence/fighting/gore/character death (Hello, vampires! Duh!), underage drinking (don't do it!), angst and plenty of feels, etc.

*Warning!: For more warnings, please see below! This is a complicated pairing story, so if you're looking for something straight up Damon/OC or Klaus/OC, it may not be for you. Give it a try though, if you dare! I'm also trying not to Mary-Sue my OC out, but I'm sure some is unavoidable. There will be some minor Elena bashing sometimes, despite being a Sis/Twin!Fic. I can't help it, she gets on my nerves (;

Feel free to favorite, follow, review, and promote the story/fandom! I appreciate and love story feedback and suggestions, along with constructive criticism, but please keep any story flaming/hating and bullying to yourself; those are unneeded and tend to piss off the temperamental vamps! There are thousands of stories out there, if this one isn't for you, that's alright! :D

Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Vampire Diaries (TV Series, Novels, Webisodes, etc.), or its characters. That all belongs to the authors, producers, creators, writers, directors, and whoever else had a hand in its creation! Nor do I own any other trademarked/copyrighted material that may be mentioned in this story. I do own my OC's, and my personal plot bunnies hopping around.

-Book I-
Light in the Shadows

A girl stood out on the high balcony that towered over the street below, gazing out across the busy city's ever increasing population that represented its nightlife. The crowds in the square that rested below her were consistently growing more and more dense while the sun sank lower in the sky. A sharp breeze rose up in the air, lifting her brunette locks with it to separate the caramel strands from the darker ones as the gust continued to swirl around her. A slight tremor ran down her spine at the temperature drop, making a shiver course through her body while she crossed her arms a little tighter over her chest. A small smile played on her lips though as the shiver made its way through her body, a sensation she enjoyed.

"What are you doing out here, love?"

His soft tone wrapped around her like the wind, encasing her in its velvety smoothness that made her toes curl against the cool concrete where she stood barefoot. She'd never admit the effect it had on her aloud, but he knew.

He always knew.

"I'm not ready yet."

The girl's tone was sad, apprehensive as she uncrossed her arms to grip the railing tightly in her hands. Fingers clenching the cool metal for dear life, forcing the blood that pulsed through her from them as her knuckles turned pale white; she continued to stare out at the horizon.

He let loose a deep sigh and she knew without looking that his next move was to run his hand over his face, scratching against the rough stubble there before he pushed his fingers back through his hair. She didn't turn, didn't acknowledge his frustration as he did so.

She only watched the busy city below.

It had become a routine, one she enjoyed immensely. Every night would find her here on this balcony at some point, watching the herds of people below mill about. Some were natives, out enjoying a night of dining and dancing. Others were tourists, here to see the big city lights while enjoying the clubs and bars that riddled the next few blocks, each offering a different form of entertainment to appease the diverse crowds. Even on nights when she went out with him, which were most, she always found herself here on the balcony at some point just to watch.

"I don't want to forget." She whispered, knowing he could hear.

She felt him move then, enter her personal space easily with no hesitation as if they had known each other forever. His warmth radiated through her back as he neared, growing more heated when the bare skin of his chest finally touched her. She didn't move back into him like she normally did to fill the gaps, her stubborn streak rose up even as her anger with him dwindled to a mere spark. He growled lightly at the refusal and ran his hands down her sides before gripping her hips tightly. His hands were large enough that he was able to grab hold of both her hip and waist as he splayed his fingers over the skin left bare by the high hem of her shirt. He was rough, demanding as he yanked her into him with a force great enough to push the air from her lungs in a sharp exhale, all the while pulling her body into his to fill the gaps she'd left unfilled between them until her body was flush against his.

And she loved every second of it.

His aggressive nature sent a thrill through her that rocked her to the core every single time, making her toes curl even further as heat bloomed inside her lower stomach and muscles clenched in desire. He bent his head immediately, his nose tracing her jawline and the column of her throat before he nuzzled into the dip left by the junction of her shoulder and neck. His hands never stopped moving, grazing across her soft flesh as he dipped them under her shirt and smoothed them over her stomach before aiming higher. His thumb caressed the underside of her breast, the calloused yet soft skin sending tingles down her spine while he dipped his other hand lower to play with the waistband of her skirt. Her head connected with his thick shoulder as she arched her back, creating space that he simply angled his hips to fill. His tongue snuck out, tracing a line from her throat to the hollow over her collarbone with a heated but gentle pressure. The hot and cold sensation as the cool breeze hit the warmed, wet skin after his tongue slid by drew a sharp gasp from her lips, earning his deep chuckle.

"You'll remember." He reminded her.

"When?" She whispered, her chest rising and falling dramatically as his hands gripped her body tighter.

He pushed into her, jutting his hips into hers and flattening her body against the balcony's concrete barrier that kept them from careening through the air to the hard ground below. She had nowhere to go as he trapped her frame with his larger one; his fingers inching up the material that covered her skin until he'd removed it completely. She tensed momentarily, knowing they were putting on a show for anyone who actually paid attention to the high suite's balcony, but his soothing murmurs in her ear eased the tension from her body.

Leaving only the heated fire of desire coursing through her veins.

"All in good time love," He whispered, his tongue darting out against her neck as he spoke. "All in good time."

She reached up to hitch one arm around his neck, tangling her fingers tightly in his hair while she dug the fingernails of her other hand into his forearm as his fingers dipped lower and lower across the smooth skin of her abdomen. She clenched her teeth against the moans that threatened to spill from her lips when he reached the top of her panties, only to push further past them, lower and lower. Her breathing quickened, as did his the more she tugged at his hair while angling his mouth into the crook of her neck. She twisted back, snaking her tongue over his bottom lip and enticing him into a deep kiss that left no coherent thoughts in her needy and desire hazed mind.

"Thirsty?" She whispered, her brow arching high as she teased.

A threatening rumble sounded out through his chest in warning while he glared at her sternly, a look that told her she'd better watch her step. She watched him closely, registering the lust and want that crossed his features while he stared back into her eyes through the dark, unblinking. She made her decision and gripped his hair tighter as she tilted her head to the side, fully exposing her fair-skinned neck to him where he'd been licking and kissing only minutes before.

"Drink." She commanded, her voice strong despite the weakness settling in her knees.

He hesitated.

"I said," She murmured, staring him in the eye so he could see the need that matched his own lurking there. "Drink."

His reaction was instantaneous, sweeping the hair from her neck as he pressed her further into the wall with his body roughly and allowed no space to grow between them. He dipped his head back to its place at her neck, running his tongue longingly over the soft flesh there before he murmured her name and she echoed his back, a pleading whimper. It was then that he understood she wanted it, needed it, as badly as he did, so he wasted no time in opening his mouth wide, feeling the fangs hidden away there lengthen smoothly.

She moaned softly when she felt them scrape against her pulse point, pushing back into him as a shiver wracked her body against him.

He bit into her neck gently, the fangs breaking the surface and provoking a gasping whimper of his name at the sharp pleasure-pain sensation that swarmed through her, leaving her moaning and breathless.

And he drank.

…Present Time…

Sucking in a ragged breath that stuttered through my lungs I blinked and looked up, dazed to find the looming homestead in front of me that served as the old Salvatore boarding house and home to two of the handful of vampires I knew, windows illuminated in the darkness. I relaxed back into my seat for the first time in what seemed like ages, my muscles slowly letting out the tension stored inside of them only to make me wince at the amount of soreness waiting for me. The engine in my car rumbled slightly, a comforting vibration sending out small waves from where it was under the hood and through the car until they moved into my feet.

But it was a minor comfort that didn't last long.

Panic slowly began to trickle through my system in ice cold rivulets of awareness that sent impulses to my brain which were counteracted by my increased heart rate and breathing as I glanced around me frantically.

I couldn't remember a damn thing.

That was an exaggeration of sorts; I could remember the fear and betrayal I had experienced before I escaped the Salvatore house and its raven-haired inhabitant what felt like mere hours ago. I could vaguely recall driving for some time until I happened upon a bar an hour or so out of town. Dim memories of a shadowy figure taking a seat next to me and offering comforting words followed soon after that.

And then I was here.

"Oh God," I muttered, closing my eyes tightly as I searched for something, anything more.

But there was only emptiness.

A darkness that represented a chunk of time, who knew how long.

My hands shook as I glanced around the inside of the car again, taking the moment to see what I had missed in my hastiness before; luggage. Lots of it from what I could see. I frowned a little, fear once again making its presence known inside of me as I took in just how many bags seemed to fill the cramped backseat.

Designer bags that I hadn't had before.

Something prickled the edges of my senses, like I knew something about the luggage I now found myself staring at blankly. But everything was only a swirling mass of black and gray that unsettled me even more than I already was, no matter how hard I tried to see through the shadows there. So I quickly snatched up what appeared to be my new purse and cut the engine, popping the car door open and rising from the low seat fluidly without letting myself over think the decision. If I did, I'd no doubt think differently of it and find myself driving home instead, and despite my jumbled and angry emotions over the experience I had last had in the very house that awaited me as I strode toward it, I knew I needed the vampire brothers' help.

Despite being loathe to ask it.

As soon as I reached the heavy wooden door I knocked strongly, refusing to give myself any sort of chance to back down. I was rewarded only seconds later with a dull creaking and muffled voices as the door slowly swung inward and I looked up to find myself facing that familiar face that was framed with the blackest hair I'd ever seen, two bright blue eyes gazing back out at me in what seemed to be pure shock, although it quickly seemed to be morphing into a mixture of relief, concern and anger.

"Hey." I greeted him in a quiet murmur, offering up a small smile.

Silence served as a response while the man in front of me simply stared at me, unmoving and unblinking. My smile quickly faltered with the tension that grew and the effort it took to keep it maintained in place. I shifted on my feet restlessly until a voice rang out from within.

"Damon," it called, growing louder as it neared. "Who's at the…oh- Savvy!?"

I pulled my eyes away from the piercing blue gaze that still bore into me even as I broke eye contact with Damon who remained standing motionless in front of me, silent despite being shouted at. I looked up into the darkened greenish eyes of Stefan who stared at me in more pure shock, though the anger didn't slowly appear like it had with Damon.


I offered him a broader smile as it grew while he shoved the door open wider, stepping over the threshold to meet me. Before I even knew what to expect, Stefan's arms wrapped around me in a viselike grip that had me struggling for breath while tension rolled off of him in such potent waves I was able to actually feel it.

"You're back." Damon choked out, his lips thinning into a glare.

I looked over his younger brother's shoulder while I continued to hug the vampire, meeting that blue gaze that had thrown me head over heels the first time I met him…until he broke my heart of course. I cleared my throat, offering up another weak smile even as I remained trapped in Stefan's embrace.

"I'm back."


The silence was deafening.

I'd curled up in one of the larger chairs, tucking my feet up underneath me with my shoes and bag left forgotten on the floor in front of it. My mind was still jumbled, swirling around much too quickly to hold onto any single thought for too long at a time. I concentrated on anything other than the two brothers in front of me, instead I chose to frown into the fireplace.

New luggage, new clothes, new shoes, new purse. All designer.

Where the hell did I get it all?

But every time I tried to reach into the memories, all I came up with was darkness.


The last thing I remember was running from the Boarding House in a heartbroken mess, thanks to the raven-haired idiot who was staring daggers into me now. As if he stared long enough, he'd figure out exactly where I'd been and for how long.

Not likely.

"So…" I trialed off, awkwardly mind you. "How's everything?"

Simple. Plain. No big deal.

An angry growl caught my attention and my eyes shot up, catching Damon with his lip curled back in a snarl as he stared at me. No fear doused my system though, I simply held still and remained calm, as if I knew that there was no way he could hurt me. Which was true if I assumed the bit of mojo I'd gotten in touch with within myself was currently working, but still. The last time I was here, before I'd left, I would have felt a twinge of alarm regardless.

Now I just smirked.

"Oh no kitten," Damon snarled out the nickname, shaking his head. "You don't get to disappear for months and then show back up without a damn explanation. Not happening."

I froze.

Months…I'd been gone months?!

"I don't remember anything-" I whispered, still thoroughly in shock.

"Bullshit!" Damon snapped, despite Stefan's warnings.

Pure anger flared within me, he had no right to speak to me that way given all that had happened, why I ran in the first place, and the flames in the fireplace roared upward in response. I ignored it, somehow feeling like that was a common occurrence now, but it startled the two vampires in front of me.

"I'm fucking serious Damon." I snapped, glaring at him. "I don't remember a goddamn thing. The last thing that I remember…"

My eyes kept his, staring him.

He flinched visibly, pulling back into his seat.

"Yeah. That."

Consumed; A Vampire Diaries Series

Updates: I'm going to try and keep up with updating at least once every two weeks, possibly more often if I'm not stuck in writer's block and having a grand ole time producing chapters! First I'll be posting revised content from my first attempt at the story, and then I'll be continuing on. I'm also going to try and keep each episode within two/three chapters, though sometimes there might be a few more.

AU/OOC: Of course some of this will be featured, having an original character added in. I'm going to try and keep all characters to their usual personalities, and I'm going to try to keep Savannah from being too Mary-Sue-ish.

Shipping: Some names were created before, Davannah I believe for Savvy and Damon! Feel free to suggest more, or others for her being paired with Niklaus.

Review Responses: I've answered reviews on updates in the past, but I'll be switching it up a bit. Guest reviews will be answered on updates, and account reviews will be PM'ed!

Special Content: A friend of mine has an account or two here, SassyShots, and she created a Tumblr to feature cool things for her stories. Picture edits, aesthetics, playlist suggestions and the like. I'm going to see if she would mind featuring some content for Consumed, and other stories I have here! Feel free to check her Tumblr out at SassyfiedScribbles, and to check her awesome stories out on her account here! You can find her username in my list of favorite authors if you're interested!

Casting: I've picked Lily Collins for Savannah! She's a favorite of mine and a friend of mine's. She's just so pretty and sweet, we can't help ourselves hah! She's not quite as tan as Elena/Jeremy, but oh well! :D

Trigger Warnings: For the story's darker moments and more sensitive content, I'll try to remember to post a trigger warning at the top of chapters!

*All mistakes are my own, no Beta!