chapter 1

A/N this is my first ever story feel free to criticize

disclaimer:don't own anything

"Ai văzut că?" A little ebony exclaimed. He had dark raven hair slightly dampened by sweat and he had the bluest eyes anyone has seen which sparkled with life. He was wearing a yellow tunic and had red tights on. Currently he was in a large circus tent sitting on one of the trapeze platforms. Did you see that? A beautiful red head wearing an all red leotard with a small skirt and yellow and white lining was at the bottom clapping loudly.

"Da micul meu Robin" yes i did my little Robin.

A very muscled man with the same outfit as the red head without the skirt(A/N unless you want for him to have a skirt in which case i won't judge :D)that was standing on the other trapeze platform called out to his son. "English little bird, english." He had dark navy eyes and ebony hair. And he was laughing at his son when he just stuck out his tongue at him. Suddenly he jumped up and grabbed the bar, his father only throwing the bar down towards him. To anyone outsider they would have thought the parents to be trying to kill him. Though there was a net, the boy let go and did three front flips and a twist before grabbing the bar his father swung and making it into a large bear hug.

"Your birthday is coming up, what shall we do?"John asked.

"Dă-mi drumul, let me go!"Dick exclaimed while trying fruitlessly to escape.

"Since you asked in english. But really what should we do?" John asked as he dropped Dick on the platform.

"How about a surprise little bird?" Mary shouted.

" Mami nu va funcționa dacă-mi spui!" Mommy it won't work if you tell me!

With that note the family laughed and was getting ready to leave. Though no one noticed the pair of mismatched eyes watching their every move. Though few knew, but the young boy was quite sharp. He felt something, a nagging feeling in his head. He quickly stopped walking and started to look around frantically.

"Ceea ce este puțin pasăre?"(what is it little bird) Mary asked as her son looked around with darting eyes.

"Ceva este în neregulă aici." (something is wrong here)he whispered back. And just like that four men appeared. The one with mismatched eyes spoke.

"Welcome ta town. The names Tony Zucco." He spoke with an odd accent and he stuck his hand out towards Dick.

"Hello. I'm the circus manager, how may I help you? John spoke with a fake smile.

"Well I'd like ta think I'm here ta help you."

"What kind of help?" John voice had a steely edge to it that Dick has only ever heard when his Tati was mad.

"Well Gotham's a rough place, my brothers and I are just here to offer some help, for a small fee of course. You never know-" The big one lifted up his meaty arm and swung it back into a pile of barrels, effectively destroying the pile.

"-what mighta happen when your nat careful." The rest of the brothers started destroying the set. The tall lanky one started using his whip to pull things down and the short one was using juggling pins and throwing them into the signs. Soon enough the crashing from the objects was enough to pull young Richard Grayson from his stupor. In which he quickly ran towards the juggler doing a back handspring and falling into place in front of him with his arms stretched wide.

"STOP" The soon to be five-year-old glared at the man that stood a head taller than him.

"Dick!" His mother reached an arm towards him with her eyes blown wide in horror when Tony walked calmly behind her puțin pasăre(little bird) and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Brave one, aren't ya? Standing in peoples ways like that could getcha killed in a city like this."He squeezed his hand causing Dick to hiss at the sudden pressure. The 'strong man' that was sneaking behind John suddenly got a fist to the face when he turned around to punch him. Just as the lion tamer was about to reach him he jumped up into the air and kicked the juggler in the face as he came down. Tony let go of Dick to help fight and Dick quickly ran to his Mami's side. Just as he made it there he heard a cry of pain and turned around to see his father on the ground about to get up and a smug looking strong man above him.

"See now, it's no use fighting John. I don't think you or ya family can afford ta not have our protection."

"Funny, cause i think we can." Dick said with his mothers hand on his shoulders.

"And what makes you so sure about that? Sonny"

"Cause I called the police five minutes ago." Dick held up his mothers phone and watched as the bad mans face turned from a smug grin into a horrified look.

"And guess who intercepted that call?" A gravely voice spoke from the skies, soon enough all the bad men had a look of complete and utter horror and with what Dick saw as, disbelief? But in an instant a black armoured man jumped down from one of the trapeze platforms and started attacking them. He was wearing a dark grey (gray?) bodysuit and had a yellow belt with billions of pouches. Also with a black cape attached to a cowl with two flat spikes on both sides of his head like ears. When he twisted around the little boy noticed the black underwear? Outside? But then he noticed that as the Batman (because even the child heard of the Dark Knight) was fighting the lion tamer the others ran for the exit. As Tony ran past the child there eyes locked for a second and Richard saw into the depths of his eyes and knew that this wasn't the last time he was going to see the man.