Chapter 1: The gathering and a chance of a new beginning

It was a nice day at KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport), and 4 teens and 2 adults came out of the airport.

"Remind me why we're here again?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Because Leo, Adam, Bree and Chase are in a student exchange programme for a year or two…Donald, you're worrying too much." The lady, Tasha said.

"You think?! Without them for a year, I can't work or go for any missions with them!" Mr. Davenport said as he threw his hands in the air.

"Man! It's so hot here!" a rather short boy, Chase fanned himself.

"Ugh! I know! I can't even text to Caitlyn, the only thing I could do is see her this summer." Bree said as she checked her cellphone.

"You telling me! My ice cream just melted…" the tallest kid, Adam said.

"I don't know about you, but I'd rather go back home…" the shortest kid, Leo grumbled.

"Oh no you don't! Oh look! There's your new headmistress." Tasha pointed at a middle-aged yet rather chubby Malay woman walking towards them.

"Assalamualikum and welcome to Malaysia! My name is Puan Hajar and you must be the new students from Mission Creek High School." The lady, Puan Hajar said smiling.

"Do all headmistresses have to be chubby?" Leo thought as Puan Hajar reminded him of Principal Perri.

"According to this letter, Leo and Chase Davenport are arranged in the same class, which is Kelas 3 Merah. Adam and Briana Davenport, since you all were home-schooled, the authorities have decided to put you both in the same class as your brothers." Puan Hajar read the letter.

"Puan Hajar, We've just arrived at the airport so where are the other students?" A British man with brown hair and a beautiful lady with a colourful scarf came.

"What do you mean other students?" Bree asked.

"You see, there are still 5 more students that are arriving…" Puan Hajar said.

"What are their names?" Leo asked.

"Merida Dunbrouch from Scotland, Hiccup Hornandus Haddock the third from North German, Rapunzel Gothel from Los Angeles, Jack Frost from New York, and Bolin Horanshito from Republic City of China. I see you've met Mr. Henry Middleton and Cikgu Ayu. They will be your teachers in school." Puan Hajar introduced Mr. Middleton and Cikgu Ayu.


"You sure you'll be fine without me, Bo?" Mako asked.

"Sure! Mako, just make sure you'll work hard and take care of Korra, ok?" Bolin hugged his elder brother.

"Well, you too Bolin! Take care!" Korra hugged Bolin.

"Make sure you take good care of Pabu, ok?" Mako handed Bolin a cage, which inside is a fire ferret named Pabu.

"Ok, do you need us to help to find your foster family first?" Korra asked.

"Are you Bolin Horanshito?" a young girl wearing a blue cap asked.

"Yes, I am~" Bolin was about to introduce himself when his heart stopped. The girl has a lovely face and short jet black hair, she was wearing a white blouse and dark black trousers. The most special thing about her was her turquoise blue eyes and her cap had cat ears popping out of them.

"I'm Sakura Yuki Snowflower, and I will be your foster sister. These are my parents, Harushi and Lily Snowflower." Sakura introduced herself as she smiled pointing at a strongly builted man and a nice, elegant lady.

"Those are my uncle Carlos, my aunt Katie and my cousins, Christopher, Catherine, but you can call her Cathy, Juliet, and Naomi Catnip. Those guys over there are my friends, the muscular tall one is Adam, the one with the red jacket is Faiz, the pretty one is Amirah, the Indian one is Suresh, the guy with curly hair is Syed, the nerd over there is Anding, the girl with the green scarf is Luna, that Chinese with glasses is Wai Chong, that girl with short hair is Kieran, that girl with two ponytails is Mindy, the plump girl is Rosie, that boy with the football is Johan and the girl with a ponytail is Julie." Sakura pointed at a family of blonde and all of them had cat ears and a group of teens. (In this fanfiction, no one ever left including Johan…That's right!)

"Hi! I'm Bolin and this is my pet, Pabu." Bolin smiled as he introduced Pabu.


"Aw~~He's so cute!" Amirah squelled .

"I get that a lot…" Bolin said.

"Not you, I meant your pet." Luna said.

"Sakura, I see you found your new boyfriend~" Syed teased.

"Shut it, Syed!" Sakura blushed.

"I think I'm gonna like it here!" Bolin thought to himself as he looked at his foster family and his new friends.

At one part of the airport…

"Whew! Sure is hot here!" A boy with frost white hair said as three other teens came out.

"What d' ye know about? Well, at least I could get sum' exercise now…" A red-haired girl with a heavy Scottish accent stretched her arms.

"Rapunzel, I think your hair is tangled on my bag…" A young brunette boy came out talking to a pretty girl with long golden blonde hair.

"Oops, sorry Hiccup…" the blonde, Rapunzel apologized as she untangled her hair fom Hiccup's bag.

"Wow! That's a lot of hair…" two adults walked up to the four teens.

"I'm Mr. Henry Middleton, and this is Cikgu Ayu," A man with a British accent introduced himself.

"Am I what now?" Rapunzel was confused.

"No, not are you, I'm Cikgu Ayu. Selamat datang ke Malaysia!" Cikgu Ayu smiled.

"Se wot'?" Merida asked.

"What she meant was welcome to Malaysia." The British man said explaining.

"Oh, I see…" Rapunzel said.

"Ah, Henry…We better go see Puan Hajar and tell her the students have arrived." Cikgu Ayu reminded Mr. Middleton.

"That's right, come on guys…" Mr. Middleton said as the four teens followed him.


"Puan Hajar, these are the other four students. Kids, meet Puan Hajar, the headmistress of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ayer Dalam." Mr. Middleton inteoduced Puan Hajar to the four teens.

"Hi! I'm Jack Overland Frost." The frost white haired boy with ice blue eyes smiled.

"I'm Hiccup." The brunette boy said.

"Hello, I'm Merida." The girl with fiery red hair said.

"My name's Rapunzel, nice to meet you." The girl with long blonde hair smiled.

"Oh hi! I'm Adam Davenport. I like to collect rocks, I lift heavy things and these are my brothers and sister." The bulky guy smiled.

"I'm Bree! Nice to meet you." Bree smiled as she blushed when she saw Jack Frost.

"I'm Chase!"

"And I'm Leo Dooley!" Leo popped out of nowhere and flirted with Rapunzel.

"Leo, I thought you liked Ganelle?" Chase asked.

"What? Can't a guy talk to some other girl?" Leo asked.

"Where's the last student, Puan Hajar?" Cikgu Ayu asked.

"Puan Hajar, Mr. Middleton, Cikgu Ayu! I'm here!" Sakura ran towards them grabbing Bolin along.

"Sakura, there you are…And you must be Bolin Horanshito. I'm your headmistress Puan Hajar and these are your teachers Mr. Henry Middleton and Cikgu Ayu." Puan Hajar smiled.

"Hi! I'm Bolin and this is Pabu." Bolin said smiling.

"Puan Hajar, is it true that Bolin will be in the same class with the new students?" Sakura pointed at Bolin as she asked.

"Yes, Sakura. That means he'll be arranged in the same class with you." Puan Hajar said.

"Awesome!" Sakura smiled as she cheered.

"Wait! Why is that shortie in the same class with us?" Leo asked.

"Who are you calling 'shortie'? At least I'm taller than you! I reckon you're at least 11!" Sakura (who is an inch taller than Leo) said back.

"I'm 14!" Leo said.

"And I'm 13, surprised to see that a senior like you is shorter than me!" Sakura said.

"Enough! Sakura here happened to be a special student, and she studies in Kelas 3 Merah." Puan Hajar explained.

"Puan Hajar, Cikgu Ayu, Mr. Middleton, can I bring Bolin home now? He could use some stuff arranging at his new room." Sakura asked.

"Of course you may." Puan Hajar smiled.

"By the way, the authorities have placed you correctly to your foster family,

Bolin's foster family: Sakura, Harushi and Lily Snowflower.

Hiccup's foster family: Mr. Henry Middleton

Rapunzel's foster family: Cikgu Ayu

Jack Frost's foster family: Faiz and Shafiq bin Hamdi (In this fan fiction, Faiz and Shafiq are twins, cause they're the same people)

Merida's foster family: Kieran (Author: I know Kieran is from SM Jalan Mas, but let's just pretend that the whole gang is in SMK Ayer Dalam, ok?)

Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo's foster family: Johan and Juliana Hamzah" Puan Hajar announced and their foster families showed up.

"Yo! I'm Shafiq and that's my older twin, Faiz." A boy with crew-cut hair and the boy with a red jacket said.

"Nice to meet you." Jack Frost said as he grabbed his ice blue coloured luggage.

"I'm Juliana Hamzah, but you can just call me Julie."

"I'm Johan, Julie's brother. If any one of you guys flirt with my sister, you'll be in dead crabmeat!" Johan warned as Chase, Leo and Adam gulped.

Everyone went home after that… Everyone was excited and curious about their new school.

Meanwhile, at somewhere in America…

"Looks like Adam, Bree and Chase went to Malaysia…It'll be hard to capture them now…Marcus, book the next flight to Malaysia and register yourself at their new school!" An evil man said.

"Yes, father!" Marcus smirked evilly.