When you do, you will change the world…

Don't own the Avengers or the characters of Marvel Comics, but happy to play in their backyard.

"You've been asleep Capt…"

-Nick Fury, Captain America The First Avenger

"Sharing the world has never been humanities defining attribute."

-Professor Xavier, X2

"I have to protect the one thing I can't live without."

-Tony Stark, Iron Man 3

Chapter 14—Simulations

The HUB (Undisclosed Location)

Nick Fury went on, "We have several agents tracking Professor Malek. They have been able to keep him under surveillance since we discovered he was responsible for the virus. We believe he is working on something new, but so far we have not been able to identify it. Even with a two attempts to trap him we have not been able to corner him. As soon as he detects the agents are closing in, he uses his speed to elude them. And he has left nothing behind that would allow us to find what he is working on.

"However, we believe a person equipped with an Ironman suit would be able to keep up with him."

Pepper held up her hand, "You know Tony will not let anyone use the suits."

Nick nodded, "We know and understand. Actually that's why we asked if you could…"

Pepper smiled, "Right. I have Tony and Colonel Rhodes off world, so the only option is for me to catch this guy?" She saw Nick shrug. "Okay, so I assume there will be more to this. Please explain in detail each of the previous attempts and what happened to our agents."

Pepper listened to results and became increasingly upset with the results. She turned to Nick, "Please explain."

"Well, I wasn't that happy either. But as we analyzed the first attempt, we saw that there might have been an opening in the deployment of the agents." He changed the screens, "As you can see here, there was a gap here. Agent Reynolds was still moving to his final position when the Professor spotted the trap.

"So, we decided that one more attempt with a double ring would work. As you can see from this simulation he basically bounced from agent to agent until he cleared a path. No one had a clear shot. Even though several shots were fired, we don't believe the Professor was hit.

"So, next we put an Ironman suit into the simulation of each event and there is a ninety-five percent chance that he is captured."

Pepper watched the simulations. "Okay, it makes sense. How do we do this? And I want this done soon? I want to get back to Asher before they leave." She gave him the look she used many times as the CEO of Stark Industries.

"Well, that's good, but at this point we may need help taking him down." Fury paused.

"What? Has he changed something?"

"We have to assume that he has," Fury replied.

"So, who was backing his original attack? Who wanted it to succeed? What do they have to back him up this time?" Pepper fired off the questions like she was exploring a new product line.

Pepper waited while Fury pulled up some displays. She remembered the previous session with Ambassador McCoy. She had asked Henry whether he had any pressure to let the earlier Malek virus run it course, or worse try to contain it for analysis and then unleash it on the world. In that case Dr. MacTaggert had finally come to her assistance, she had confirmed that there was an Anti-Brotherhood organization out there.

Fury found the right display, "Based on the information you and Dr. MacTaggert provided, we have confirmed there is another organization out there. We have been tracking their activities. At this point they have not named themselves. Some of our analysts called them 'Viral,' and it stuck. We also have indications that they had advanced capabilities, but not the X-Gene."

"And the good part of this is?"

"We have not confirmed that they actually contacted Malek or that he contacted them."

"I sense a 'but' coming."

Fury smiled, 'she was good,' "But if they are involved, it will be extremely dangerous. They have proven themselves to be deadly. That is why we believe we'll need help."

Pepper considered this for a movement, "So our back-up is going to be Professor Munroe and her people?"

"At this point, yes."

A/N Once again a tip of the hat to kahless21, Koolgirl1120, LaNaturalBreezeof-Books, GetMoMoney-333 and phnxgrl, for their continued reviews. Hope you enjoyed.