
ARISA manga? "Nope, don't own it"

ARISA characters? "Nope, don't own them either."

ARISA fanfic? "Oh, yeah definitely. Thanks for reading!"

Ariah: "Hi everyone! I'm Ariah!~ Just doing some re-introductions for the heck of it since it's been so long since the last update. Ah, don't worry I came fully armored so you can totally throw water bottles at me and stuff now, it's all good~ -Gets hit by an orange-"

Ariah: "Anyways, I'm going back to first person point of view for this chapter! I'm sorry if it's so inconvenient that I'm always changing it, but this is kind of needed for this chapter since it's going to be all about Tsubasa until practically the end of the chapter. Also, this is technically chapter 9 and not chapter 10 -since the extra chapter kinda threw everything off, but without further ado, I hope you enjoy!"

After parting ways with Manabe and Shizuka, I continued to run forward without looking back. Saying that I was meeting up with Arisa was a lie, but I felt as though I had to keep on running. I didn't want to face them with this kind of feeling in my chest.

Everything was fine as long as Arisa was safe.

Everything was fine as long as everyone was able to face the future and live happily from now on.

Learning from their mistakes, looking past the bad things and carrying onwards with confidence.

I just wanted to be happy with Arisa, as the closest twins in the world, that's how I wanted to live from now on.


The burning sensation in my chest continued to rise until I had found myself at the park again. The same place I had been yesterday, and the same swings I had sat on with Takeru.

What was with this park anyway? It's not like I had some sort of memorable experience here.

Thinking about it only made me irritated again, and I turned around.

I should go home. I shouldn't think about it too much.

The more I thought about it, the more I tried to explain the unknown feeling in my chest…

I turned towards the swings once more, my lips pressed together as Takeru's words slipped into my mind.

"I couldn't possibly be in love with…"

"That Manabe guy"


Pfft, why Manabe?

He was just that trouble-maker kid in school that Arisa helped.

He was just that guy that decided to team up with me in order to catch the KING.

He was just that guy who wanted to save Shizuka.

Who wanted to figure out who the KING was so he could get 'revenge'.

Who caused problems and just so happened to be good with computers.

Who saved me a couple times here and there- whether I wanted to admit it or not.

And eventually became an important friend to me somehow.

But even so, he…

I ruffled my hair, irritated by my own thoughts, and yelled up at the sky.

"Gahhh! WHo cares?! He's just a stupid midget! The more I think about it, the more he sounds like a side-character!"

Feeling drained, I crouched downwards and placed my forehead on my knees.

"This is so irritating..." I grumbled, frowning at the tears that had formed in my eyes. "...what's wrong with me?"

What was wrong with Tsubasa?

Why did she leave like that?

No wait, more importantly, did something happen?

She said she was meeting up with prez, maybe they're meeting up somewhere?

Hold on, they're meeting up at this time of the day?

Wait, no, it doesn't concern me. I shouldn't care.

"Hey Akira…" Shizuka said, lowering her voice a tad bit as we approached the orphanage. "...I'm going to work harder at walking again, so that you don't have to carry me all the time. I'll do my best so..."

"I know," I replied, smiling softly at her. "I'm looking forward it."

After dropping her off, I felt my mind wandering off towards the events that had happened earlier today.

Seeing Tsubasa dressed up as prez again was quite...nostalgic. It was weird.

But... as weird as it was. I don't think I'll be seeing her anymore after today.

Still, I can't just live pretending that I never knew her.

How should I approach her this time?

What kind of excuse should I use?

We attend different schools, and our houses aren't exactly that close either...

What the heck should I do about this feeling?

This feeling of wanting to see her, wanting to touch her.

Even if we were standing in the same room without saying a word to each other, that was enough for me.

Damn it.

I'm not sure how I long I sat there for, maybe thirty minutes, or possibly just for ten.

Either way, it felt as though I was there for a long time.

The walk home seemed like it lasted forever, as well.

Were my eyes as puffy as they seemed to be?

I hope not.

I really need to pull myself together!

Can't believe I just spent the last few minutes crying over something I felt I couldn't solve.

I mean-my feelings could easily be solved!

1.) I could act on it - which of course is never happening! I mean, Manabe likes Shizuka, plus I don't want to make it any more awkward than it already is! Wait, I don't even like the guy so- Haha, what am I thinking?

2.) I could just not think about it - yeah! That makes sense! Arisa! Arisa! Arisa! I already saved Arisa, there's no point in trying to get any more out of the situation.

Or 3.) I could just pretend it never happened! Me and Manabe? Pshh, as if that would ever work out! Now that I think about it, we don't even have anything in common, and all we ever talked about was KING this, KING that. Now that the KING is solved and over with there's nothing for us to discuss other than Shizuka…

Urg, that was actually more sad to think about than I first imagined…

No, No, I need to pull myself together, remember?

With my hands dug deep inside my sweater pockets, I turned towards the front door of my house and sighed deeply before opening it.

I should just...not think about it.

"I'm home…" I called out, closing the door behind me.

I could hear a "Welcome back" from the kitchen as I stopped to take off my shoes, followed by a: "Dinner will be ready in a sec, could you give me a hand?"

Taking a deep breath, I forced a grin onto my face. I shouldn't have my own dad worrying about me over something so silly.

I know I'll probably regret it someday, and I'm never one to give up so easily but...

I'll just forget about it.

These feelings of mine.

Managing to get a smile to form on my lips, I made my way cheerfully towards the kitchen.

"Hey Dad, so you know that napoleon pasta you made the other day? I wanna try making it for Arisa sometime, think you could teach me?"

"What's with you? Suddenly taking an interest in cooking?"

"Haha, what are you talking about? I just want to make something for Arisa! You do too, don't you?"


In the end, I'm sure I was just running away from my own problems.

No, I was running away from the hidden feelings that had unknowingly formed inside my heart.

I like Manabe.

As much as I hated it.

I liked him.

So much that when I stopped to think about it.

My heart felt like it would burst into flames.

But I did my best to hide it. To convince myself that it was nothing more than delusional thoughts.

And with that… a month had passed by.

Ariah: "Yes Yes, that legendary time skip has revealed itself. Don't worry, we're only skipping ahead one month, because the lord knows we need some action sooner rather than later! But going back to what Manabe pointed out, how exactly are their paths going to cross again? No KING, and no other reason to see each other... so... hum, hum, what should we do? xDD"

Ariah: "Also, yeah, I've been made aware of how short these chapters are. I'll try to make them longer...somehow...urg...time to reread the manga for some inspiration..."