The boy got out of the taxi with his one suitcase and looked around at the small town.
"Hey kid, are you gonna pay me or what?" the taxi driver rudely asked.
The boy pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and handed the taxi driver a twenty dollar bill.
"This isn't enough!" the taxi driver told him, angrily.
The boy shrugged. "Oh well," he answered. "It's your fault for offering to drive a kid out of New York City and not asking him if he had enough money."
The taxi driver scowled and began muttering curses under his breath as he turned the engine back on.
The boy watched him leave and then turned to look back at the town.
"Are you lost?" someone asked.
The boy turned to look at a beautiful young woman.
She's probably Snow White, he thought. No normal girl can be that pretty. The boy looked her right in the eye and answered: "I'm looking for the Grimm House."