Epilogue-10 Years Later
Dave smiles as he walks into his living room, he is instantly met by his 7 year old son Marcus, he scoops the little boy up and says, "how is daddys little boy tonight"?, he laughs and says, "I'm good dad, later can we toss the ball around"?, Rossi smiled and said, "I would love to do that Marcus", the little boy started to run out of the room and he said, "where is your mom and the twins"?, Marcus laughed and said, "they are in the study, she is telling them a story".
Rossi quickly made is way to the study, he stopped at the door and watched as Erin looked at their identical 3 year old twins and said, "and they lived happily ever after". Madeline Jennifer Rossi AKA Maddie looked up and saw her daddy and jumped off the couch and ran squealing, "DADDYYYYYYYYY", her twin sister Maya Emily Rossi ran across the room squealing as she ran into Daves arms.
He picked them both up and kissed their cheeks and said, "how are my girls, daddy missed you"?, the cackled and said, "we misseded you to daddy", he smiled as he put them down on the floor. He walked over and sat down on the couch beside Erin, he leaned over and kissed her on the lips gently and said, "I love you Mrs. Rossi", she smiled and said, "I love you to Mr. Rossi", they watched happily as their girls ran over to their little table and started coloring.
Emily walks into the kitchen and laughs as she sees Hotch feeding their 2 year old son Colin as the 8 year old son Jack and 4 year old daughter Haley are playing at the table. Hotch looks up and says, "what are you laughing at"?, she walks over and wipes the baby food off of his cheek and said, "you have as much on you as he does".
Hotch looks at Colin and says, "your mommy is silly isn't she"?, Colin clapped his hands and squealed "mommaaaaaaaaa", she leaned down and kissed the little boy on the top of the head and said, "how is my big boy this evening"?, he held his hand up and smiled as Emily took the table off of the chair and picked him up into her arms.
Jack looked up at Emily and said, "mom can you help me with my homework later"?, she walked over and said, "sure, what are you having trouble with sweetie"?,
he laughed and said, "I need some help with my math". She kissed Jack on the top of the head and then Haley cackled and said, "wha bout me momma"?, Emily laughed as she leaned over and kissed the little girl on the top of the head, as she looked around the kitchen she knew that her life was just as she had imagined it would be and that was perfect.
Reid walked across the room with his 4 month old daughter Gina in his arms, he sat down on the couch and smiled as he watched his 8 year old son Henry as he was playing with his 5 year old sister Abigail. He looked down at Gina and said, "are you hungry little one"?, she started kicking her legs and cooing up at him.
He took the cap off of the bottle and gently put it in her mouth, he couldn't help but smile when she immediately started drinking her bottle, he glanced up when he heard the front door close. JJ walked into the room and Henry said, "hiiiiiii momma, how was your day"?, she ruffled his hair and said, "I'm good honey, how are you"?, Henry smiled and said", me and Abby are making pictures for you and daddy".
JJ smiled and said, "awwwww thanks honey, I can't wait to see them", she then walked over and kissed Reid on the lips and said, "how are you my love"?, he smiled and said, "I'm good, just feeding little miss Gina her bottle". JJ said, "I really missed you all today", Reid kissed her lips and said, "we missed you to Jayje", they sighed happily as she laid her head on his shoulder.
Kevin laughs at Aiden as he watches him pulling his 7 year old brother Timmy and 4 year old sister Katherine through the living room in a wagon, he walks over and sits down on the couch with Jordan and kisses her lips gently. She caresses the side of his face and says, "what's so funny"?, he says, "who would have thought that 10 years ago one drunken night would lead to a lifetime of happiness for us"?, she intertwined their fingers and said, "me".
She laid her head on his chest and said, "I love you Kevin, I love you so very much", he sighed happily and said, "I love you Jordan and I love our family more than I ever thought possible". Aiden looked up and laughed as Katherin squealed as they went around the couch, Jordan said, "are you having fun Kat"?,
she slapped her hands together and said, "un huh momma".
Jordan looked around the room and smiled as she looked at the family she loved with all of her heart, she couldn't imagine her life without her husband or kids in it. Kevin kissed the top of her head and they both sighed happily as they both sat there on the couch and watched as their kids played happily across the room.
Derek smiled as he watched his goddess feed their 6 month old daugher Serena, Penelope looked up at him and said, "what are you smiling at handsome"?, he walked over and kissed her on the lips and said, "I'm watching the love of my life feed our beautiful daughter". Penelope laughed and said, "where are the other kids"?, he sighed happily as he nodded his head behind him.
Penelope grinned as Derek said, "Charlotte is doing her homework", Penelope said, "what about "Travis and Tina"?, he smiled and said, "they are taking their nap, I just checked on them and they are fine". Penelope said, "it is hard to believe that Charlotte is 10 and the twins are 4 already isn't it"?, he smiled and said, "yes it is, but I wouldn't trade our lives for anything".
Penelope put Serena up on her shoulder to burp her and she kissed the little girls temple and says, "momma loves you little girl", Derek walked over and said,
"daddy loves you to", he then kissed the top of the babies head. Penelope sighed happily as she laid Serena back in her arms and said, "thinking back handsome would you have ever imagined that our senior year would have brought us so much happiness"?, he sat down on the couch beside her and said, "senior year was definitley the most amazing year that's for sure baby".
Derek looked up to see Charlotte standing beside him, he smiled at her and said, "hello baby girl", she sat down on the couch beside her parents and said,
"daddy can you help me with something"?, he grinned and said, "sure honey, what can I do to help"?, she said, "we are suppose to write a story about how our famalies started".
Derek said, "ok so what can daddy do to help his baby girl"?, she laughed and said, "can you tell me how you and momma met"?, he looked at Penelope and smiled and then looked back at Charlotte and said, "I sure can, just sit back here and listen to the story of how we met". Charlotte sat back against the chair and smiled as Derek said, "your mom and I fell in love our senior year of high school" and as Charlotte sat there listening to their story she hoped that one day she would find her one true love like her parents did.
I want to thank everybody for all of their wonderful reviews, you are all amazing and I hope that you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it