TFP: Youngling


Cradling her close to my chest I gripped onto Prowl's hand as tightly as I could manage. We were running through the ruins toward the ships evacuating Cybertron. No matter what we need to get on a ship, not only for our sakes but for the small sparkling in my arms. Running behind the fighters who had chosen to protect the ships from the Decepticons, I gave a sad gaze toward Ironhide. Goodbye old friend...

Arriving at a ship I began to run up the ramp, but Prowl stopped me refusing to move farther. Turning I saw him reach for our sparkling, allowing her to be picked up by him I watched him pull her close to his spark. We both turned to look at the battle, it was clear the Autobots were losing. Hearing a loud explosion, I saw Ironhide fall and the Decepticons were able to sneak a few warriors towards the ships.

"Come on we need to go; now!" I yelled, turning he handed me our sparkling and we went up into the ship.

"I love you Jazz," he said, as I hit the button to raise the entrance ramp.

"Love you too, Prowler," I replied, I felt him shove me back.

Staring at him trying to grab his servo as he jumped out of the ship. I saw him give me one last smile before the ramp covered my view. The ship began to take off and I tried to open the ramp but the computer wouldn't let me do it deeming it unsafe at this time.

"I hope you have a long life." Prowl commed, I listened to his battling before I heard his blood-curdling scream which was followed by static.

Falling to my knees, careful to keep the sparkling cradled who was now bawling. I let a bit of lubricant leak from my optics; why Prowler!? It didn't have to end this way, we were almost away from that glitching war.

"Prowler!" I cried as the pain and complete emotional wave hit me.

"Jazz!" someone yelled, I looked up to see Sunstreaker and Sideswipe kneeling by me.

"Sunny, Sides..." I muttered as I pulled Sides close and Sunny moved closer. "He's gone... Prowler is gone..."

"No.. he promised.." Sunny started, Sides was looking away sadly.

"Both of you listen to me; he did this to protect us. He has always protected us, we were his world. We can't cry he wouldn't want that..." I hushed the both held back their tears as did I. "Hey little one say hello to your big brothers Sunny and Sides."

I showed my little on to my boys they smiled and both leaned down to kiss her helm. Sunny let a tear fall down his cheek as Sides leaned against me sobbing softly. Prowl, our little family is broken; I'll hold us together for you... I love you Prowl...


Staring at the sparkling in my arms I examined her features for about the hundredth time this cycle. How could I come up with a name? Prowler was a hundred times better at this stuff, and no matter what I want it to be a name he would have liked.

After hearing the story from the last message Ultra Magnus had sent our ship it was clear Prowler was the only reason all the ships got away free. After Ironhide was offlined the Decepticons were close to getting onto the ships. Prowler gave the ships time to escape... At the cost of his own life...

"Ja!" our sparkling called, I looked at her happily.

"Smart just like him," I stated proudly.

She was at a very young age, at an age that she should only make sparkling noises. But she can quickly find a way to say your name or word; not perfect mind you but still amazing. Prowler would be so happy to know she was going to be a genius.

"Ja?" she said almost like a question.

"Nothing sweet spark, just thinking how much ya would have liked your sire. He was the coolest bot around and he was such a worry bot when you were in me. Kicked me off of active duty and confined me to our quarters. Once he got home to recharge every cycle he spends at least a vorn talking to you in my abdomen." I rambled, I let a sad smile creep on my face. "Once he found out I was carrying you he drug me straight to Optimus and demanded I been taken off duty, man he was determined. Guess Prime didn't mind so much if he had a spare vorn he would stop by to check on me. Man, I hope you get to meet him someday cuz I'm sure he'd love to meet ya. Ratchet too, until he and Prime left I was sure he was gonna be around us all the time, man did he worry. Wish I could think of a name for ya, all the names I can think of are too dumb. Most of them your sire demanded I not name you, guess he can't help me come up with one... How about me and you take a nap, my processor needs a few vorns of recharge or I'll ramble on all cycle."

Getting up from the chair I went into the berthroom, laying down on the berth I set the little one on my chassis. She cuddled up to my spark finding soothing comfort in the pulsating of it. Soon she was in a heavy recharge, smiling down softly I looked up at the ceiling.

"Prowler if ya can hear me, I want to tell ya thank you, for all you've done. I'll do the best I can with her and our boys, but ya know I really did need you here with me. Guess I'll find a way to move on after all, what you did made sure we all got away safe. I love you so much Prowler" I sobbed, I felt lubricant leak around my optics. "Wait for me okay, just like you always have. Someday I'll play that song I wrote for you again, just wait for me Prowler and please help me protect her and our boys."


I sat in our quarter huddled in the corner, another explosion could be heard in the distance. My servo's gently rubbed my swelling abdomen as I tried to keep calm. The door swooshed open and I saw Ratchet bolt in, he turned to me and ran to my side.

"Jazz you alright?" he asked, I nodded meekly.

"Is Prowl out there?" I whimpered, he nodded then began to scan me.

"Don't worry he'll be fine, now you just stay calm, the more stressed you get the more likely something could happen to your sparkling." he ordered, I clung to his shoulder as another explosion rocked the room.

"Ratch man, I don' think the building can take much more." I cried, nodding he helped me to my pedes.

"You'll be safe in the med-bay the wall are enforced enough to take a few Decepticon bombs. You'll be safe there," he stated, he half-carried me down the stairs toward the med-bay.

Reaching the med-bay doors another explosion knocked us down, just as a large chunk of the roof began to fall. I sat there in shock unable to move, I felt myself get shoved out of the way, looking to my rescuer I saw Prowl holding me protectively.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly, I nodded clinging to him. "Don't worry Jazz I'm here, you're both safe."

"Prowler..." I muttered, he picked me up in his arms.

"Hush I'm here." he hushed, he carried me into the med-bay before setting me back on my pedes. "You stay here, I'll be back soon, I need to help Sunstreaker and Sideswipe."

"Be careful," I called; Ratchet ran into the med-bay once Prowl had left.

"Jazz don't worry, he'll be fine, Optimus went with him." Ratchet hushed, I nodded meekly.

Another explosion sent me to the ground, looking up I saw Ratchet had fallen as well. The med-bay doors opened to reveal Optimus holding a battered Sunstreaker and Sideswipe stood by his side pleading with his injured twin.

"Bring him over here Optimus, Sideswipe stand back or I'll hit you so hard you'll be in stasis while I fix him." Ratchet barked, I stood back as Ratchet did his medical stuff.

Sideswipe looked at me and ran to my side, soon he had his arms around me crying. I gently hugged the smaller mech as he cried, he could probably feel his brother's pain. Humming an old lullaby I used to sing to him when he was small I rocked him in my arms. I noticed Optimus had already gone back to the battlefield.

"Don't worry he'll be fine, Ratchet is the best medic around." I soothed; these two were far too young, put into training as soon as they were in the middle of their youngling stage.

"Sideswipe..." Sunstreaker called, Sideswipe left my arms to run to his twin's side.

"He'll be alright Sideswipe, he just needs to let his repair system fix the rest." Ratchet stated, he reached over and gently rubbed both their helms.

"Thank you; I'm so glad you're alright Sunny, don't scare me like that." Sideswipe cried, cradling his twin in his arms.

The med-bay door opened again, seeing Prowl I ran over to him only to see he was leaking energon heavily. Ratchet ran to Prowl's side, I stepped back trying to keep calm as I watched my bonded groan in pain as Ratchet began to seal his leaking energon lines. Optimus entered the med-bay and walked over to me, gently he retracted his battle mask to give me a comforting smile.

"Prowl drove off the Decepticons, but I suggest we all stay in the bunker portion of the base." he explained, I nodded.

"Jazz," Prowl called, I ran to his side he gently rubbed my swollen abdomen. "Now you're both safe, although I knew you would be my probability of fending them off was ninety-eight percent."

"Shut up!" I growled, smacking his helm lightly. "I swear to god you are so lucky I can't use my blasters."

"No shooting my patients." Ratchet growled as he continues patching Prowl. "Now Optimus you better not be hurt and not telling me or I'll throw my wrench at you."

"Don't worry old friend I am fine," Optimus replied.

"Jazz is he leaking energon?" Ratchet asked.

"No," I answered.

"Prowl, thank you for saving Sunny." Sideswipe thanked.

"No need to thank me, I was just protecting my subordinates." Prowl stated, he still acts so aloof to them. "You two should pay more attention in battle, no experimenting with that jet judo of yours during actual combat."

"How many times have a told you little fraggers to give up on that stupid attack, all it does is bang you both up." Ratchet growled as he finished fixing Prowl.

"I suggest you all get some recharge, I shall stay up and wait for the returning forces," Optimus ordered, helping Prowl up we head towards the berths in the bunkers. "That means you as well Ratchet."

"Once I finish my medical reports." he stated.

Ratchet has no problem disobeying Prime, although I guess they are bonded. I still find it hard believe everyone hasn't noticed it. They must all think they are just real old bickering friends. Chuckling I set Prowl onto a large berth, he laid back and pulled me down next to him snuggling up to my abdomen.

"I love you both." he said.

"Love you too Prowler," I replied.

(End Flashback)

I felt a small bit of lubricant leak from my optics, great now I'm going to start crying again. Man, I'm such a wreck, hearing a knock on my door I whipped my optics and went to answer it. Standing on the other side was Sunny and Sides; our boys were so precious to you Prowl even they weren't really ours, you loved them so much and so do I.

"Sunny and I were wondering if you were alright Jazz, you aren't acting like yourself. Prowl wouldn't want you to be depressed just like he wouldn't like to see.. to see us cry." Sides stated, frowning I rubbed his helm than Sunny's.

"Sorry I worried you guys, I just been thinking a lot about Prowl recently." I replied, "How about we go hang out with the other guys I'll just drop off this little angel with the other sparklings."

"Really?" Sunny said.

"Uhuh, I'll meet you guys there in a few," I replied, heading toward the sparkling care room I handed Star to the mech caretaker. "I'll be back for her in a few vorns."

"I know you will Jazz." he teased, smiling I ran toward the rec room.

Entering the rec room I went over to Sunny and Sides pulling the both into a gentle headlock like hold.

"So what are we going to do?" they asked, hmm what game could we play.

"I doubt we have anything to lob around here," I stated, they shook their heads. "Then how about we pull a prank."

"You sure?" Sides asked.

"Of course I am now I will need to do is find the right target, who would be funny to piss off on this ship," I said, they both grinned mischievously.

"Let's prank Red-Alert he's gotten pretty paranoid." they suggested, now this sounds fun.

"Okay now, what to do to the poor guy," I muttered.

"We could rearrange his room and act like we didn't do anything." Sides said.

"Paint him pink in his sleep." Sunny added.

The lights began to flash red as the alarm blared, everyone began to scramble. Grabbing the twins I dragged them down the hall. Smacking the button to open an escape ship I shoved them both in. Locking them from reentering, I continued running down the hall.

-Jazz let us back on the ship!- Sideswipe yelled over the com. link.

-Like I'd do that, you two take that ship and get out of here. Prowl and I didn't take care of you two just to let the Decepticons kill you.- I ordered, running into the sparkling care area, I saw some Decepticons shooting at them.

Angrily I burst into the room shooting the cons down. Searching among the sparkling I saw that they were all already offline. Tears filled my optics till I heard a small sob, turning I saw my small little angel shaking in the corner. Reaching over I scooped her up hushing her.

Hearing the cons approaching I ran out of the room toward the escape pods. The ship shook, falling down I looked back up to see Megatron standing before me. Getting up I set her into a stasis escape pod removing my visor I place it on her helm. Closing it I pointed my blaster at him. Pressing the launch button I glared at him coldly, he looked at me surprised a moment before chuckling evilly.

"You are not getting her Megatron," I growled, he pointed his gun at me.

"Oh really Commander." he stated.

"Go ahead and kill me, but you'll never touch my daughter you decepticreep." I hissed, a small smile crept on his face as he fired at me.

The blast hit me, turning I watched my sparkling optics fill with lubricant as I was shot again. Energon flew from my wound as I let my optics close. I guess this is the end, I'll be with you soon.. Prowl.


I held Sides close as our ship was ejected, we both clung to each other. Looking out the window I saw an escape pod fire out in the opposite direction. No! Jazz and our sister are in there!

"Sunny why, first Prowl than Jazz." he sobbed, I held him closer.

"No I saw a pod eject him and sister are safe, now stop crying we'll find them. Don't worry we'll find them..." I hushed, I felt myself begin to cry as I held my brother closer.

We lost our creators once already, why did we have to lose our caretaker as well? We already lost Prowl our sire, don't let Jazz and our sister die too! Chocking out a sob I glared out into space, no matter what we'll find them. We've lost too much to give up on being with them.