Link was scared, her hands finding Ghirahim's arm and clinging onto it. Ghirahim's arms wrapped around her, keeping her close to him as the Goddess statue fell from the sky. There was a roar beneath them, and Link knew that the sound was from the Imprisoned –really, Demise- breaking free from the seal Hylia put in place against him, and what Zelda was currently sleeping to keep hold.

"Goodbye, Master of now." Ghirahim's voice was cold. "It's good to hear you one last time before you die." The tone scared the hero to hear her mate or fiance's voice so dark. Over the couple of days she had spent in his company, she had become accustomed to the soft, alluring voice that spoke to her since the first day.

She had forgotten how that tone was how he sounded when they had first met in person, how cold and calculating he was. She had forgotten how he was to others that weren't close to him. Her hands caught in his cloak, and a hand stroked down her back.

There was the sound of bone breaking, of stone scraping against stone, like nails on a chalkboard, except louder and more grating.
When they had stopped moving, Ghirahim brushed a hand along her cheek, kissing her slowly, softly, as if she would break with one wrong move. She wasn't fragile, he should know that by now, and Link decided to make that a point by pulling him closer and going in for a rougher kiss. She pulled back, eyes flicking back open, blue looking up into dark brown.

"I'm not fragile. And don't you need to get going?"

"I did not say in any manner that you were fragile, Link. You've made it this far. You're anything but fragile. I'll see you shortly. Act well." He lifted a hand to her cheek. "I can hear Demise calling me still. He knows. The Goddess Incarnate will be waking shortly so you better go wake up your friend."
Fi chose to make her appearance then, her soft chime breaking the moment, her soft and even voice spoke, her expression always unchanging.

"Mistress Link, Zelda will be waking any moment. I suggest you and Ghirahim part for the moment. There will be time later." She spoke and Link's eyes looked away from the demon who was bound to her for the time she spoke. Ghirahim's thumb swept across her cheek and she sighed, looking back at Ghirahim, giving him a soft and quick kiss before pulling back.

She took a couple of steps away from Ghirahim before turning around and leaping off the Goddess Statue and rushing into the building to go meet Zelda after her three thousand year sleep.

Pushing the door open, she was greeted by Groose and the old woman, the two of them smiling happily at her and Groose swept his hand towards the area where Zelda slept and there was the faint sound of amber cracking. Link laughed happily, tears gathering at the edges of her eyes and she ran to go see her friend and the amber cracked quickly, breaking faster as Link approached.

When Link stood in front of the gem holding her best friend, the amber broke apart, releasing Zelda and she gently floated to the ground, blue eyes flickering open, and she walked forwards to her friend.

Zelda stumbled, and the hero gasped, rushing forwards and catching her, letting her lower softly to the ground.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." She smiled, and the Goddess Incarnate smiled and laughed softly.
Link held her hand, walking with her out and Groose looked like he'd cry and he did, and the tender moment between them was cut short as the man she loved walked in, acting like nothing was different between them, that Link wasn't with his child, that he didn't take her as his mate.

"This is all quite adorable, but I am afraid I must cut this short." He grinned. "After all, you may have vanquished my master here in the present, but in the past…" He disappeared, a shower of diamonds replacing him and he appeared between Link and Zelda in the same fashion, lifting her up over his shoulder.

"He lives yet and I shall revive him using the soul of this golden haired girl." He strode forwards and Link acted weak, struggling to get to her feet, placing her fingertips on her flat stomach, reassurance for herself.

Reassurance that everything he was doing was to help her.

"The sight of your hair makes my gorge rise!" She heard him shout before Groose was kicked aside along with the old woman who resided in the Temple of Hylia. He opened the gate and strode through it. Link quickly gave chase to her fiancé, not letting the demon out of her sight.

He disappeared and she found him outside where the sealing spike should have been and Zelda was there instead. The way he danced around her unconscious form hurt her like there was no tomorrow, seeing how he did not seem to act indifferently and as she approached the edge, he snapped and a barrier appeared in front of the edge, and he called something out that she could not make out and she could hear nothing but the blood thirsty cries of a horde of bokoblins rushing up to meet her and as the cries grew louder and closer, her hand flew up to grasp the hilt of her blade and she drew it to protect herself from the horde that was advancing every second.

Unlike the past ones she had fought, one stroke across even an arm made bokoblins explode into smoke, something that was a relief to her. Ghirahim had created them as means to make her seem like she was still an enemy, yet when she glanced down now and then, he seemed worried for her sake. It was subtle, but his posture stiffened and she knew his head constantly swiveled to look for her.
Her mate and fiancé, the way she should be treated.

They could have just gone their separate ways, Link going back to live her life on the surface and Ghirahim residing in the demon realm, but the distance would make them lonely and seek the attentions of the other, and it was something that she did not want in the slightest.

She managed to make it through his last horde and when he spoke, her heart was pounding so hard that it was hard to make out what he was saying and when he shifted into that strange, exotic form, she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him, but then again, she had to fight him.

He was unarmed as he approached her, and as he spoke about how he'd defeat her, her mind had spun before she started to smack Ghirahim with her sword time after time, metal hitting metal as he was slowly pushed off the edge and onto a platform similar to the one she just pushed him off.

Link dealt a fatal blow to him, stabbing Ghirahim through the silver diamond on his chest, tears rolling down her cheeks and onto his own as she leaned over him. She had to let him up and she flipped off of him, withdrawing the sacred metal from his chest.

He got to his feet, touching his chest where it was cracked, and he had a sad, pained look on his expression.

"I'm sorry." She timidly spoke, striking him again with the sword and starting to drive him to the edge again.

"I know, my love. I know you are sorry and that this does not change anything between us." He spoke before his arms came up with glowing orbs surrounding them and she slashed between them, the demon lowering them after she hit him the second time, kissing her before she slashed again.
He fell off the level they were on, and Link repeated what she had done before and flipped off. He was heavily breathing, clutching his chest and he looked down at the ground, his lips pressed into a hard line.

"Hurry, Link." He put up no fight this time as she drove him to and over the edge, and this time when she thrust the Master Sword into his chest, the platform sunk to the ground and shattered.

"Get off, please." His voice cracked and she did, and he got up slowly, panting as he clutched at his chest, before he brought a thin rapier into existence, clutching it tightly, probably even harder than he should have held it, and Link's heart beat painfully in her chest, knowing they'd have to fight and she was risking her future, his love, their happiness, and everyone's world.
The only one who would benefit from her failure was the dick that was Ghirahim's master.
Walls went up on either side, both going into a mode that emotions were refused to be allowed to get in their way as the two lunged at each other with the intent to kill almost, and Link dealt a series of blows to him before stabbing his chest. He cried out as she stabbed him a few times before he fell to his knees in defeat, glancing up at Link.

"Here he comes." He spoke before the circle under him illuminated itself in almost a living pattern, and Link felt the world going black and she fell over to the ground.

When she opened her eyes, she was sitting up, watching a spoken exchange between Ghirahim and a bulky man, his hair seeming to be alive with fire and her breath caught in her throat as Ghirahim was knocked over and hoisted into the air by magic and a blade was pulled from his body. She grunted in pain before getting to her feet slowly.

"I challenge you!" She cried. She couldn't let him win.

He turned and she froze. Burning red eyes stared into her before he threw his head back in laughter.

"Fine then, hero. Come fight me and the outcome shall determine the fates of the world!" He shouted in a declaration of war before disapearing into a portal beneath his feet.

She stared at where he had left, feeling completely numb that the man she was engaged to was currently there.
Link got to her feet and approached the portal, Fi appearing.

"Mistress, I predict a 0% chance of return once you enter unless you defeat your foe. Are you sure you want to proceed?" She asked, emotionless as ever.

"Yes." Her voice shook, and she wanted to fight him one on one and as long as she got Ghirahim back to her safely, she was fine and could be happy forever.

"I wish you the best of luck Mistress. Also, my calculations were correct. If you win, I shall tell you the results."
She nodded, her face paling before she ran forward and disapeared into the portal the same way Demise did before her.

The place that Demise was left in was quite beautiful, an oddity for her to see a place so wonderful that was stained by him.

Who was in fact, in a way, fitting in this realm.

It was all a cruel, harsh reality, as he turned, slowly walking, her heart pounded harder and harder.

"Wonderful, you've come. It's a shame Ghirahim chose the hero as his mate. Those are so hard to come by when you're like him." A twisted smile appeared on his lips. "Maybe if you're lucky, I'll take you as my queen."

"Never!" She shouted, thrusting her sword out as the land became dark and cloudy. "I will never surrender!"

"It will be so terrible to have to waste such a lovely source of light, and such a lovely young woman." He laughed, and Link growled, blue eyes narrowing before he rushed her and she had just enough time to throw up her shield to protect herself.
