A/N: This is kind of a sequel to my fanfic What It Means to Be Human. You don't need to read it to get what's going on here, but if you're looking to get your fluff-fix, I recommend checking it out.

Jeremie's fingers drummed an anxious rhythm on the armrest of his chair. This was it. The big day. After waiting all this time, and failing over and over again, his dream was a few keystrokes away from becoming a reality.

Taking a deep breath, Jeremie pushed all traces of doubt out of his mind, and asked the question he had begun to fear he would never get to ask.

"Aelita, are you ready to take the big jump?"

Aelita stood in the tower, taking in the last piece of Lyoko that she'd hopefully ever see, and mentally readying herself for the whole new adventure ahead of her. She was scared for sure, her small hands were trembling with nervous excitement. A thousand what ifs coursed through her mind. However, one thought overpowered all of her doubts: Jeremie.

Ever since their conversation that night, Aelita had done absolutely nothing but daydream about Jeremie, and what was to come when she was materialized. Every night Jeremie would stay up late with her, talking about all the magical things she was going to experience on Earth. Truth be told, Aelita didn't really care about any of that. The only thing she really wanted, really needed, was to be in the arms of a certain blond genius.

Aelita thought about what it would be like to be held by Jeremie, to kiss him, to snuggle with him late at night, instead of talking to him through a computer. She thought about how warm and safe she'd feel in his embrace, sheltered by his love. And then she glanced around the barren and cold Lyoko tower. Empty. Emotionless. And all doubt left her.

"I'm ready Jeremie."

With shaking fingers, Jeremie entered the code that would deliver the love of his life into his arms. After saying a quick prayer, he pressed the enter key and spoke the command:

"Code: Earth."

Aelita felt herself levitating up, surrounded by alternating zeros and ones. She counted to three, and then there was a bright, blinding flash of light.

The scanner doors opened. Vibrant pink hair and sparkling emerald eyes shone bright in the light of the metal cylinder. Jeremie's breath caught in his throat. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined.

Aelita focused her eyes on the figure in front of her. Messy blond hair, blue turtleneck, and deep, thoughtful, sapphire eyes.

"Jeremie…" she whispered.

A solitary tear of joy ran down the young genius's cheek.

"Welcome to Earth, my love."

Very gently, he stepped forward and held her in his arms. Aelita returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around him, holding tight to the boy she loved so dearly.

After what felt like an eternal embrace, they separated.

"Jeremie…" Aelita began, her words choked with joy, "thank you. For everything. Thank you for bringing me into your world, thank you for saving my life so many times, and… thank you for your love. You were the light that guided me all this time, you were the reason I kept fighting against all odds. I love you, Jeremie," tears began to stream down Aelita's face at that last statement.

Jeremie gazed blissfully at the beautiful girl in front of him. All his hard work, all his failure, all his pain, it was all worth it, a thousand times over to have his angel here on Earth with him. Overcome by his love, he leaned in until his lips met Aelita's, and kissed her softly and delicately.

The instant their lips touched, Aelita melted. It was as if she could feel the love and compassion radiating of Jeremie like a becan of gentle kindness. She loved this feeling, she loved him, and she loved being here in his world. She gave herself over to pure bliss as she returned Jeremie's kiss.

That kiss might have lasted hours, but alas that was when Aelita discovered that humans need oxygen in regular intervals, and they were both forced to separate to breathe.

Once they had caught their breath, Jeremie spoke, "Aelita, having you here is already more incredible than I had ever dreamed. I love you so much. You are the single greatest thing in my life. I want to be by your side forever. You're my angel. You gave me a reason to wake up every morning, a reason to live. I completely adore you."

Aelita's head was spinning with joy. She tried to respond to Jeremie's beautiful sentiments, but she just couldn't seem to get the words out. Finally she managed to say, "I…I adore you too Jeremie. I promise I'll love you forever.

Jeremie wrapped his arms around his angel, losing himself in another loving embrace.

It was then that Jeremie realized that Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi were still on Lyoko, waiting to hear the good news.

"Come on Aelita," he said, "let's go bring our friends in, and then we can shut down the supercomputer."

"Shut down the supercomputer," she thought to herself. She'd known it was coming. There was no reason to keep it on now that she was here on earth. But still, something about that idea made her uneasy. After all, Lyoko was her home. "No it's not," Aelita corrected herself. "Earth is your home now. Your home with Jeremie. Lyoko was your home. Now it's your past. Let it go."

"Princess, is everything alright?"

Aelita looked up to see Jeremie's big blue eyes filled with that look of concern that made her feel so snug and secure, like nothing in this world or any other could ever hurt her. "And now, it really can't," she thought to herself.

A smile growing on her face, Aelita took Jeremie's hand and said, "Yes, my prince, everything is absolutely wonderful."