Vengeance and Justice

Chapter 16 aftermaths

Authors Notes I don't own Kim Possible Disney does, all I own is my OC Kuto Sata. I don't own Marvel either

Also I recommend that all my readers check out the fics written by Angels Anthem, Appa Appa Away, LongLiveTheClones, XxheavendragonxX, Aurora Lunar 0Love This0, Icehockeychic4 Canadiancloneluver, Guardian Kitch, Jemmz, Full-Paragon, Fenrisulven13 and lastly Xpredatorx as they are twelve of the best writers on this site in my opinion.

And please if you read this fic then let me know what you think of it good or bad comments just let me know as I want your opinions on it no matter what they are.

This is set after So the Drama and is AU from there on.

From this point on this fic is set in the Marvel Cinematic universe set after Thor 2.

Lastly I want to apologize for the delay in uploading this chapter. I had college assignments and and work experience to do.

Well that's enough of an author's notes on with chapter 16.

Go City Police Department

Detective Chase Mccain entered the building and the officers started to clap as Mccain went past them. One officer said loudly "Good job taking out Mr Radcliff, detective!"

When the detective entered the office all the officers stood up and applauded Mccain and some shook his hand as he headed to the commissioner's office.

Detective Mccain entered Commissioner Avery's office and sat down. Commissioner Avery said "Everyone on the force is calling for you to get a commendation for killing Radcliff. I want to hear in your own words. What led to you shooting Henry Radcliff? I want to know what happened."

Mccain said "I entered the mansion via the kitchen with those members of the taskforce left. The others headed to Go Tower to help with the situation there. I went into Radcliff's office and ordered him to put his hands. He took out a gun and fired. He missed and I fired back, killing him in self-defence."

Commissioner Avery looked at Mccain for a few moments before he finally said, "You're lying. You killed him in cold blood. That is something that will remain between the two of us. However, I warn you. Do something like this again and you're going to properly punished even if I have to go down with you."

Mccain nodded and suddenly a crime scene investigator entered the room and showed Commissioner Avery documents found at the Radcliff mansion.

Once he read them, Avery said to Mccain "Go to the Go-City Plaza hotel and arrest Norman Osborn right now."

Mccain and the CSI left the room as Commissioner Avery smiled as finally Henry Radcliff got what he deserved.

Go City Gentlemen's Club

Don Carlo Michi smiled as his men brought in Tashaya Radcliff, the psychopath daughter of Henry Radcliff.

Don Michi said, "Miss Radcliff. I am glad you could come. Please sit down."

Tashaya was forced onto a chair as she glared at Don Michi.

The head of the Michi crime family said "Your father and most your men are dead. Those who are left are being given a chance to leave Go City, join me or die like your father did. Most foot soldiers are joining my family. Others are leaving the city. The Roma One Mafia is finished."

Tashaya said "Why am I here?"

Don Michi took out a pistol and said "|So I can kill you myself. You killed my son years ago. Now you pay the price. Any last words."

Tashaya only said, "I'll be waiting for you in Hell."

With that, Michi fired once killing Tashaya Radcliff with a bullet to the head.

Don Michi said to his men "Throw her body in a river in another state that's far from here."

Michi then went into his office where the city's biggest drug dealers were waiting for him, eager to make a deal with the new head of the Go City underworld.

Their hopes were quickly dashed as Don Michi said "From now on. All your business in Go City is over. No more drugs will sold here. Tell those supplying you the same and if I learn drugs are being sold in this city. I will find those responsible and make them beg for death by the time I'm done with them."

One dealer asked "Why are you against drugs. Radcliff didn't mind us selling drugs in Go City."

Michi replied angrily "The poison you sell killed my daughter. That's why now get out of this city and never return."

The drug dealers were led out of the building as Don Michi lit a cigar and celebrated the end of Henry Radcliff.

Go Tower

The silence around Go Tower was finally broken when Dr Drakken said "You killed her. You killed Warmonga."

Sarah said "I had no choice. She had killed a cop and was no doubt going to kill others before she was stopped. If this fight got into the city, innocent people could have been at risk. It had to be done."

Kim asked "How is that any different than what I did to you Shego?"

A Go City police officer suddenly called out "You didn't have to kick her into that damn tower! You used excessive force!"

Sarah nodded and said "He's right. You could have just knocked me out done something different. But you let your anger control you like I did with Eclipse all those years ago."

As this conversation unfolded Kuto ran back into Go Tower and changed out of his I-Go attire and back into his street clothes before he emerged from the tower to face Kim Possible himself.

As Kuto came out a police officer asked "Mr Kuto Sata are you alright?"

Kuto answered "I'm fine. I sealed myself in a panic room while the fighting broke out. Kim Possible, if I am not mistaken you're in violation of the restraining order. You are required to stay 500 feet away from me, Sarah and Team Go. If you breach this restraining order without permission you will be arrested. So why are you here?"

Kim answered "I caught Drakken and came here to see what I can do to help. I might not like Shego, but Team Go are heroes who didn't deserve to be torn apart by that Warmonga person."

Kuto nodded and said "If hand Drakken over to Team Go and the Go City Police. This breach of the restraining order will be forgotten. Now Miss possible do we have a deal?"

Shego then added "If you refuse this offer Kimmie. You and me and going to fight again and this time I won't hold back. You saw what happened to Warmonga. Do you honestly want to risk suffering the same fate?"

Kim was silent for a few moments before she looked at Ron and asked "What do you think I should do Ron?"

Ron answered truthfully "Hand Drakken over Kim."

Kim nodded and said "You have a deal Kuto. Drakken is all yours."

Drakken was handed over to the Go City PD while Kim called for a ride to bring her and Ron back to Middleton.

Once they were gone the Go City police left as well and Team Go went back into Go Tower along with Dr Drakken.

Melvin put Drakken in a holding cell while Kuto, Sarah and the others went to the lab to find out how Shego was able to kill Warmonga.

Kuto himself already had a theory as to this happened, he just needed to run a few tests to be certain his theory was correct.

Go City Plaza Hotel

Norman Osborn was packing his bags, he just saw on the local news that Henry Radcliff was dead and the Go City police were searching the house for evidence of his various crimes and connections to other criminals.

Norman knew it was only a matter of time before his connection to Radcliff was discovered. If he got to France before then he'd be safe from prosecution by American courts.

Suddenly Norman heard a loud voice from the other side of the door "Norman Osborn! This is the Go City Police department! We know that you are in there! Open the door or we'll break it down!"

Norman did not have time to get his gun as the hotel room door was kicked open and several armed police officers entered the room demanding the CEO of Oscorp put his hands up.

Detective Chase Mccain took out a pair of handcuffs and said "Norman Osborn you are under arrest."

Norman asked "On what charges?"

Detective Mccain answered "Conspiracy to commit murder. You paid Henry Radcliff to put a hit on Kuto Sata. You are also being charged with smuggling weapons into the city for Radcliff's mob. We found documents Radcliff kept of his dealings with you. He probably had them as blackmail against you."

As Norman was arrested, Mccain asked, "Why did you order a hit on Kuto Sata?"

Norman knew at this point he was finished with the evidence against him, he was facing life in prison at least, so why not tell the truth.

Norman answered "The reason why is simple detective. Stark Industries and Oscorp are the only corporations left standing between Kuto Sata and total dominance of the technology markets and Oscorp can no longer compete. With the Sata Reactor and the Sata Filter, Sata Industries becomes a new superpower and will control the energy supplies of the world once all nations get a Sata Reactor, The word needed Kuto Sata gone. With him dead, the company would fall apart and make it easy for me to buy the company then deal with Stark."

One officer said "You tried to kill a man beloved in the city because you were petty."

The officer punched Norman in the face and the businessman asked Mccain "You going to let him do that to me?"

Mccain replied "I didn't see anything."

Norman shouted "You didn't see anything! That son of a bitch hit me."

Mccain replied "If he did I'm sure you deserved it. Let's go, a few people at the precinct want to talk to you."

With that, Norman was dragged out of the room by the police.

Go Tower

Kuto and Team Go were in the lab as Kuto was looking at footage of the attack by Warmonga and compared the attacks by the team against the alien to attacks in previous battles Team Go had with supervillains like Magma and Bull.

Once Kuto compared the power levels of the attacks and saw the attacks in the battle against Warmonga were more powerful than attacks in battles with Bull and Eclipse.

Mark asked "So Kuto what's your theory. I know you have one."

Kuto nodded and said "Sarah. I want you to hit the wall with a blast of plasma."

Sarah did just that and Kuto saw the power levels of that attack was five times stronger than her normal attacks.

Kuto said "I think the ring I gave you Sarah done more than give you Mark's power of super strength. It also made your regular powers much stronger."

Sarah immediately took off the ring as did the others with their rings as well as Kuto himself.

Mark said "Kuto, lock those rings away. We will only use them in extreme circumstances like Chituari invasion for example."

Kuto nodded in agreement and put the rings in a briefcase and would put them back in his lab later.

Now however they had to question Drakken about this Warmonga woman.

They went to the holding cells and Shego asked her old boss one question "This Warmonga. Where does she come from and why did she call you the Great Blue?"

Drakken did not say a word but when Sarah ignited a plasma ball in her hand and glared at her former boss, Drakken talked "it's do with some prophecy of her people that a great warrior called the Great Blue will lead her people to glory against their sworn enemies. She thought it was me, so I made her think it was."

Kuto asked "Did she send a message to her people Drakken?"

Drakken nodded and Kuto swore loudly before he went to his office and called Tony Stark.

Sarah said "You son of a bitch. You've destroyed us all."

Drakken did not say a word as the gravity of what he had done hit him like a ton of bricks, because of him, earth might face another alien invasion and there was no telling when it would happen.

Kuto told Tony of what he and Team Go just learned and Tony said "I'll tell Fury myself. If this is as a big a threat as we think it is Kuto. We'll need all the help we can get and that includes Kim Possible."

Kuto said "The day I work side by side with the girl who nearly killed the woman I love is the day pigs fly."

Tony said "I killed my captors in Afghanisatan Kuto. Sometimes you need to be willing to kill to save many lives."

Kuto said "If Shego died that night make no mistake Kim Possible wouldn't have lived long after that. Shego is the only woman I will ever love. I know if our roles were reversed she'd the do the same thing."

Tony merely said "If someone killed Pepper like that. I'd probably do the same thing. When it comes to those we love. We'll do anything to protect them from harm."

Kuto said "Agreed. So did you have a look over the specs for the Sata Reactor?"

Tony replied "I did. We can announce we're going into business together at the fundraiser tomorrow. I'll be in Go City later on tonight and I'll swing by Sata Tower in the morning."

Kuto said "I look forward to it Tony."

Kuto hung up the phone and turned on the TV and smiled when he saw corrupt businessman Norman Osborn was arrested but Kuto was shocked to learn Norman was behind a plot to murder him.

He had a perfect way to get even with Osborn and called Norman's son Harry Osborn.

Once he talked to the new head of Oscorp about his offer and Harry accepted, he headed to Go City airport as fast as possible. President Barrack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping were on their way.

Go City Airport

The mayor of Go City, the chief of police and other important Go City officials were waiting for Air Force One to touch down on the runway along with a military escort.

Just then a limo arrived and Kuto Sata emerged.

Kuto said "Sorry. I'm laste Mr Mayor."

The mayor said "Don't worry Kuto. I understand. President Jinging's plane is 10 minutes away and Air Force One is due shortly."

A few minutes later Air Force One landed at Go City airport and President Barrack Obama emerged from the plane along with his wife Michelle and his daughters.

The mayor walked up to the President and shook his hand before he said "Mr President. Welcome to Go City."

Go City police station

Norman Osborn sat in his cell, he gave the police his confession and now knew his fate and he faced 30 years in prison at least. If he lasted that long, no doubt prison guards would make his life hell and even inmates would be after him. The Sata family name was like royalty in Go City and those who cross the royal family don't last long.

A police officer opened his cell door and Norman was shocked when he saw the head of Kuto Sata's security, Richard Garner enter the room.

Richard said "I saw on the news you tried to have my boss killed. I want to know why."

When he got no answer Richard yelled "Why?!"

Norman said "Simple. I wanted his company and the best way to get it is with him dead."

Richard muttered to himself "That's what I thought. Well now you're going to get what you deserve for trying to kill a man I consider my own nephew."

Richard took out a small cylinder object out of his pocket and it extended into a baton. Richard then proceeded to hit Norman repeatedly until the man was bloody and unconsciousness.

Richard quickly left the room while the Go City police officers turned back on the cameras in the holding cell.

Go City Airport

President Obama, his family, Kuto and the mayor watched as the plane carrying the President of China landed and President Xi Jingping came out along with his wife and bodyguards.

The two presidents shook hands and exchanged hellos before Kuto and the mayor welcomed President Xi Jingping to Go City.

Kuto was determined that no matter what tomorrow night would be a success.


Kim Possible entered her house and was surprised when she saw Dr Director was standing in the hallway waiting for her.

Kim asked "Dr Director what is it?"

The head of Global Justice replied "I have a mission for you Kim. Do you accept it?"

Kim was silent for a moment before she asked "May I ask what this mission is?"

Dr Director answered sharply "You'll learn what it is if you accept the mission Kim. Do you accept this mission?"

Kim nodded and Dr Director said "I want you to kill Shego."

Kim was shocked and asked "Why?"

Dr Director lied and said "She plans to kill President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jingping at the fundraiser tomorrow night. You have to stop her before then."

Kim immediately contacted Wade to get her suit ready. To stop Shego from killing two presidents she'd have to do whatever it took even if she had to kill her. Though in the back of her mind, Kim was questioning Dr Director's lack of evidence of this alleged plot by Shego.

As Dr Director left the house she called Senator Stern and said "It's done. Once Kim Possible kills Shego, Kuto Sata will kill her in a rage and that will get him put out of the way. Once we have the Sata Reactor. Hydra's goals will be realised."

Senator Stern said "Hail Hydra."

Dr Director said in response "Hail Hydra."

Well that's chapter 16 completed please let me know what you think of it read and review no flames though ok.