Lucy sighed as she walked through another set of school gates. Yet another school, this was the third this year, and it was only June. Why were her parents always moving her around, she and her only brother, Sting were always pulled along by their parents. Her father and mother could get bored of a house or a town easily and so they would just move on, without concern for their own children's well-being. Lucy had not grown into a strong young lady she didn't get nervous about new schools, she didn't care about learning in her classes, she strolled into the school, headphones in her ears, blaring music. She glanced down at the paper in her hand, room 7-C.

Reaching the room she kicked open the door. It slammed loudly against the wall and the whole class fell silent to look at her. The teacher was stood at the front of the room and Lucy pulled on headphone free, "Where do I sit."

The teacher nodded to an empty desk at the back of the room, in the corner by the window. Lucy strolled over and swung her bag under the desk before pulling out the chair and sitting down. The called the register and then, it being tutor (Sorry for those who aren't from England this is like homeroom) she then checked for any notices to tell her class. With none she settled at her desk, opening her laptop and tapping away.

The class started talking the noise level slowly rising. Lucy sat, fiddling with the half pony tail on the side of her head. She observed her class, there was one girl sat in one corner reading a book, one boy with black, long spikey hair was sat looking bored and a girl with long red hair was studying, there was also a girl asleep on the desk next to hers. The rest of the class was in a large group around one boy, who Lucy could barely see, not that she cared.

"That there is Natsu," the girl next to her looked up.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were sleeping." Lucy said.

"I was," the girl grinned, "I've got on heck of a hangover."

"Oh really," Lucy smiled, "I'm Lucy."

"Cana," she nodded. "So yeah, the popular sporty guy over there is Natsu, his cronies, well the closest ones are his best friend Grey, the girl who is really popular herself and wants to have him, Lisanna, the one who wants Grey, Juvia, plus the other girls who generally horde them."

"And the three who aren't over there?" Lucy asked, the people who were popular, her kind of people.

"Bookworm is Levy, dark knight over there is Gajeel and thee red head is our year's student head and the only one who can travel between Natsu and that and the lonely word of the rest of us, that and she's always having a go at Natsu and Grey. That is Erza."

"Far enough, So Levy I could befriend, I like reading, but dark boy…" Lucy started.

"Be careful, annoy Natsu and hell breaks loose, and annoy Gajeel… well your dead." Cana told her.

But Lucy was already on her feet, "Gajeel!" she called.

Gajeel looked up, as did Levy as Lucy approached, "I'm Lucy nice to meet you."

"Look new girl, I guess no one's told you but I'm not one to mess with." He growled.

"Aww, that's cute," Lucy smiled sweetly, "I'm not easily scared."

By this time everyone in the room was watching as Lucy leaned against Gajeel's desk. Two boys pushed forward from the group followed by two girls. Natsu, Grey, Lisanna and Juvia. Levy had put down her book and even Erza was looking over with a mixture of interest and concern, Cana was smiling, impressed.

"I warned you." Gajeel growled getting to his feet, pushing his chair back. Lucy straightened up and crossed her arms. "Don't think the teachers gunna help either, she's learnt to ignore everything we all do."

"Like I care," Lucy shrugged, "look, I don't know how long I'm going to be here, I'm just trying to make some friends… and I hate popular and idiotic upstarts." She flung a look over her shoulder at the popular, idiotic upstarts she knew were watching. She heard a soft growl from the girl with grey hair, who must be Lisanna, since she was gripping the arm of the guy with pink hair who she figured, was Natsu… and who would call a kid with pink hair Grey.

"Hmph," Gajeel narrowed his eyes, "really now, well you've got a sharp tongue."

"My bite is worse than my bark." Lucy shrugged.

"Haha," Gajeel smiled, "Would you allow me to test that claim?" before Lucy could respond he stepped forward and swung his fist, Lucy ducked instantly and moved forward with speed and precision, she turned to face his back and before he could turn kicked him hard in the back, propelling him forward and into the wall by his desk.

She walked over and stood in front of him, one foot raised ready to kick him again if she needed to. "Did I win?" she asked cutely, cocking her head to one side. Gajeel smiled slightly and extended his hand.

"Truce?" he asked.

"Friends," Lucy replied shaking his hand.

Later when the bell rang, Lucy scooped up her bag and then banged her hand against the desk, everyone fell silent in shock. "Anyone know where the hell room 3-S is?"

The popular crowded all shot her dirty looks and she smiled back and sent them a little wave by wiggling her fingers at them. "I have science there also." Lucy turned to see Erza collecting her things, "Levy and I will show you the way."

"Thanks Erza." Lucy smiled.

"Cana told you my name." Erza smiled, "Speaking of, could you wake her up she needs to get to class too."

Lucy smiled and turned back to her first friend, "Hey Cana!" She called shaking her hangover class-mate. "Wake up we have to move to our next class."

Cana got up groggily and flashed a sleepy smile at Lucy before getting up, "Mkay Lucy," she said grabbing her bag, "I'll see you at lunch."

Lucy smiled "Yeah sure."

Lucy turned back to Erza who was waiting with Levy. "Come on Lucy."

After double science and then a period of math and then one of geography with a short twenty minute break in-between where she stayed with Erza and Levy, unsure where she would find Cana. She knew at Lunch she would find Cana and Gajeel on the field on a bench somewhere, since Erza had told her that was where everyone sat.

By geography she found that both Cana and Gajeel where in that class with her, Erza and Levy were in all he classes and unfortunately so was Natsu and Grey and unfortunately their squealing fan girls.

When it was finally over Erza and Levy showed her to the lunch area. The filed was attached to the doors that lead into the large school hall and canteen. "Lu-chan, may I please sit with you, I normally sit alone."

"Of course Levy." Lucy smiled as they walked onto the field though the doors of the canteen after buys what they wanted, Levy had brought a sandwich and a drink, Lucy only a drink. Lucy saw Cana slumped over one of the picnic tables and walked over.

Cana looked up, "Hiya Lucy, hey Levy, where's Mr dark and brooding?"

"May I sit here?" Before Lucy could reply to Cana Erza was stood at their table.

"Sure Erza." Lucy said.

During classes Erza had been silent other than to tell Lucy something about the school. So Lucy was surprise when she put aside her books and started talking. "Lucy I just wanted to say the little show this morning…" Lucy steeled herself; Cana had said Erza was basically in charge even scowling Natsu and Grey. "…Was very impressive. You stood up to Gajeel and managed to throw and insult at Natsu and Grey while you were at it, even though Cana gave you warnings."

"Thanks Erza." Lucy smiled. "I always get that stuff out of the way as soon as possible, I've been to a lot of schools in a lot of places, I've become a good judge of characters… I can tell which people are more likely to accept me and those who would corner me and bully me for talking to the popular guy."

"Such as Lisanna or Juvia, or that girl with the ridiculously long hair, I don't know her name but she's the same as Lisanna and Juvia." Lucy shrugged.

"Oh, you mean Flare." Erza said, "She's after Natsu as well."

"Hey!" they all turned to see a group of people moving towards them. A girl with long silver hair and another with long green hair. With these two girls was three boys, one with long green hair, on with short hair the same colour and the first girl and the third had brown hair.

"Lucy," Cana smiled as two of the boys pulled over another table and joined it to theirs "This is Mirajane, call her Mira, her brother Elfman, Bisca, her boyfriend Alzack and of course Fried. Guys this I Lucy, the newbie who took down Gajeel and insulting Natsu, all before the end of tutor."

"I heard my name," Gajeel appeared behind Lucy and most of the group flinched.

"Yo Gajeel!" Lucy smiled, "Come and sit down with us." She encouraged. She shuffled over to make space and Gajeel sat between her and Levy.

"Yeah and after she took him down they became friends, some kind of strength respect I don't understand." Cana added. "And that's my job done." With that Cana lay out and promptly fell back to sleep.

"Hangover?" Mira asked.

"Yeah," Lucy nodded.

"As always." Mira sighed, "Oh Lucy Cana said u insulted Natsu, which mean you must have met our little sister, Lisanna."

"Lisanna is you sister?" Lucy asked, "Actually now I think about it you guy do have some resemblance, like the hair."

"Yes," Mira nodded, "We'd like to apologise in advance for anything she does, we'll try to keep her off your back but it's complicated."

"Lisanna was very close with Natsu when they were children, but for a while out mother left and took the youngest with her, Lisanna." Elfman continued, "When she came back, after our mother was in a car accident, she latched onto Natsu, she won't let any girl near him."

"No offence Mira, elfman but you make her sound kinda innocent." Erza said, "When she does kind of act…"

"Like a bitch." Bisca volunteered.

"Yeah," Erza nodded, "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Mira sighed, "We know that all too well, she practically ignores us at home, like we're not even related, yet she'll talk to us at school, acting like she did when she was a kid, but always in front of Natsu."

"She trying to be the kid she was before," Elfman said, "before she was taken away by mum."

As if on cue there was a sweet call from a large table across the field from them. "Mira-nii!" Mira looked up and sighed as she saw Lisanna sitting beside Natsu, clinging to his arm as she waved her sister towards her.

Mira got up and walked toward the table that wasn't that far away from theirs. Lucy turned and pretended to talk with the others but she kept an ear to the conversation between the two sisters as the youngest one leant against Natsu's shoulder. "Mira-nii, why are you two talking to that horrible new girl?"

"Lisanna, Lucy isn't a bad person." Mira tried to reason.

"But Mira-nii she was really rude to me and Natsu-kun this morning." Lisanna said rubbing her head against Natsu, was it just Lucy or did he look really uncomfortable.

"Hey guys," she spoke softly to the group around her, "want to see some more of what happened this morning… for those of you that missed it, I fell like pissing off Natsu."

"No way are you going to…" Levy trailed off as Lucy got to her feet.

"There no stopping her shrimp." Gajeel sighed, with everyone watching walk over to Natsu's table, no one saw her blush.

Lucy walked towards the table slowly swinging her hips and fiddling with her hair. Lisanna was watching her with disgust coving her soft facial features, Mira look surprised but a small smile sat on her lips, Natsu was watching, eyes wide and the blonde, attractive girl walked purposefully towards him towards him.

She stopped in front of him beside Mira and smiled "Na-tsu!" she said sweetly flashing him her most innocent smile. "I just wanted to tell you something."

"Oh yeah," he raised his eye brows.

"Yeah," Lucy nodded, "I just wanted to tell that I think…" she trailed of and smiled again, sh reached forward and touched a piece of his pink spiked hair, he leaned forward a little, Lisanna gasped in horror of someone else touching her Natsu. Behind her she could hear the sounds of her friends trying to withhold their laughter. "Your eyes there… how do I say this…" Lucy looked thoughtful for a moment, "There as dark and dull as your personality."

Natsu recoiled his black eyes wide in shock. Lisanna gasped again and put one arm around him, in an attempt to comfort him, though to Lucy it looked like she just wanted the excuse to grip to him like a limpet. "Wh…What!" Natsu jumped to his feet, dislodging Lisanna roughly.

Lucy giggled lightly and twirled away to where grey was watching with a straight poker face, a clearly forced poker face, even he was finding this amusing. "And Grey…" she pulled out his name to get his attention, "You're dense as hell, you would be so much happier if you just looked at what was right under your nose." Grey looked down, taking her seriously, she giggled but turned away again. "Anyway, nice to talk to you all."

"Wait right there." A strong hand grabbed her wrist and she turned to give Natsu a killer smile. "Who do you think you are?" he asked.

"Who, well that's an easy one." she smiled, "I'm Lucy." He blinked at her, unsure on how to continue, she smiled and lent forward, "Be careful Natsu," she whispered "or that limpet might become a leech." She pulled her wrist free and spun away, "Bye bye then!" she called over her shoulder with a little wave.

She re-joined her table with Mira just behind her, they were all laughing, someone had woken Cana and she too was laughing at the look that was still plastered across Natsu's face.

"That was fun," She smiled picking up her drink and took a gulp.

"I like you Lucy," Cana smiled and Erza nodded, all around the table the group was nodding in agreement. "I have a feeling school in going to get a lot more interesting from here on out"