Well, I guarantee that I am going to put out my best on this one. There wont be any updates until October because we are all going back to School so I hope you enjoy Cinnamon and I will finish this one so, prepare to see things through Cinnamon Bun's eyes, feel his feelings and live in his world.

Chapter 1 A Simple Life

I walked down the Candy Halls towards the princess's lab. Its was a very boring and uneventful day for me. This was mainly because Candy people were not allowed to leave the Candy Kingdom,we were not allowed to stray far from the love and protection of our beloved princess , Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum I . She was a very kind , smart princess. She and her candy people had a strong bond, despite the fact she didn't spend much time with us. She was always locked away in that lab of hers , doing sciency junk that I could never understand . Whenever I asked her to explain something to me , she would pat me on the head and say ," Oh, Cinnamon Bun, your so cute!". Then she would whisper to the person next to her, mostly Peppermint Butler, " He'll never understand.". She makes me feel like a idiot all the time! Everyone does! It hurts me and I cry my sweet , sugary tears when no one is looking. Despite all that, I love her anyway , no matter how low she makes me feel. No one could stay mad at the princess. She was so lovable and nice that whenever she did something wrong or by accident that hurt us ,before she could apologize, we did so instead. Yes. I loved her very much , I just wish she would spend more time with me and have fun with me but she was so busy with all her royal duties.

I reached the end of the hallway and opened the huge doors which led into the lab. "Hey, Princess..." , I said,in my thick,raspy voice then quickly realized she was talking to Finn and Jake.

A sudden wave of jealousy came over me. Princess Bubblegum always hung out with Finn and Jake and they always had a wonderful time together. She send them out on awesome adventures and they have tons of fun. The princess loved her two knights and would do anything for them. I always asked the princess to go on an adventure , and the reply would always be the same.

" Oh, Cinnamon Bun , your so cute, but its too dangerous for a sweet little guy like you!". Then she would kiss me on the forehead and I would forget I even asked. Asking Finn and Jake made no difference.

"Sorry, Cinnamon Bun. Its too dangerous!", they would say as well and go off to an epic adventure I longed to be a part of.

Sometimes, the princess would ask me to do small things but that wasn't enough. Like at her science - music thing , she told me to do something when Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig were snuggling too loudly. I said the party was over and sent everyone home.

"That's not what I meant." , she said.

"The party's over, princess!" , I yelled , and with that we stormed off angrily.

There was this other time of the year when it was time for The Annual Back- Rubbing Ceremony. Once again, Princess Bubblegum appointed her knights with the special job. They were supposed to deliver the tarts and follow the princess's directions. I did a flip to try to impress them but I ended up with my dough all over the floor. I was secretly offended when she said I was 'half baked' but everyone thought I didn't notice. Anyway, they thought they had given me the tarts they poisoned but they gave me the real tarts instead and sent me on the safe path while they towed the dangerous path. Anyway , thanks to me, The Annual Back-Rubbing Ceremony was a success and for once, I was the hero.

I walked over to the princess and saw that she was working on was holding green , bubbly stuff in a triangle- looking,glass thing.

"Hey princess, watcha working on?" , I asked her. I half expected to hear the usual "Your so cute!" line but much to my relief, it was different.

" I'm working on a special substance that will decrease the zanoid population subsequently...," , she stopped as if she remembered she was talking to the ' Dumb Bun'.

She could see the confusion on my face and she sighed. " Cinnamon Bun , don't you have something better to do?". I closed my eyes and walked away.

I knew when I wasn't wanted.