Thanks Anyways

This story contains boy x boy, don't like don't read. Fluff awaits!

"Huh?" Came the response of a mildly confused America, who was still clutching his party invites.

England sighed. "I said, I can't make it. There's more important fares to tend to, I've got a lot to do." There was a small pause. "Actually, you do too. Those papers that I assigned to you need to be returned on Friday, or else there's going to be problems." The thick-browed nation crossed his arms, eyeing his former colony accusingly.

"I know, man, they're like... Halfway done. But listen, I really think you should show up and-"

"And what? Eat fatty foods?" England shook his head and sighed, pushing his chair back from the conference table as he made to stand up. "Maybe next year, yeah? But right now I've really got to go. See you soon, Alfred." And with that, the shorter Englishman brushed off the front of his jacket and left the large room without another word.

America only watched England go, glancing down at the thin stack of invitations that he'd passed out earlier that morning. Everyone was less than happy to receive one, some even sneaking away to dump the slip of paper into the trash bins. He'd really been hoping he could appeal to the other countries this year with even cooler party favors, but nobody even gave a second glance. Not even Arthur. Not even Canada.

Standing up, America laid his chin on his chest as he began to slowly fumble with the cards. Just like last year, nobody was going to appear. If he asked, he'd get some lame response, he just knew it. With heavy legs, the blonde country shuffled over to the trash and ungracefully dumped his invites into it. No use in keeping them, right? The rest were in there anyways, it's not like it made a difference.

"So much for having a good birthday," he mumbled to himself, stuffing his hands into his bomber jacket as he slowly made his way out the large double doors.


It was much later into the night that America had heard his doorbell ring, interrupting one of his favorite sitcoms. Putting down his tub of Rocky Road icecream (which was actually quite difficult to eat all of, but for this occasion he would allow it), the blonde readjusted Texas on his nose and began his slow trek to the front door. Sighing, America reflexively flattened out any wrinkles in his tacky jacket before reaching out to clutch at the knob and swing the door open.

Now, he would've expected anyone to be standing there, small gift in hand. China, Germany, Italy... Anybody, really. Just not this person... Anyone besides this person.

"Russia?" America frowned, eyebrows pulling together. He scrutinized the other blonde's expression, how cheery he was. The smile he had, though eerie, was genuine.

"Happy birthday, Aмерика!" The larger country greeted, gloved hands thrusting out a small and plainly wrapped present.

Though stunned, the American sluggishly grabbed the gift that was pushed into his chest. "Why are you here...?"

The violet eyed man seemed miffed, tilting his head to the side. "Jou vere not passing out invites at the conference?" The Russian pursed his bottom lip, the action oozing fake innocence. "I did not get one. Jou vound me."

"Then why did you show up?" America asked, voice now exasperated. It was true that after the Cold War his opinion on the larger man had changed, and that he didn't invite the slate-haired for his childish distaste towards him.

"Knew dhat no one else vould come." There was a twinkle in those purple irises. "Just like alvays, да? It is a sad sight."

The smaller nation puffed up, sticking his chest out as he opened his mouth to retort. "Y..You missed it, dude. Everybody showed up! It was great. Stayed for the fireworks too, so awesome." He smiled, but knew that the Ruski could see right through it.

Russia dropped his smile then, eyes scanning every inch of the American's expression. "Do not lie, Aмерика. It is okay, dhis is vhy I do not tell my birthday to others. Saves disappointment." He regained his creepy smile then, patting the shorter man on the shoulder. "But I brought jou some'ting, so not every'vun has forgotten jou're birthday." He pointed an index finger at the small box, causing the American to glance down at it.

"What is it?" America murmured, deciding not the argue with the older nation.

"Open it."

The blonde began twisting his moving his hands, examining the present. He placed it close to his ear and shook, making the other country grimace.

"It is better dhat you do not shake," he encouraged, causing America to blush embarrassedly. "Be very gendle, was not easy to get vhere I am from."

America nodded then, looking back down at the box again. As he weighed it, he realized it was incredibly light. 'Wow, the one present I get and it's from Russia of all people.' "You... You didn't have to," he sighed, looking back up with saddened eyes.

Russia smiled. "да, I know. Now open it."

The demanding tone made America flinch slightly, but he did as he was told and slowly peeled away the wrapping. Despite its dull appearance, Russia did not disappoint with decorations. The gray paper was elegantly tucked and folded expertly, not a crooked crease visible. Once he'd managed to unwrap everything, the blonde now held a thin plastic box, with intricate designs laid across the sides. That wasn't what interested the American though. No, what caught his breath was the large, bright yellow sunflower centered delicately in the middle of the container, colors the most vibrant that America had ever seen. The stem was missing, but it only gave the big pretty flower a more broach-like appearance. It looked like something a boy would give to his prom date.

"Ivan, it's..." America whispered, smile finally tugging at the corners of his mouth as he examined the flower. "Did you...?"

"Grow it? нет." Russia watched as smaller blonde ogled the sunflower, smile of his own in place. "Not by my hand. Vas grown in my coundry, though."

America stared at the gift, not noticing that his face was wet till a sweep of wind chilled his damp cheeks. Shaking his head, he reached up with an arm and scrubbed the tears away. "I-" He tried to talk, but the lump in his throat blocked his voice from forming comprehendible words. Instead, a small sob tore it way out of his throat, and he instantly looked away.

Russia's eyebrows pulled together in concern, smile falling. "Comrade? Vhat is it?" He reached forward, and was pleasantly surprised to see the other super power not shy away for once. Placing a hand on his shoulder, the larger man gently drew America into a feather-light embrace.

Any other time, Alfred would've backed away and spewed various insults at the paler man. But as he was tugged into a hug- a hug that wasn't polite or unwanted- it wasn't a surprise that he clung to the tall nation and buried his face into the lapel's of his jacket. "Y-You're the only one who cared enough to come," he cried, voice muffled by the fabric. "J..J-Just you!"

"Shh, Aмерика. It is okay," the Russian soothed, pleased to see the other country clasp onto him like a lifeline. It was nice to feel wanted. "я забочусь. это нормально..." He ran a hand through the smaller blonde's hair in an attempt to calm him.

Though not acquainted with the other man's native tongue, his words were relaxing and almost made Alfred feel... Better? They weren't cursed at him like they were so many times before, and it nearly startled America out of his wits when he felt the larger nation's hand slide into his hair... And stroke it, instead of rip it out.

Russia smiled again as he listened to the sobs die down to nothing but sniffles, continuing to play with the golden strands of hair. "It is late," he murmured after a while, twisting a lock between his thumb and index finger. "I must go soon, to catch a flight in the morning."

Still not pulling away, America kept his cheek pressed against Russia's chest as he answered. "Why?"

A childish laugh filled the air. "Because I 'ave been in jou're coundry for three weeks, and I need to tend to my own soon, да?"

"Yeah... Okay.." There was a sigh, before the smaller blonde pulled away and the two shared a content look; though Russia's gazes were always somewhat intimidating.

Ivan began to move away then, slowly stepping back as he made to leave the front of Alfred's house. A hand shout out, unexpectedly grasping onto Russia's arm.

"Hey..! Wait, I uhm... I just want to say thanks.. You know?" America looked down at the boxed sunflower in his hand, before glancing back up at the other nation. "For showing up and for the present." He smiled, which was mutually returned as always. "But if you tell anyone about 'that', I'll kill you."

Russia laughed then, shaking his head. "I vould not put it past jou, подсолнечника." Stepping closer, he leaned down to America's height and placed a kiss on the shorter man's forehead. "Vell, until next time, Aмерика. Goodbye, and happy birthday." Pulling away, He smiled warmly (which was hard for the older man to do, since he was usually as cold as ice) and began to walk away towards where his car sat on the curb.

America only gawked, hand coming up to touch the spot on his forehead that had blossomed into a flower of warmth. He watched as his former enemy then drove away, surprised at the other man's actions.. But definitely not complaining. Clutching the sunflower close to his heart, America smiled and turned around to trudge back into house.

He supposed this year's birthday wasn't so bad after all.

Dude I ship it like it's FedEx. RnR if you like? c:

да - yes/yeah

нет - no

Aмерика - America

я забочусь - I care

это нормально - it's okay

подсолнечника - sunflower

Sorry for any translation issues! I don't speak Russian hehe.