Standard Disclaimers Apply.
Chapter Two
Kenshin stared at Kaoru's retreating figure, almost gaping. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Kaoru thought that he was treating her like his daughter. Was that how he made her feel?
Like his daughter?
Kenshin felt an aching sensation in his heart at that. He wanted to follow Kaoru, to explain things to her, to tell her his real feelings but he was glued to the floor, unable to move.
Kenshin loved her. With all his being, he did that was why he was acting so unreasonably protective. He didn't want to lose her. Not again. Not ever. The incident with Jin'eh enraged him in such extremes while with Enishi… he gave up on life itself when he thought she was dead.
Maybe there was something amiss about the way he treated her. Or maybe the way he didn't. There were a lot of things he knew he should have done but he couldn't… he just couldn't. And now he is more afraid than ever.
He might not lose Kaoru because of his enemies but because of himself.
He wouldn't let that happen. He would do everything in his power not to lose her… but what must he do? If protecting her drove her away, what was left?
Kaoru stormed out of the scene, her mind in turmoil. She kept on running, not knowing exactly where to go. All she knew was she had to go away. Get away from it all even for a fleeting moment.
She ran to where her feet took her, determined to sort out her thoughts and emotions before she face Kenshin once again. She stopped in front of an abandoned shrine, feeling her knees give out. She sat under a tree, closing her eyes to stop the tears from falling but it was a futile effort. She raised her knees to her chest, hugging them, wanting to feel comfort.
Nothing had really changed since she was a child. Despite all her efforts to prove herself, it was never enough.
Hours later, Kaoru had fallen asleep with bitter thoughts under the tree. It was already dark when she woke up. Knowing that she had been gone for more than half a day, she decided to head back to the dojo.
With all honesty, she was disappointed. Half of her expected to wake up seeing Kenshin beside her, worried about her, coddling her. As ironic as it may sound, she actually hoped that he would follow her there when she ran away.
But he didn't.
And it hurt her.
She knew it was crazy to feel that way but she did. She wanted him to follow her just for the thought that he didn't abandon her. On the other hand, if he did follow her, a part of her would also be mad at him for not giving her some space.
It was truly and absolutely crazy but it made her realize how much she needed him, not for protection but just for being him.
Even if he treated her as a child.
She trod the lonely path back home, still carrying a heavy heart. She had a long day and she expected to have an even longer evening.
When she had reached the dojo gates, she opened it carefully, not wanting to create a loud noise that would make a grandiose announcement of her arrival. She didn't need that. She didn't feel like getting a fatherly lecture from Kenshin about her safety that moment. However, all her quiet attempts were in vain when she saw Kenshin patiently waiting for her on the porch steps.
Kenshin got up from his seat, giving her a weak smile. "Okaeri nasai."
"Tadaima." Kaoru greeted back, walking past him. Funny how just a couple of months ago, they had said the exact same thing to each other, only in reversed roles. They had been together for more than half a year however, time was not reliable in measuring emotions and depth, for even if hours, days and even months had passed since then, their relationship had only progressed a second.
But her love… it had surpassed eternity.
Kaoru went straight to the kitchen to prepare food but Kenshin had already finished cooking dinner. She transferred the food from the pots to the serving plates, bringing them over to the kitchen.
Kenshin followed her soon afterward, helping her set the table.
They ate the dinner in silence and as soon as they had finished, Kaoru returned to her, wanting to think. She knew Tetsuya would be back soon so she had to prepare herself. But she had to make it discreet. After hearing that Kenshin had finished checking the locks, Kaoru snuggled on her futon, spreading the blanket across her body.
Just as she had expected, Kenshin slid her bedroom door open, checking on her.
Kaoru maintained her breathing regular, feigning sleep.
Kenshin kneeled down on her side, pulling up the blanket to her chin. He gently caressed her face with his calloused yet tender hands and whispered, "I'm sorry." After a couple of seconds, Kenshin left.
Kaoru smiled at that but her earlier resolve to train was still impregnable. She would train so hard until Kenshin would no longer need to worry about her. A couple of hours later, she stood up and donned her training gi and hakama. She quietly slid the shoji door open, turning her head from side to side, checking if Kenshin was inside the hall. Upon seeing that the coast was clear, she took cautious steps and headed towards the training hall.
She lit up the area by lighting the lamps around the room. She sat, crossed legged in the middle of the training hall and began with the basics of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu— the breathing exercise. It served two purposes, to relax one's muscles and to clear one's mind.
As soon as she felt herself calming up, she felt a warm breath on the side of her neck, sending thousands of shivers to run across her body. She immediately snapped her head towards its direction. "Kenshin."
Her eyes widened, cheeks flushing a deep shade of red as she realized that their faces were only inches away from each other.
"Kaoru," he smiled, not backing away.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"
Kenshin's passionate amethyst eyes glistened because of the fire as he stroked Kaoru's flushed cheeks. He looked deep into her eyes and whispered huskily, "How do you want me to treat you?"
"Huh?" came her dazed reply as she stared at his sculpted bare chest .
Kenshin motioned her to stand up facing him and repeated, "You told me a while ago that I treat you as if you were my daughter. So tell, me…" he pressed, untying the band that held up her hair, "How do you want me to treat you?"
Kaoru's heartbeat paced as her breath became shallow. She swallowed a lump that formed on her throat as she bit her lower lip, thinking of something to say. "I don't want you to be protect me in such degree that you cage me up."
"Then, what do you want me to do?" he pressed his forehead on hers.
Closing her eyes, she said the one thing her heart chanted, "Loving me is more than enough…"
At that, Kenshin closed the distance, capturing her lips into his own for a sweet and loving kiss. "But I don't want to lose you," he murmured in between the kiss.
Kaoru pulled back and replied, "Neither do I but you need to trust me."
Kaoru cut him off by placing a finger on his mouth. "Hush! I understand you and I am willing to compromise. I am going to train. Train very hard so that you wouldn't have to worry about me."
"I will always worry about you, even if you train Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu," he chuckled.
"You worry-wart!!"
"It's just that…" he pressed soft kisses on her face down to her neck "… I love you so much."
Kaoru tilted her head to give him better access and moaned as she stroked her hands on his scarred back, "I love you, too, Kenshin."
Kenshin untied the belt that held her gi, sliding it off her shoulders slowly. It fell on the floor with a soft rustle as he continued placing butterfly kisses on her shoulders. "I love you so much that I tend to overreact. I am so sorry, Kaoru."
Kaoru pulled back, pecking his lips shortly upon seeing him frown. "You don't need to worry, Kenshin. I am too stubborn to die and…" She placed her arms around him, embracing him tightly as she whispered to his ear, "…I have a reason to live. I have you."
Kenshin smiled widely upon hearing that, resting his hands on the small of her back, sighing contentedly.
They held each other tightly, allowing all their worries and insecurities to dissolve in that sweet embrace.
Author's Notes:
So here is the short ficcie… I hope you enjoy this! I wanted to do drama that didn't involve death so here it is! ^__^
Sorry for the long updates… I had been terribly busy! But you know what I really appreciate all your reviews! Hugs and kisses to you all!!! Regular updates would be back in a couple of weeks. Please bear with me. I don't want to rush the chappies of my other fics because I want them to be worth the wait! ^__^
Thank you to all those who visit my site and leave comments!!! ^__^
Mars, Gypsy, Mids, Susan, Hana-chan and everyone else! I miss you so much!!! Chris, thanks for everything! ^__^