Chapter 1

"$53 290!" Ella cheered after counting the money. "We did it," she said, starting to jump up and down on the bed, her dark hair flying everywhere. "All in one go. For the first time."
"Wow, that's great," I smiled. "I guess we know who to thank for that," I said looking at Nudge who was spinning on my desk chair. It was her first time on the field with us, and it was her hacking skills that managed to get us more time.


"Hello, people of Red River Bank, we're robbing it today. But don't worry we won't take all your money...," Nudge's voice came through from the speakers. That girl, she just couldn't resist being quiet for ten minutes. "So we'll just take some money and be on our way... "
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I thought. She was only supposed to inform the clients and workers that they have no chance at contacting the outside world.

"...and I would tell you who we are, so you know we are honest thieves…"

Great. Just great.

"Oh, right you don't know who I am. Well I'm Tracker Ride. You already know Elite Ride and Maximum Ride…"
I'm. Going. To. Kill. Her. When. We. Get. Home. Just have to make sure mom doesn't find out.


"Can I please, please, please, please, please come with you next time," Nudge pleaded, her dark chocolate eyes wide. I looked up from my spot on the floor and glared at her, not full force though, she was my sister after all. And my glares were intimidating.

"Have you forgotten what you did wrong? You disobeyed my orders. You almost told all those civilians our life story," I said sternly; I would've shouted if mom hadn't been home. She doesn't know of our illegal activities, but come on, what mother would agree to her daughters robbing banks.

Nudge stopped spinning . "But I only had to hack into their main system, shut down their communication, block off signals, open all locked safes, secure the premises - it's actually stupid of them to make everything under the control of computers because it so easy to lock the doors and the gates in the parking lot- and I had to inform them of the no communication and crack the code for the main safe." I know what you're thinking, she couldn't possibly have said all that in one go but she can, and even after living with her for twelve years, I'm still not used to it.

"I was bored afterwards…" she stopped after seeing my expression.


Ella threw me the next bag, only one more left to go. Through the open steel door I could see her hastily shoveling notes into the last back pack.

"Oh, I almost forgot you can't call the police, but you probably already knew that, since it's been a while but that would mean you weren't listen to me before because you would've been trying to call the police or your families…"Nudge's voice again came through the speakers.

Argh! Now she remembers to tell them. I stood nervously in front of the safe, so far about four guards had attacked and were defeated. This left them currently passed out and bond in the Authorised Personal Only room.


"But you do have to thank me right, I did help, so yeah," she said, it was the shortest sentence she had said in a while… and that only happened when she was insecure. I had to come to the rescue and save my baby sister from this self-doubt. I got up and walked over to her.
"Nudge, sweetie, you did great. True, you made some very high mistakes but we couldn't have done it without you." It was true. It was also true that I was used to the more stealthier options but I had no choice but to bring her along, it was a large bank after all.

She smiled so sweetly up at me that I almost couldn't believe she was a twelve-year-old-criminal-who-can-hack-top-security -databases-and-just-robbed-a-bank.

"So can I come next time?" she asked.

"I'll think about it." She seemed satisfied with the answer.

"So did you kill anyone? I hope not but if you like just beat 'em up, then that's cool and I guess necessary. So how many? Last time you took out about ten guys."


"Hurry up, I hear footsteps," I called to Ella. "I'm almost done, just hold 'em off for a few more minutes," she called back.

"Freeze. Do not move," a security guard was in front of me holding a gun out in front of him. I placed my hands in the air and slide to my knees. The guard advanced towards me cautiously; when he was close enough. I moved my body around and swung my foot at him, knocking him off balanced. As he hit the floor I pried his gun from his hands. "Hands behind your head, any funny business and you forgot who you are," I said. Okay it sounded strange, but I had recently come up with a reputation of causing people amnesia. He did as he was told. I walked behind him and knocked him out with the back of the gun.

Another one to tie up. I guess I'll need to borrow more duct tape.


"Only five," I smiled.

"Max! Ella! Nudge! Come down. Our company will be here soon."

"Comin'!" we said together.

"Well," I announced to my sisters. "It's time to go and act like normal teenager girls." They both smiled, unable to hide the mischievous looks. "We will resume this meeting tomorrow, Criminal Ride," I said looking at both Ella and Nudge.

As we descended the stairs I couldn't help but think about tomorrow. Sure yesterday's events were worrying, but we were always cautious and the rush helped keep me level headed. I have to admit it was fun too but it always made me nervous, once we got the money because that meant the next step.