One moment – A thousand words

A challenge to see if I could create a linking scene between each Season Five episode.

One chapter a day until Season Six arrives.

Wish me luck.



5x24 – 6x01

Watershed – Valkyrie



Thank you. This is the end (at least until next year's hiatus)

This chapter was written a week ago so is spoiler free – so please review then PM me if you need to flail over 6x01 in consideration of others!

"Katherine Houghton Beckett… Will you marry me?"

Oh My God. Oh My God. Oh My God.

The picture before her shatters and heals her heart simultaneously, and somehow she's gone from fearing the worst to hoping for the best. How has he come to be on one knee before her? A ring held high, promising a future together.

The insecurities that have been haunting her every step; about what they are, their life, and their future replay over and over in her mind. The internal pressure she'd been experiencing is escalating now that she's been offered the job, and she feels like she is drowning under it all.

Is she making her decisions based on fear? Is she so afraid of the unknown that running away to another city is preferable over staying and having a conversation? Is that conversation now moot, because whatever happens, whatever she decides, he wants to stand beside her? He wants her.

She feels as if her thoughts are racing too fast, flickering in and out of her mind, yet at the same time it's as if they've come to a complete stand still. As she sits and stares, hands clenched tightly around the chain of the swing, twelve months' worth of memories, all the words that they have declared, fills the silence between them...

Their first morning together as they moved on from the past.

"I can't repeat the same mistakes again."


Deciding that they wouldn't see other people.

"Yeah. I feel like you should have one to mark this milestone."


Handshakes substituting kisses, as his child grows up.

"Assist me in keeping my mind occupied and away from this empty nest?"


Their first trip away as a couple.

"I'm just thankful we've had another chance. That we have this chance."


Surviving a serial killer, deceptions, and being on the run.

"But I've learnt over the last year that we can't let those moments define who we are."


Hidden stories from her youth exposed.

"I wanna have something to look back on."


Their partnership placed in jeopardy.

"That's right guys. I get to kiss the girl!"


The doubts that arose after dinner with their parents.

"Of course. Promise. Whatever you need, okay?"


Forgoing their own traditions; willing to make new ones.

"You make a beautiful cup of coffee, Castle."


Pushing through the questions that sprung forth after Meredith's visit.

"This is a way that I can make it up to you."


Negotiating date nights.

"That your characterization remains intact because we've had semi-public sex."


Reaffirming friendships as well as partnerships.

"You're a good friend, Castle."


Her ability to separate her job from her past being placed into question.

"I just keep thinking how extraordinary you really are."


Celebrating Valentine's Day, as their relationship moved forward.

"I'm glad you would do all that."


Dealing with heartache and anxiety over Alexis' disappearance.

"Lie to me. Tell me a better story."


Working in their own way to bring her safely home.

"You be careful with my baby girl."


Moments of terror exposing surprised wishes from his past.

"I want to be with you."


Secrets from his childhood, revealing tender sentiments.

"Know that you are loved."


Surprise birthday celebrations of epic proportions.

"An event that will leave you stunned, speechless."


A mysterious phenomenon exposing their beliefs.

"I love us too."


Coming so close to losing their lives.

"I'm so thankful to be able to hold you."


An outside party resulting in questions about their future.

"We'll be fine, right? What's the alternative?"


Offers of advancement placing partnerships and relationships in doubt.

"Are you okay?"


Castle down on bended knee.

"Katherine Houghton Beckett… Will you marry me?"

His body remains tense. Coiled and ready for... Ready for what? Her rejection? Her acceptance? He curses inwardly; he had a beautiful speech planned, loving words about how he knows her and loves her; how he is ready to make a life, a home together.

His earlier anger over the fact that they'd appeared to have drifted apart, that while he was planning a life together, she was planning one without him, has receded. Ever since he had bought the ring, he has been maintaining status quo, in part waiting for the perfect moment. However, his mother was right; the other part of him has been holding back, not because he thought that they wouldn't work, but because he has always doubted that Kate would want to make it work with him.

However, that's not fair on either of them. To doubt her love for him; can he really claim the title of loving her more? How can that be a competition? Haven't they both been working to get to this point in their own individual ways, trying to overcome their own personal demons?

He has been so busy waiting for the right moment, the big, yet intimate moment that would make his words all the more potent, all the more likely to guarantee a yes, but if she wants this, does the event itself matter?

In the park, at their swings, he has laid it all on the line. Used every last scrap of courage, to explain horribly that he wants more with her; not in spite of all that she is, but because of all that she is. He's been so deadly serious, attempting to express himself, even as his words are failing, that this is so very important. That he is in this one hundred percent. He wants her. The rest; jobs, cities, logistics, can all be worked out with time, he just wants her.

Wants her for always.


Thank you to every person that reviewed, made it a favourite, and added this story to your alerts. It's really appreciated!

This has been posted from the great beyond, as when the reviews went past 300 my heart exploded into millions of sparkly, grateful pieces!

A cupcake for every review, and for those that posted so consistently, don't get a tummy ache as you devour so many xoxo


And thank you to honeyandvodka for your immense help with everything!


Your comments are valued!