And I finally get this new edited version of chapter one! Yay! I'll be doing this for most of the chapters up to four or five if you guys like it, so let me know what you think!


Chapter 1



I ignored him and kept walking, my shoes crunching on the gravel of the road.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I stopped, and as slowly and dramatically as I could, turned around.

"Yeah? What do you want?" I asked coolly, though I knew exactly what the rookie trainer in front of me wanted. He pulled out a pokeball and glared at me defiantly.

"A battle!" He cried, and I shrugged. I wasn't surprised at all, like all the other trainers of his calibre in this town I'd fought him before so I knew exactly how to beat him. I'd done it only about a thousand times before. "Sprout! Go!"

"Ghost, peck." I said quietly enough that my opponent and Pokemon could just barely hear me. I reached down at my belt for a pokeball, distracting the boy from the Murkrow that was about to crash into his Bellsprout. Predictably, it worked, he never even considered the fact that my Pokemon was already out. The boy just smiled.

"Thanks to our eviolite, Sprout hardly felt that, and in fact, he should have plenty of time to set up a few growths, could you do that for me Sprouty?" His Bellsprout nodded, and began to grow, it's vines becoming thick, and it's leaves becoming wider. I shook my head and waved a finger as if reprimanding him.

"Nuh-uh, no growth for you. Haze." Ghost flapped his wings, and thick black smoke blew towards the offending Bellsprout. After a few second, the haze cleared, and the grass Pokemon was noticeably slimmer, it's growth completely gone. My opponent glared at me and stomped his foot in an infuriated manner.

"Growth and vine attack before he can do that again! Quickly!" He shrieked, looking panicked. His Pokemon hurriedly used growth, though it was rather rushed, leaving it only half as improved as it could have been. The vines that followed were sloppy, the Bellsprout throwing itself off balance in the process. I didn't even have to tell Ghost what to do, he and I were thinking the same thing. He rolled out of the way of one, and batted the other away with a wing attack. With both vines out and still flying through the air far from my Pokemon, the Bellsprout had no chance of blocking the riposte that followed. It slowly picked itself up off the ground, having been knocked into one of the nearby concrete buildings by Ghost's dive bomb. The Bellsprouts trainer stared at his Pokemon in shock.

"Why did you take so much damage? That eviolite should have made you practically invincible!" He cried. I just smiled, and held up the shimmering stone.

"You don't have your powers any more Peter. Because I have them now." I mocked him, and tossed it to Ghost. When he touched it, a glow ran through his body, and his feathers seemed a little darker and harder, though that may have just been my imagination. "Maybe if you hadn't been too busy panicking and rushing, you would have seen my Murkrow use thief on your Pokemon. Items aren't the end of the world you know. Finish him Ghost, One wing attack should do it."

"Vinewhip! Tangle its wings!" The boy screamed, but Ghost didn't even give the opponent a chance to attack. Knock out.


I stifled a yawn, as the teacher droned on about how Pokemon were able to manipulate the weather in small areas. I had already learned about this stuff, so all I had to entertain myself was looking around the room that looked like it hadn't changed since the dark ages. I looked at a small clock on the wall and wondered if there was a spiteful little Celebi outside, trying to drag out my miserable existence in this classroom as long as it could. I peered out the window, and unsurprisingly, there was nothing. I looked back at the clock, and felt some satisfaction to see that the clock hand had moved up one sixtieth. Only twelve minutes to go.

I suddenly felt nervous, though why I felt that way I couldn't tell. I just was. My hands were shaking, and I felt cold, my stomach was considering a career as a gymnast, and my lungs couldn't get enough air. I took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

"Hey," Jenny, one of my close friends, leaned over and whispered quietly. "You ok? You've gone all pale, and you look like you're about to throw up."

Suddenly I was seeing double, the classroom, and the sky. The ground whizzed beneath me, and I grabbed onto the desk to steady myself, nearly falling out of my chair before I could. Jenny grabbed me, and began extracting me from my seat.

"Miss, I think Evan might be sick or something, can I get him to the sickbay?" She asked, and the teacher frowned.

"I suppose, though come straight back once you're done." She told her stiffly. Jenny was already dragging me out into the hallway. The movement made me want to throw up, but I held myself together, and did my best to walk by myself as much as I could. I was lighter then average, but Jenny wasn't exactly strong enough to carry me on her own. Years later, we arrived at the legendary sickbay, and I was finally able to sit down, on an extremely soft couch too.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked, and I shurgged.

"Dunno, I started feeling sick and nervous all of a sudden, then I started seeing double, no, that's not quite it. It's like I'm seeing what someone else is seeing as well as what I'm seeing." I explained drowsily. My second vision seemed to shift a little, and suddenly a huge dragon was there, filling my vision with fire. I screamed and thrashed, feeling as if I was burning alive, no, I was certain I was burning alive. Before I blacked out, I heard a voice faintly yell; "I think some sort of strong psychic Pokemon is panicking, and it's dragging Evan into it!"


The Metagross was a nice touch, I had to give him that.

"So, you want me to stop being a trainer?" I clarified, but my assailant shook his head.

"Nope, I want you to stop curb stomping the local newbies. Your Pokemon are higher levelled, and you've had more practice then most of them, not to mention you're somewhat talented. You either need to start fighting the stronger trainers in this city, or you can move on and have a shot at taking down Roark. He's new, so I'm sure you'll be able to curb stomp him with ease like you have with all the other newbies." He growled. I raised my hands in a mock surrender.

"Fine! Fine! I'll do what you want, but has it occurred to you that my only Pokemon is a flying type? How am I supposed to win against a rock specialist at this level?" I protested.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." He replied coldly. His Metagross levitated me with its telekinesis, and hurled me into the grass that marked the start of route 203.

"Hey! If being over levelled means I should leave, why are you still here?" I yelled at my assailants back.

"Oh, being over levelled was never the problem, it was you decimating the rookie trainers. I don't go around nuking everyone I see now, do I?" He smirked. He was, unfortunately, right. Though I wasn't going to let him know that. I just huffed, and started walking the path to the next route. At least he hadn't noticed Ghost take his Metagross' amulet coin. It would keep me well fed when I got to the next town.


I woke up more times then I could count, but I always lapsed back into unconciousness every single time, save for the last one. I still had the double vision, and to my horror, in it 'I' was rushing towards the tree line, near what I recognised to be the school. I sat up, and looked around, I was being loaded into an ambulance, and some ambulance officers were trying to get me to lie back down. I pushed them away, and struggled to my feet, fighting against the colours that swirled across my vision. I started running, almost falling over a couple of times, but kept going, focusing on one thing only, my second vision. With my real vision, I saw a trio of dragons hurtling towards a spot in the forest not too far away from me. I changed direction to that area, running even faster.

Have to get him have to get him have to get him have to get him...

Leaves and branches whipped at my face and arms, leaving scratches and small cuts. I nearly tripped over a root at one point. A bug hissed and shot web at me.

Have to get him have to get him have to get him have to get him...

I heard a boom not to far in front of me, signifying the crash. I was so surprised by the noise my shoulder slammed into a tree, spinning me round and dropping me to the floor. I pushed myself up and kept running.

Have to get him have to get him have to get him have to get him...

After to long, I was in the clearing, the dragon in my vision lying on the ground, being held down by two other blue white and red dragons. I was pretty sure they were Salamence, definitely not from Johto, so why were they here? One of them snapped at the smaller dragon, causing to to wail in pain.

"Stop!" I yelled as loud as I could, anything to distract the Salamence. It worked, but now, the dragons were staring at me. I swallowed and looked around, trying not to be too obvious about it. There was a few trees that had been knocked down, there was the crater where the fighting dragons had obviously landed, and there was a pile of rocks. I double checked the last one, but they were, in fact rocks. I clutched at my head as a fresh wave of agony coursed through it, and I looked back towards the Salamence. One was advancing towards me, while the other was breathing a pillar of fire onto their victim.

"Hey!" I screamed, and this time both Salamence didn't just look at me, they started advancing towards me. The small dragon started to get up, but one of the Salmence just smacked it with its tail, injecting more pain into my body. I started backing away, hoping I could circle round to the small dragon, but they split up, forcing me to keep moving backwards.

"Leave him!" I heard a voice cry, and both Salamence flinched and turned away from me. I looked at the man. He was tall and muscular, and scars covered his arms. He wore a tank top and jeans, and had a belt with various hooks and pouches and pokeballs attached to it. He let his long blonde hair hang free, and it covered his shoulders and some of his face. He pointed to the small dragon that lay helpless on the ground.

"Kill it."

I felt a wave of horror go through me at those words. With a cry of; "No!" I dashed forward, but the blonde man grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ground.

"Oh no you don't we'll have use for you in a second, but until then, you stay out of this." He chuckled. I felt torrents of pain tear through, just as the two Salamence were no doubt tearing through the small dragon.

"No, no-no-no." I whimpered helplessly, and the blonde man shrugged.

"If it makes you feel better, he'll be sticking around for a while. Ah-ha! Here we go!"

With a final surge of pain, my connection to the dragon shut off, and something else took its place. I struggled to work out what it was, but it was too faint... It was growing though, increasing until I could feel it properly. It felt like something was flooding into me. Weird sensation flowed through me, overwhelming me, and the last thing I saw was the blonde man, laughing and pulling a pokeball off of his belt.