Chapter 21
Touch Me(Spring Awakening)
Only you there in the kiss
And nothing missing
As we're drifting to shore
Touch me, all silent
Baby just tell me all is forgiven
Consume my wine
Consume my mind
I'll tell you how
It was the crunch of tires on gravel that woke Jax. He looked at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was 3 am. He quickly got out of bed, grabbing a gun out of his holster as he moved to the door. He glanced back to make sure Haley was still asleep before slipping out of the room.
Jax crept down the hallway into the main room. He spotted Juice across from him in the doorway to the kitchen. Juice also had a gun drawn and was trying to peer out the window. Jax waved him back as the lights swept across the front windows. Together they crept over to the door and flipped of the safety on their guns.
Jax exchanged a glance with Juice at the sound of the voices, they both sounded familiar. One seemed to be arguing with the other. Jax let out a sigh as he jerked open the front door. Piney and Opie were standing on the front porch trying to whisper, but failing miserably.
"What the fuck are you two doing up here," Jax demanded.
"We could have killed you both," Juice said as he flipped the safety back on and tucked his gun away.
"Apparently, Tig told some people that he walked in on you and Haley this morning. He also spotted you eating brownie batter off my little sister's neck. The old man heard about it about 3/4 of the way through a bottle of tequila and decided he needed to come up here and set you both straight," Opie explained.
"Uh, you couldn't take him home," Jax asked.
"He's drunk! He was going to get on his bike and drive up here, I had to stop him, so I brought him myself."
"I'm going to beat your ass boy! Taking advantage of my little girl like that," Piney slurred.
Jax stepped back and waved them both inside. "Look, I'm sorry that you had to find out the way you did, but I didn't take advantage of her."
"Like hell you didn't," Piney shouted back.
"Piney, she's sleeping back there right now! Keep your voice down," Jax snapped. He sighed when he heard the door open down the hallway. They all froze as soft footsteps padded down the hall to the main room.
Haley froze when she saw Piney and Opie standing there. She had tugged on a pair of shorts, her hair was rumpled from sleep. "What's going on? Did something happen?"
"Did this boy take advantage of you," Piney shouted pointing wildly at Jax.
"No! Who the hell told you that," Haley demanded.
"Apparently Tig," Opie filled in.
"I'm going to kill him next time I see him," Jax muttered.
"Not if I kill you first," Piney cried before lunging at Jax. Haley cried out in shock as Jax leapt back from her father. The old man stumbled into Juice before righting himself and taking another swing at Jax. This one hit Jax square in the jaw.
Haley darted forward and got between them, throwing her arms up. "Enough of this! He didn't take advantage of me! I fucking initiated it! Don't take it out on him, it just happened! I'm sorry you are upset, but I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions for fuck sake," Haley shouted. "Jesus christ dad! You didn't have to come all the way up here in the middle of the night for this! And you Opie, you should be at home right now with your wife and baby! Not driving our drunk father around because he's pissed off!"
They all stared at her in shocked silence. Haley shook her head at them before storming into the kitchen. They all continued to stand silently staring at the ground guiltily. She came back after a moment with a towel and some ice. She went over to Jax, carefully pressing it to the side of his face.
"Are you ok," she whispered.
"Trust me, I've had worse."
"I'm sorry, you're right. I'll take him home, we'll get out of your hair," Opie said when Haley turned back to him.
"Dad, call me tomorrow, we'll talk about this then," Haley said before kissing him on the cheek. "You need to slow down old man, the tequila is going to catch up with you one day."
"Yeah, yeah," Piney muttered before following Opie out the door. Haley ran a hand through her hair before going back down the hall to bed. Jax followed after her after a moment leaving Juice to lock up.
Haley threw herself down on the bed and let out a groan. She rolled over when she heard Jax shut the door. "Are you ok? That was seriously fucked up," she asked as he sat on the bed next to her.
"I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me," Jax said before catching her lips in a kiss.
Haley immediately responded to the kiss, her fingers moving into his hair to pull him closer. It took a matter of seconds for them to become tangled up with one another. Haley yanked her shirt off and tossed it aside. Jax kissed his way up and down her chest, driving her crazy with his slow teasing.
Haley rolled her hips against his insistently, desperate for more. She moaned softly as his lips found one of her nipples. Jax brought a hand up to her other breast, working both over. Haley slipped her hand between them, her fingers dipping inside his boxers. Jax groaned as Haley began to stroke him, his head dropping against her chest.
"Jax, please," she whined softly.
Jax stilled her hand and pushed his boxers off. He got up to find a condom, Haley sat up and shimmied her panties down her legs, tossing them aside. Jax sat on the corner of the bed and rolled the condom on. He turned and held out his hand to her.
"Come ere angel," he said lowly. Haley crawled down the bed to him, kissing him hard when she reached him. Jax carefully pulled her over him, Haley lowered herself onto him, letting out a soft gasp.
Jax rose for a moment, tugging her legs so that instead of being beneath her, they were stretched behind him on either side. He sat back on the bed, giving her that sexy grin as he ran his thumb over her lower lip. She was quivering under his touch as he hands slid over her body.
"Jax," she moaned as she shifted her hips against him. Jax lifted his hips to meet hers, loving the way her head fell back as she moaned. It was slow, torturously slow, Jax wanted to wind her up as much as he could. He wanted her to go to pieces like never before.
"Let go baby," he mumbled against her lips. Haley moaned into the kiss as her tongue tangled with Jax's.
"Oh god," she gasped she pulled away from him to breathe. She could feel him every where, every nerve in her body was on fire and it was all because of him. Jax picked up the pace, pushing himself deeper into her. He slipped a hand between them, brushing his thumb over her clit. Haley out a keen of pleasure, her eyes squeezing shut.
"Jax, don't stop, please don't stop," she pleaded as he pushed her closer and closer. He groaned as her walls clamped around him. Her legs tightened around his waist, her nails scrapped against his skin as she came. His name fell from her lips, almost like a prayer, and Jax would be damned if he didn't give her everything he had.
Haley collapsed against him, panting against his slick skin. He trailed his fingers down her spine, her body arching into his chest. She slowly caught her breath as she met his gaze.
"Your turn," she whispered before kissing him. She slipped off him and stood up, smiling down at him. "What do you want?"
Jax couldn't help the slow grin that spead across his face. "Anything?"
"Within reason, I mean Juice can't come join us if that's what you are getting at," Haley replied.
"You have a sick mind," Jax said as he stood up. He pulled her over to the bed, pushing her down on it. "Roll over on your stomach."
Haley did as he asked, shooting him a look over her shoulder. Jax admired the view for a moment before joining her on the bed. He pushed her legs wider, settling between them. He slipped an arm around her waist pulling her up slightly before pushing into her. They moaned together, Haley grabbing onto the headboard.
"Don't let go," Jax ordered as he began to pound into her. He put a hand on her back, holding her down. He pounded away at her for a few more minutes, before roughly flipping her over. He held both her wrists in one hand above her head, before pushing back into her. She wrapped both her legs around him, pulling him as deep as she could.
Jax began to lose his rythm, his thrusts becoming more frantic as he got close. Haley was moaning in his ear between kissing his neck.
"Jax, I'm going to," she moaned loudly as she clenched around him. It was all Jax needed to tip him over the edge with her. They came together with a series of loud moans and cries. Jax collapsed against her, pulling her tightly to his chest.
The sound of their labored breathing was all that could be heard. Jax rolled off her, gasping as he did so. Haley rolled onto her side and trailed her fingers down his chest. Jax let his head fall to the side so he could look at her. Her hair was falling in her face, sticking to her sweaty cheeks and forehead.
She was glowing though and she was looking at him in a way he'd never been looked at before. He slid closer to her, kissing her gently. He rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. Haley stayed in bed, her limbs loose and tired. She curled up on her side, pulling the sheets around herself.
Jax came back in after a moment, settling next to her. He pulled her close, tangling them up together as he tucked the sheets around them. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before closing his eyes. The steady sound of her breathing lolled him into a deep sleep.