AN: For the Quest into the Unknown Challenge, hardship round two.
Percy doesn't have to ask when he sees the bruises on Oliver's skin. He can lie about how it's a Quidditch injury all he wants, but Percy knows the truth.
It's Flint. It's always Flint.
"You deserve better."
"Dunno what you're talking about, mate."
"Piss off! I'm fine."
He's painted up, marbled in blue and purple. His busted lips still form weak excuses, flimsy and falling apart as they escape.
Percy feels himself breaking, just as much as Oliver's body is broken.
And he knows it will always be Flint.
"Oliver, please."
"I can't, Perce."
He's bruised and battered, and you can see how he's breaking. His busted smile is gone, and his eyes are permanently swimming with tears.
And as he breaks, he crashes into Percy, sobbing.
And Percy swears that he will never be like Flint.
"You did the right thing."
"Doesn't feel like it."
He's smiling again, and maybe he's still shattered. But he's healing, slowly but surely. He's loving more freely, no longer haunted by the consequences of his happiness.
He's happy at last.
And for once, it isn't Flint, and it will never be Flint again.