



"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with sugar on top?"


"Pretty please with sugar and-"



"Bubbles, no, it's too dangerous, you'll fall and snap your neck and then I won't have a girlfriend anymore."

"No I wont!"

"Bubbles, you tripped over your own feet this morning on your way into the kitchen, and if I hadn't been there to grab you you'd be in the hospital right now with a busted forehead."

"So I must be lucky then! Since you were there to catch me!"

Boomer sighs, lifting his hand up to his face. He loves his girlfriend, but she's way too easy going and crazy. Sky diving is not something an unmarried Twenty Three year old girl and her two unmarried Twenty Three year old sisters should be doing, especially when Boomer just bought a ring.

"Bubbles, you should save things like that for when you're Forty, and in your mid-life crisis or what ever."

Bubbles shakes her head. "Boomie I really want to do this! And I'll be supper careful I promise! Butch is fine with Buttercup doing it!"

"Yea, because Buttercup and Butch do crazy shit like that all the time."

"I do too!"

"Yea, but never anything like this!"

Bubbles looks down. "Boomer, what if I don't even live to be Forty? What if i die young, or the Apocalypse happens early, and I never get to sky dive?"

Boomer frowns at the thought of his girlfriend dying young. "Bubbles, what if you do this and it kills you?"

"It won't!" Bubbles answers, grabbing onto his arm and looking up into his eyes hopefully. Being a lawyer Boomer liked to look at things from a logical point, so she would try to approach him logically. "Boomer there was more of a chance of me dying in traffic today than there is of me dying in a sky diving accident."

Boomer sighs. "If you really want to do it that badly then alright. BUT, I want you to make extra sure that your parachute works, if there is only one working parachute in the entire world I want you to make sure that you own that parachute. Okay?"

Bubbles nods excitedly, kissing him on the cheek and jumping up excitedly, before running off, no doubt to tell her sisters.

Boomer smiles, shaking his head at what a teenage girl his twenty three year old girlfriend is.

Then he picks up his phone and dials Butch's number, because yea, Butch is chill with a lot of the shit Buttercup does, but sky diving sounds a bit extreme, even for him.

"Hello?" Butch's voice comes on the line, sounding groggy and sleep filled, no doubt his brother is wasting away his vacation asleep at three in the afternoon.

"How did Buttercup convince you to let her sky dive?"