Hello my lovelies! I am here today to fulfill yet another request. Yay! This was requested by, not one, but two users, Starly910 and Crimson Gamma.

Thank you so much for sending them in! I hope you two like it!

Nancy Bobofit

Nancy twirled a strand of red hair around her fingers, around and around, in boredom. She sighed softly and popped her spearmint gum loudly.

The hot, June sun beat down on her sweaty neck and Nancy desperately wished she had worn something other than jeans on her last day of school. Her green shirt stuck to her back uncomfortably. She lifted her arms above her head and stretched, moaning a little.

Nancy was currently sitting on the concrete steps of her (sixth) boarding school. She was waiting for her mom and her stepdad to pick her up so she could finally go home for the summer.

"Hot day, huh?" said her friend, Annabeth Chase, who was sitting beside her.

"I know," Nancy replied. "I'm sweating buckets. I just hope no hot guys come by, because I'm positive pit stains are a big turn off."

Annabeth laughed and marked the page in her book she was reading with a piece of scrap paper. Nancy had asked her what she was reading one day and Annabeth had quickly snapped the book shut and stuffed it into her bag, saying that it was incredibly boring and that it was for her mom. She had never really answered Nancy's question.

Annabeth Chase was something of a mystery to Nancy. She had long, curly blonde hair and keen grey eyes that seemed to look right through you. She was incredibly tall, standing a good three inches above Nancy's five-foot-six. She was strong, or at least looked like it, but wasn't on any of the school sport teams. She was smart, so smart she actually had to correct the Architecture professor this year, but wasn't in any of the school academic clubs.

Nancy longed viciously to look like Annabeth. Nancy was average height with untameable, frizzy red hair she always kept in a tight braid and green eyes, like emeralds. She had bright orange freckles all over her body, which bothered her every time she looked in a mirror. Around her middle, she had a thin layer of fat, baby fat that had never disappeared. She wasn't that smart, in fact she was failing the majority of her classes, but she had been told that she was, 'An amazing singer! Really, you should try out for the school musical!' Right, like she needed something else for people to tease her about.

The only reason Annabeth and Nancy were friends was because they were paired up as lab partners for the first semester. And thus, their friendship was born. Nancy considered Annabeth her best friend, but she wasn't sure it was the same way both ways. The sad thing was, Annabeth was her only real friend. All her other 'friends' had either ditched her, or were using her for her family's money.

"Mmm…" Annabeth said, and leaned back on the steps, supporting her head in her hands. "Man, I hope Percy will get here soon," she muttered.

"Who's Percy?" Nancy asked, mimicking Annabeth's action.

Annabeth peered at the redhead through one open eye. "My boyfriend," she said softly and closed her eyes once more.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Nancy replied, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well," Annabeth said, "I don't like to make it public information."

"Ah," Nancy murmured. The sun soaked through the thin fabric of her green shirt, like a warm quilt was being wrapped around her petite frame. "Makes sense."

"So, when does your camp start?" Annabeth asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

"In a couple of weeks," Nancy replied. She was incredibly excited for her dance camp this year, because she would finally be on pointe and hopefully the other girls wouldn't give her those looks anymore, like she was less than them. "I'm excited. I'll be away from home for a couple weeks and I'll be getting up for a whole day's worth of dance class."

"Sounds intense," Annabeth remarked.

"It is," she replied. "I mean, it's the best dance camp in all of New York State. And the most expensive."

Annabeth was about to reply but the sound of an engine filled the nearly deserted parking lot. A dark blue Prius drove in front of the steps. Nancy could hear the alternative rock music blasting from inside the car.

"He's here," Annabeth said wryly.

A tall boy with messy black hair and black sunglasses over his eyes stepped out of the car. Nancy's jaw almost dropped. This boy, to say the least, was hot.

"Heya, Wise Girl," the boy who Nancy assumed was Percy, said to Annabeth. He bent down and picked Annabeth up, twirling her around.

"Put me down, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth laughed and Percy set her on the ground.

Percy kissed Annabeth quickly and noticed Nancy for the first time.

"Who's that?" he asked.

Annabeth exclaimed, "Oh! Right! Percy this is Nancy Bobofit, my friend. Nancy, this is Percy Jackson, my boyfriend."

Nancy felt her mouth go slack.

This was Percy Jackson, the runty twelve-year-old she used to bully four years ago? This was the boy who used to hang out with the crippled boy, his only friend? This was the boy who pushed her into the fountain because she was teasing him?

"Percy Jackson," she murmured, in a daze.

"Nancy Bobofit," he replied.

She shook herself from her daze. "Um, hi," she said softly, as if not to scare him.

"Holy mother of the gods," Percy said and ran a hand through his hair. He took off his sunglasses and, sure enough, there were the same green eyes Nancy had seen four years ago.

"I take it you two know each other?" Annabeth drawled sarcastically.

Percy didn't answer her. "Hades, you've changed," he said, still gaping at her.

Nancy licked her lips nervously. "Yeah, so have you."

They were silent for a moment, measuring each other up.

"I'm sorry!" Nancy burst out suddenly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for teasing you, and throwing my lunch at you, and teasing Grover, and being stupid, and immature, and… I'm sorry." Nancy looked at the ground in shame.

Guilt weighed her down, pressing her to the floor. She felt tears prickle in her eyes and took a deep calming breath.

She suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her, squeezing her tight, like an older brother would to comfort a heartbroken little sister.

"Forgiven," Percy said and pulled away.

Still, Nancy felt the need to explain herself. "I just, my mom, she's always trying to make me into something I'm not, and she was just so mad at me… She's always wanted me to take over the family business, but I never wanted to become a lawyer like her. I guess I took it out on you and Grover and other people because I didn't want to deal with it. And I shouldn't have and I'm so sorry."

"Nancy," Percy said and placed a hand on her shoulder, "it's okay. I get it. I got over it a long time ago." Percy pulled his hand away and wrapped his arms around Annabeth. "Do you wanna join us? We were just gonna go for some ice cream."

Nancy let a small smile grace her thin lips. "Yeah, sure. Just let me text my mom."

She sent her mom a quick message and turned her phone off, not wanting to see her response. She got into the back of the Prius, and, music blasting, finally drove away from that blasted boarding school.

Next, I'll do Matt Sloan... Let's see what's happened to him, non?
