"Clara that's-" Catelyn Stark paused, "he'll never agree to it," she said with a brittleness that nearly broke Clara, "and I could never trust the Kingslayer with something like that."

Clara started pacing, feeling defeated. She had only been in Westeros for a few hours, but she felt that her purpose was so much more important here than anywhere else she's been. She was chosen. Something that had never happened to her. It's not that she was picked last in gym class or never went on dates, she had boyfriends and kids in school seemed to like her, sometimes her papers would get picked to look at as good examples in her english classes, but she was never anything extraordinary. Even with the Doctor, he didn't choose to travel with her because of her intellect or because she had anything to offer him, it was more so he wasn't lonely and to have someone to show off to. Clara loved traveling with him, but sometimes she felt like she was supposed to fill a void that was impossible to live up to. As Clara sat there, feeling sorry for herself, a tall woman wearing armor walked in.

"Lady Catelyn, I saw the sorceress that killed Renly walking about camp. What is she doing here?" she seemed disgusted and had her hand on the tilt of her sword, ready to strike.

"Brienne, she knows where my children are," It was all Catelyn had to say and Brienne let go of her weapon. There was a long pause as the two women exchanged glances.

"I will watch her day and night, my lady. I will not let her out of my sight for a mere moment. On my honor."

"Leave us Clara, I would talk to Brienne alone."

Clara left immediately, searching for Robb, she had to at least try her idea on Robb, although Lady Catelyn said it was best to not. He might be able to help her think of something better. He was standing where they left him only a few moments ago, but this time with a giant wolf.

"Clara! This is Greywind, my direwolf." Robb gestured for her to join them, he had snowflakes in his brown, copper-tinted curls and a smile on his face. It was the first time he looked like a normal person, without all the seriousness and regality that came with being a king, he couldn't be older than 25 and with all the things he told her earlier, it broke her heart. The direwolf was almost as tall as Clara, and if in any other situation she knew she'd be terrified, but Robb was petting it like a puppy. "Let me show you to your tent, I presume you and your doctor will want to share a tent?"

"No, no no no. Thank you though! We'll stay in the TARDIS, it's much roomier." she thought for a moment, she probably shouldn't but she had to. "Would you like to see it?" Clara knew the Doctor wouldn't be okay with it. Normally he loves to show 'her' off, but he was so touchy about being here and changing things that shouldn't be changed. But she'd love to see the look on Robb's face as he walked into the endless possibility that is the TARDIS.

"That little box? How could two people fit in there?" the King questioned. This was going to be fun.

"C'mon, I'll show you." The companion took his hand and led him across camp. It was so late, the sky was full of stars, larger than she had ever seen before and the colors were brilliant. Snow was lightly falling, but the clothes Lady Catelyn lent here were keeping her warm. Clara started to pick up the pace, excited to bring Robb into the TARDIS, she had never seen anybody's reaction to it for the first time, and for someone like him who still uses birds as forms of communication, she was sure his reaction would top any the Doctor had seen.

Now they were then running, holding each other's hands, with Greywind following and running circles around them. A laugh escaped Robb's lips. leading Clara to laugh too, until they erupted into full laughter. Maybe is was all the strain and stress of being a king or going into numerous battles or the pressure of marriage for the sake of crossing a bridge, probably all three, but he couldn't stop laughing and Clara was happy to see him smiling. By the time they got to the TARDIS, they were doubled over with tears in their eyes and Greywind still bouncing around.

"Are you ready, your majesty?" Clara said mockingly.

"I guess.." Robb wasn't sure what to expect, but Clara knew it wasn't what was inside.

She opened the door, walking in casually, waiting for Robb to follow. After a moment she assumed was suspicion to enter, his curiosity got the best of him.

"Seven hells."

"She's a beauty that's for sure." Clara couldn't help but smile at his reaction.

"What is this?" Robb asked as he walked in and out of the TARDIS, trying to find reason, but failing.

"It's hard to understand, I know, this kind of stuff doesn't exist in my world either. It's all 'timelord technology'. Just enjoy it, lets go explore!" for a moment she was worried that she scared him away, this wasn't exactly how she'd want to propose the plan she offered his lady mother.

"You mean there's more?!" he asked flabbergasted, it was adorable. She recalled a time when she looked at the TARDIS as a strange, almost terrifying concept, but it was home to her now. Clara hadn't had a place to call home in a long time. When her mother died the house her father and Clara lived in didn't feel like a home any longer; it was just a place with their things and memories, they didn't wish to recall, lived.

"Oh yeah, there's lots more."

They spent hours in the TARDIS. Exploring room after room, even Clara found new places that she hadn't known of before. There was the closet room with hundreds, probably thousands of different outfits, she eventually coaxed Robb into trying on a white tshirt, black blazer and black pants, she thought he'd look nice in, something to give him a feel of where she came from. When he walked out from behind the folding screen where he was changing, Clara's jaw dropped.

"Wow, you look brilliant," more than brilliant, he looked hot, "handsome."

The king looked down, examining his appearance, and then to the mirror.

"You think so?" Robb replied. Oh yes, Clara silently declared. She joined him at the mirror and was reminded that she wasn't dressed in her own clothing.

"It's like we switched worlds. Freaky isn't it?" He didn't reply but looked at her through the mirror.

"I'm pleased that you're here, Clara. It's been.." he trailed off.

"Me too." she faced him, putting a hand on his bicep, feeling his muscle through the thin material. Oh boy.

Eventually they ended up back in the control room, she started to wonder where the Doctor was.

"So, the Doctor, you haven't told me much about him.." Robb said hesitantly.

"What's to talk about? He's a brilliant, sometimes careless, adventurous person. I'm lucky to be with him."

Robb Stark walked around the control room, examining buttons and screens and all the things that make the TARDIS fly.

"I want to talk to you about something.." the brown haired companion asked, she was a little unsure of how to propose this plan, "how much do you trust Jamie Lannister?"

"The Kingslayer? With only one life, and that's his sisters." He laughed it off, oh no, he would never agree to it, but she had to make sure.

"What if we let him go on the condition to bring back your sisters? We could have guards and knights and stuff to make sure he keeps up his word and we get Sansa back, maybe even find Arya, both sides win!"

It took him a long time before he replied, she watched as he scrunched his forehead together and formed a crease in between his eyebrows.

"That's not how it works, Clara." He turned away, turning into the King in the North again, not the person she's been hanging around with the whole night. He started as if to leave.

"But maybe if we have people you trust and knights go with him, they won't have a choice." her voice faltered, in her head it sounded good but the way he was looking at her made Clara think she was an idiot.

"It's not that easy. I don't trust anybody, Clara! I'm constantly looking over my shoulder for anyone ready to stab me in the back and you think I'd let go my prisoner? He's a huge value to Cersei and if there was word that he's free then they'd attack my men without warning." He grabbed for the door but something made him stop. "Is this why Melisandre brought you to me? To give me false hope?" and with that he left.

She was speechless, if Clara had known he'd react so negatively she would have never brought it up, but it was a rough plan they could figure it out together, sharpen it up. She had started feeling as if they were a team, but he's a king and she's just some normal, nothing special girl. They were from two different worlds, literally.

It'd been only maybe 6 or 7 hours since she had arrived to Westeros, and she was assuming that the sun would be coming up soon. Disappointed and hurt, Clara realized she needed to sleep, maybe it'd help her come up with a real plan, but where was the Doctor?