A/N: This one is inscribed on a crisply folded piece of paper and was wedged between two books on the floor. I found it a few days before Yule and read it to all the small faunts (hobbit children) I found playing around Bilbo's hobbit-hole. They got the most adorable looks on their faces, all shining-eyed, thinking of far off lands- and SNOW. In case everyone doesn't know, snow is a rare occurrence in the Shire. To hobbit children it is an amazing, magical event. The poetry reading made them very excited, and they ran off yelling happily about snow.

Then I somehow lost the poem, and I found it this evening inside one of my three spare boots. I have absolutely no idea how it got there. But here it is now, and I hope you enjoy it... I'm glad that I at least found it before winter is over!

Winter In Rohan

Everything's white

Sun makes it gold

But though it's fair

It is so cold!

I long for blooming branch and bud

And green things growing in the Wold.

How sad it is that winter comes

To dampen the bright flame of fall

There's no escape—one day, again,

The falling white will cover all.

Then Meras-white the meadows be,

And Nature's hurdles form

Great drifts like foam upon far seas,

Cold flight will keep you warm.

Until the forests leaf again

Under a warmer sun,

Rides through crystal frost, though cold,

Are quite a lot of fun!

I do hope everyone is enjoying their delicious winter! Or whatever season you're having!