Heavy synths thumped out through the speakers at Jardin de la Torture. It was Amy Lee with Push The Button, and it was playing loudly. Guests for Alois' birthday party, clad in their costumes, wiggled and danced to the beat of the song in the main reception. Some were dressed in historical Victorian garb, whilst others let their imagination run wild and opted for futuristic costumes of shiny rubber, molded and shaped perfectly to their bodies as they moved.
Leaving Mey-Rin to greet the guests, Lizzie left the entrance and made her way through the hall down to the main reception. Her head was kept forward as her eyes darted back and forth, scouring, looking for something or someone she knew just had to be there.
Weaving through the crowd of partygoers, her gaze then searched for Hannah who was stood beside the bar, talking to Bard.
"Have the triplets found anything?" She asked as she approached her with a smile. Hannah shook her head.
"Not yet. Are you sure they will even be here tonight?"
"I have no doubt." She answered.
Hannah leaned back against the edge of the bar as Lizzie moved closer towards her. Her hands slid around her waist and crawled up her back as she pulled the tall woman into her. She felt the softness of the faux fur on the pads of her fingertips as she hummed lowly to herself.
"What are you doing Mistress?" Hannah whispered, albeit, loud enough to be heard over the beat of the music.
"I'm debating on whether I should enjoy myself or continue looking for them." She replied with a wink. Hannah bowed her head as her cheeks began to burn with a flush she knew couldn't be hidden, even under these dark lights. Lizzies' hand moved from her back and over to Hannahs' cheek, pressing against it and feeling it's warmth. "I suppose we should look for Ash." She concluded as she stepped away from Hannah.
"Of course Mistress." She sighed, knowing that slight touch was all she was going to get for the night. Stepping away from the bar, Hannah followed behind Lizzie as she moved through the crowd.
A flicker of light reflected from gold eyes grabbed Lizzies' attention, and her head whipped around to find the where it came from. She didn't have to guess; she knew within that instant that the people she had been looking for had made their presence known. Pushing past the crowd, Lizzie raced to follow the owner of the eyes and after a moment, she found herself upstairs in the Ambient Lounge.
Hannah slipped her hand into a concealed pocket along the middle part of her chest and pulled out her gun, a Desert Eagle .44, it was a Mark XIX and her favorite. Stepping out in front of Lizzie, Hannah held the gun in her right hand, supporting it with her left as she looked around the room.
"Lau, I know you're here, you may as well come out now." Lizzie called out as she stood in the middle of the Ambient Lounge with her hands on her hips, waiting.
"Well, well, it seems I've been caught." Lau smiled as he slid out of one of the booths at the back. "I thought that it would be a while before I was found out, seems like I was wrong." Lau simpered as took a step towards her. Hannah flicked the safety on her gun as she held it towards his face.
"It was quite easy really, especially as you never go anywhere without Ran-Mao." She scoffed as Ran-Mao came out from behind them.
"It's not like you to get your hands dirty like this."
Lau shrugged, "I suppose so, but now it seems that I'm in a bit of bother."
"It seems you are."
"But you wouldn't dispose of me so soon, not when you need me."
Lizzie arched an eyebrow at that comment, "I need you?"
"From the moment I realized Derrick was, shall we say, no longer available for employment, I knew you would know that it was me. Now that you have, it means that my time on this Earth is limited and I have so much more to do."
"Get to the point Lau, you're boring me." Lizzie huffed as she folded her arms across her chest.
"My point is that I would like to work for you, help you, in exchange for my life." He offered.
"Why would you think I would need your help?"
"Because, I can help you."
"What if I, say, had information that would help you constantly be one step ahead of Ash? Would you be willing to kill me then?" Lizzie stayed quiet and Lau continued. "He comes to me, tells me what he's planning and asks me to initiate it. How about when that happens, I tell you?"
"That sounds tempting but I could just dispose of you and cut out the middleman." Lizzie snorted.
"Would you really? You know I haven't done anything to warrant your wrath and your obedience to your rules is legendary."
She shrugged. "True, then again, I could always have Hannah do it." She smiled as she glanced over to Hannah who nodded.
"But you won't."
"Wouldn't I?"
"No, you really won't." Lau then paused as he let a slight smile creep over his lips. "You know, I've always wondered, with all that's happened and the history between you two; why haven't you killed Ash yourself? You can do anything to him and yet you let him live, why is that?" He studied her, as she said nothing, keeping her face as emotionless as possible but Lau saw through it. He nodded to himself as he stepped back and sat back down on the edge of one of the booths; he crossed his legs as he reclined to the side. "I always thought so."
"You don't know anything." She spat.
"Oh? Nothing? Well then, let me hazard a guess, I suppose you haven't done anything because the sheer fear of Ash is the thing that keeps Sebastian tied to you."
"Is that so?"
Lau nodded. "You're like his guardian, his protector from Ash and you hold that over him, which is more powerful than anything you could do on your own. I wonder, if you were to really get rid of Ash, would Sebastian stay as close to you as he is? Would you still have that hold on him?" Lizzie remained quiet and Lau rolled his head back as he laughed. "Are you really that scared he'd leave you?"
"Of course not." She snorted.
"Then why?"
"My reasons are mine and mine alone, understood?"
"Oh yes, oh yes, how foolish of me to think that I know the fickle whims of a womans' heart." He smirked as his eyes travelled over to Hannah, whose head was hung low. Lau could tell Lizzie was hiding something but as he was in the middle of negotiating for his life, he didn't feel the need to press her any further.
Lizzie hummed as she thought for a moment, "You are right about one thing, I do need you." She admitted as her eyes flicked over to Hannah and then back to Lau. "All right, fine, if you look after Ash for me I won't have you killed."
"See, I knew you would see it my way."
"Don't push it Lau."
Raising his hands above his head, he grinned.
"I wouldn't dream of it Lady Elizabeth. So, do we have a deal?" He asked as his hand came down from above his head and towards her. Lizzie took it and shook it.
"Agreed, starting from tonight, you now work for me."
"And that's the truth?"
"All of it?"
"What were you expecting?" Lizzie inquired, folding her arms across her waist as she watched Ciel shift in his seat.
He held his mug with both hands, feeling the warmth of the hot liquid through the porcelain as he thought to himself for a moment.
"I really don't know what I was expecting. I guess I just didn't imagine this." He replied. "So Lau has been working with you since Alois' party?"
Lizzie didn't answer; she simply batted her eyelashes slowly in reply. Alois' jaw dropped open as he instantly understood what she wasn't willing to say.
"You knew Sebastian was going to get his ass kicked at my party?" Alois uttered in a half gasp.
"Of course, in fact I was the one who told them to beat him up." She answered honestly.
Ciel squeezed his mug tightly in the palms of his hands as he stared at the yellowish liquid inside.
"They could have killed him, they almost killed him…!" He growled through gritted teeth.
"Well, admittedly, I didn't think it was going to be as bad as it was, however it was a calculated risk I was willing to take."
"A calculated risk?" Ciel parroted back, still keeping his head down as he tried to take this all in.
"But you asked him who did it, you were worried." Alois cut in.
"Of course I would, I couldn't let on that I knew who did it now could I?"
Ciel couldn't believe what he was hearing, it was as though the person he first met was a dream and the reality was a cruel nightmare. His mind kept ticking over but it was almost as though with each new thought he tried to process, his brain kept resetting itself as he desperately tried to understand. Letting go of his mug, he rubbed the base of his palm over his left eye, massaging his head.
Seeing how distressed he was, Alois walked over to Ciel, putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Are you all right?" He whispered to him.
"No I'm not all right." Ciel snapped back, startling Alois, causing the blond to jump slightly. His head turned to Lizzie as he scowled. "What is wrong with you?"
"I'm sorry?"
"You lied and manipulated all of us from the start. You almost got Sebastian killed and you don't seem to give two fucks." He hissed.
Lizzie tossed her hair over her shoulders as she placed her hands on her waist. Still leaning against the edge of the counter, she crossed her legs over each other as she looked at Ciel with a sly smirk.
"I care, but I only did what had to be done, nothing more."
"How can you say that with a straight face?"
"Easily." She stated. "Besides, I knew Ash wouldn't kill him, I mean, what would be the point?"
Ciel looked at her curiously.
"You're evil." He growled.
Lizzie shrugged. "I never said I was good."
"I'm having a hard time here, this can't be you, this just can't be who you are." Ciel stared at her in disbelief hoping that the nightmare was not reality. Lizzie hunched her shoulders forward and then back again as she smiled.
"Who do you think I really am? Don't let this cute and sweet façade fool you Ciel, we can all be demons if the circumstance is right."
Ciels' eye widened as he struggled to say something, anything to counter her reply but as his brain desperately searched to latch on to something, the words quickly slipped through its grasp, leaving him blank.
"Ciel?" Alois tried to snap him out of his fractured thoughts. A blue eye slowly trailed over to him and he shook his head. He then looked back to Lizzie who remained smiling at him.
"Why did you do this?" Ciel finally uttered.
"Would you believe me if I said it was because I was protecting you?" She responded.
"Protecting me?" Ciel snorted as Lizzie nodded.
"My siding with Lau was to make sure that nothing happens to you."
Ciel sat back in his seat as he pushed his mug back and forth on the table. His mind raced as he tried to keep calm by focusing on the song playing in the background, it was The Naked and Famous with The Sun. Although he tried to focus on it, the song couldn't settle his mind. Exhaling slowly, he bowed his head as he finally landed on something to say.
"Do you think Lau betrayed you?" He wondered, keeping his voice low.
Lizzie shook her head. "No, he's far too much of an opportunist, tending to side with whoever is strongest."
"Which is you?"
"Don't doubt me Ciel, Lau knows that if anything really bad happens to Sebastian, I'd come for him and destroy him."
"You'll destroy him?" Alois giggled nervously as he looked over to Hannah who nodded.
Slamming his hands down on his knees, Ciel threw himself back against the chair.
"Well it's official; this shit makes no sense."
"Okay?" Alois spoke slowly as Ciel started to chuckle.
"All I wanted to do was research and write this stupid fucking paper and now I've basically gotten involved with the Cosa Nostra of San Francisco! Next you'll be telling me that this is all some big part of the Illuminati."
"Ciel, calm down bro." Alois tried to soothe him, but Ciels' head whipped over to him.
"Calm down? No I will not calm down, bro. Seriously Aly, don't you find this shit ridiculous?"
"Are you kidding? This is awesome!" He enthused.
"Are you shitting me?" Ciel delivered with an arched brow.
"What? Should I find it ridiculous?"
Ciel threw his hands up in complete incredulity as he sat forward.
"YES. I mean really? Not one person has been who I thought they were. Will lied to me, which I thought he'd never do, Lizzie's not the same person I met at Jardin. Sebastian, well, I don't think I ever knew who he was and don't get me started on these two." He pointed to Ronald and Mey-Rin who both looked at each other curiously.
"Oi, what did we do?" Ronald protested.
Pushing herself off of the counter, Lizzie stepped forward and over to Ciel, who just turned his head away, ignoring her.
"Everyone is still the same, more or less." She reasoned, keeping her voice sweet.
"How can you say that?" He shook his head.
"Ciel, listen to me, Will only lied to you to protect you and he wanted to protect you because he loves you, that has not changed. You can be upset but don't be mad at him for wanting to do the right thing and keep you safe."
"Just like you?"
Ciel sat back, folding his arms across his chest. His eye rolled down to his knee as he focused on the crease of his jeans. Snorting to himself, he couldn't help but shudder as a cold feeling raced up his spine. Why did everyone feel the need to protect him? Was he really so fragile that the truth would shake him? He wasn't sure but he did know that starting now, it had to stop.
"And who are you?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, when I first met you, you just seemed so different not this cold and controlled."
She nodded and chuckled lightly, completely amused by the comment.
"I put on a cute front and pretend to be dainty and girly because that is what society thinks someone like me should be but, as you know, that's not who I really am."
"Then who are you?"
"I'm who my mother trained me to be. I am strong, an excellent fighter and I do my job well but I was told at a very young age that girls like me were scary and that I should try to be seen and not heard. We should never hold a thought in our heads or appear to be too challenging. I must endeavor to be sugar, spice and everything nice, which is what you see. I tend to use sweetness to disarm; no one sees it coming when they find out who I truly am."
"We sure didn't." Alois interjected.
"Why not just be who you are?" Ciel wondered.
"Would you like me better if I was?" Ciel didn't say anything and Lizzie shrugged a shoulder. "Being this way suits my purpose and I never do anything without reason." She stated. "Well in any case, now you know both sides of the coin." She finished.
"I guess I do." He agreed. "Hey, you know that person who said you were scary, they were wrong."
"Thank you."
"You're terrifying." He concluded.
"Still a compliment." She shrugged.
Ciel sat forward, putting his elbows on the table and resting his face in the palm of his hands, groaning softly. In that moment, he missed the life he used to live, the quiet and the simplicity of it all. The only complicated thing was getting to lectures on time and completing his research papers. All of this had just become too much for him and he was tired of it. Everything he knew or at least what he thought he knew wasn't anything at all and it was exhausting.
He craved peace, the calm he used to take for granted. It was silly to think about it now but he missed the simple act of thinking through his problems with a piece of music on his own. He hadn't been alone in a long time.
Alois watched Ciel as he kept rubbing his face.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, keeping his voice even and calm.
"I'm thinking that I wish my life would go back to the way it was before I got involved in all of this, because then maybe I could just be alone." He replied through his fingers.
Dropping his hands down on the table, Ciel slid them to the edge and pushed himself up from the chair. Walking past everyone, he moved back over towards the counter by the sink. The song switched over to Dry The River with Everlasting Light. Closing his eyes, he bobbed his head to the beat as he lifted the kettle. He took off the lid to look inside to how much water was left in it. Seeing that there wasn't enough, he turned on the tap and started to fill it.
"Do you want us to leave?" Mey-Rin asked, lifting her glasses to the top of her head as she rested against Ronald.
Ciel shrugged, still trying to focus on the music playing. "What would be the point? Will is gone, Sebastian has been, what? Adultknapped?"
"I don't think that's the word."
"Well, whatever." He exhaled exasperatedly. Filling the kettle, he turned off the water and sat it back down, turning it on. He placed his hands on the edge of the counter and lowered his head. "Do you think they'll come for me next?" He wondered aloud.
Lizzie went over to him and leaned against the sink, resting her stomach on the edge. Keeping her head forward, her eyes drifted over to the side to watch Ciel as he stared at the kettle, looking at the steam that floated up from the spout.
"You are who Ash wants, not Sebastian." She answered calmly.
"Wonderful." He snorted, reaching over across her to grab the box of chamomile tea. Opening it, he pulled out a sachet and tore it open. Taking the tea bag and placing it into his mug, he waited until the kettle started to boil and he picked it up, pouring the fresh hot water on top of the tea bag. He sat the kettle back down and lifted the string of the tea bag to dunk it up and down, allowing it to steep. "Do you think they're going to do something to Sebastian?"
"I don't know but doubt any real harm will come to him."
"Well, that's something I guess." He sighed as he put his used tea bag in the bin under the sink. Taking his mug, he started to leave the kitchen.
"Where are you going?"
"To be alone for a moment, I need to think." He responded as he walked into the front room.
Ciel yawned as he tried to stretch out his jaw. It was tight, as he had been clenching it so tightly during their conversation; he thought for sure that it would lock. He wandered over to the speakers on the side bookshelf and pulled out the MP3 player, instantly filling the room with silence. Ciel found the absence of sound disconcerting but he drew in a deep breath to calm himself, especially as he knew the quiet wouldn't last long. Taking his MP3 player in one hand and the mug of tea in the other, Ciel made his way back up the stairs towards his bedroom.
Once in his room, Ciel sat the mug down on the bedside table. Still holding his MP3 player in his hand, he flicked through the variety of playlists and landed on one he seemed to like. Sitting down on the bed, he plugged the player into the speakers next to his mug, selected Who's Gonna Save My Soul from Gnarls Barkley and pressed play. Picking up his mug, he held it under his nose, smelling the fragrant scent that wafted up through the vapors. Ciel found comfort in his routine, something that could anchor him back into his reality.
Taking a sip, the hot water hit his tongue, scalding it a little. Hissing, he sat the mug back down and blew on his tongue to cool it. Giving up, he fell back onto the mattress; his arms landing above his head as he just let the music wash over him.
His eye blinked as he stared up at the ceiling, sliding his hands underneath his head. Of all the people that have changed in the last few months, he had been the one who had changed the most. This is something that Ciel had been thinking about for the last few days, but he couldn't help but focus on it now. He knew that he had changed, and he barely recognized himself sometimes with each word and action that he would take. Now though, he felt the change was so rampant that he couldn't get a handle on it, just spiraling out of control. The spiral was fast, it took him swiftly, sweeping him up and carrying him away, so much so that he lost his grip on himself.
The whole thing made him dizzy.
A burst of air left his lungs as he closed his eye and tried to absorb the sound of the music to steady himself. Turning to his side, his eye landed on the empty space next to him on the bed. A hand slid across the duvet and into the empty space, it was cold, there was no one beside him.
"Was I too hard on Will?" He mumbled to himself as he wished for him to be beside him.
Ciel missed when things were easier, before all this ever happened, when he was just a patient and a friend. Taking in a deep breath, exhaling slowly, he realized that he was no longer mad at Will. Ciel knew that he was just protecting him, something he had been doing since they first met, and did he really expect anything different? No, probably not, although now, things had gotten so convoluted between them, Ciel knew that their relationship had gone past the point of no return.
Did he want it to go back to the way it was? He wasn't sure. Although what Ciel was sure of was that he really just wanted him there. He wanted Will to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be fine, even though Ciel knew that it just wouldn't be. From now on, nothing would ever be the same again. Should have thought about that before I got him involved, he berated himself. Involved in what? All of this, he supposed. Will was involved and Sebastian is gone.
Ciels' palms started to sweat and his heart began to thump at that thought. Sebastian is gone, where? Who knows?
Sebastian wanted to speak to him, he wanted to tell him everything but never got the chance. Ciel curled up into a ball, holding his knees to his stomach as he wondered about Sebastian. I hope you're okay; he thought and then instantly cursed himself for thinking it. Why would his mind go to Sebastian when he wanted to be with Will?
Whimpering softly, Ciel could feel his stomach twist and turn into knots as the whole thing started to make him feel sick.
"I have made a mess of everything." He sighed.
"Yes you have." Alois responded. Ciel refused to turn around; he just stayed as he was in his tight ball.
"I said I wanted to be alone." He grumbled.
"I know but come on, it's me."
Alois entered the room, going over to the bedside table; he flicked though the playlist and found another track. Pressing play on Little Children with Distant Shouts, he sat down on the edge of the bed, behind Ciel.
"I was listening to that."
"I just switched it from one depressing track to another."
"Whatever." He muttered as the song strangely suited his mood nonetheless. "Is anyone else with you?"
Alois shook his head. "No, they're downstairs arguing about what to do."
"Good for them."
Alois rubbed his hands on thighs as he thought about what to say next. After a moment, he settled on something.
"So, what's bothering you?"
Grabbing a pillow from the top of the bed, Ciel wrapped his arms around it and curled himself into a tighter ball.
"It's all gotten so complicated." He spoke softly into the pillow.
"Yeah, it has." Alois agreed.
"What do I do?"
Twisting around, Alois faced Ciel, who still kept his back to him. His hand reached out, hovering over his calf, Alois hesitated for a moment. He wanted to comfort him but he wasn't sure what to do in this situation, smiling to himself, he gently placed his hand down. Rubbing Ciels' leg, Alois stopped for a moment, squeezing his calf.
"What do you want to do?" His voice was low, almost whispered.
"I don't know. I didn't think this would get as fucked up as it did." He sighed as he closed his eye.
"Well, I warned you."
Ciels' eye shot open as he rolled over onto the top part of his side, looking at Alois skeptically.
"Are you saying that this is all my fault?"
"Nope, I am actively trying not to say that." Alois turned back around, looking at the MP3 player, vacantly. Frustrated, Ciel reached up and pushed him in the shoulder causing him to fall forward. "What was that for?" He grumbled as he rubbed his arm.
"How is this my fault?"
"Dude, don't give me that shit. From the moment we bolted from Lizzies' Halloween party, you knew that Sebastian was no good for you and you were warned about Ash so many times. You fucking knew all of it and you still couldn't stay away from him."
"Okay, well, fuck you." Ciel huffed as he rolled back onto his side.
"No thanks." Alois snorted back.
They were quiet for a moment.
Alois ran his hands through his hair as he thought about what to say next but he couldn't force the words out of his mouth. They just sat and listened to the song as it played through the speakers.
After a while, Ciel exhaled as he closed his eye and rolled over on to his back.
"I'm sorry Aly." He muttered.
"It's fine, I know you're upset right now."
"It's hard to try and process these feelings, you know?"
"Well, I'm more emotional than you are, so, I get that you're conflicted."
"Well, I'm still proud of you." Alois smiled as he turned to him.
"Proud of me?"
"Yeah, you're all grown up and shit."
"Grown up?"
"When I first met you, you were so closed off; I didn't think we'd ever be as close as we are now."
"You said we're like brothers."
Alois scooted himself back onto the mattress and laid down on his back next to Ciel, he put one arm behind his head as the other rested on his stomach. Both stared up at the flat white surface of the ceiling.
"We are but it was hard work getting to know you. You were stubborn and really unwilling to let me in."
"But here you are."
"Not without a lot of effort and work."
"Why would you put so much effort into me?"
Alois rolled his head to the side as he smiled at Ciel.
"Cause I could see you in me. We've both experienced loss and trauma, we had that in common but in order to get over it, I knew that we had to do it together."
"Because we're family and isn't that what family do?"
"I suppose so."
"And I love you."
"You love me? Despite the fact that you have to put work and effort into me?"
"Love is unconditional. No matter what that person throws at you, if it's worth it; you take the bruises and the scars and carry on."
"And was it worth it?"
"Yes, always." Alois slid his arm under Ciel and rolled on top of him, squeezing him tightly. "I love you Ciel Phantomhive and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
"Yeah, I know! Get off me!" Ciel fought against him and Alois rolled off of him. Keeping his arm underneath him, he pulled Ciel over close to his side.
"I'm really worried about Sebastian."
"Me too. Ash sounds well and truly cray-cray."
"Do you think Lizzie is right, that they won't do anything to him?"
"Man, I don't know but I hope so." He paused for a moment, "I'm thinking of calling Claude."
"Do you think he can help?"
He shrugged. "It can't hurt."
"Ciel, may I come in?" Lizzie asked from the doorway. Ciel propped himself up onto his elbows as he looked at her and rolled his eye.
"Why not?
Lizzie entered, heading towards the bed. Stopping in the middle of the room, she looked around, espying a chair next to the desk on the opposite side of the room. Going over to it, she pulls it out, hitched up her skirt slightly and sat down, crossing her legs. Lizzie rested her elbow on the top of the desk and placed her chin in the palm of her hand.
"I'm here because I have one more thing to tell you."
Ciel inched himself upright and Alois followed behind. They sat side by side and looked at each other, and then over to Lizzie.
"I don't think I can take any more right now." Ciel groaned.
"I know I gave you a lot to take in, but you want to hear this, it's about Angela and it's important." She began.
Standing in front of the door, Lizzie looked over to Hannah, who nodded, and then knocked on the door.
After a moment, the door creaked open and a pair of bright golden eyes met them as Ran-Mao answered the door. She said nothing but stared hard at the pair.
"Is he there?" Lizzie asked, her voice was lowered into an almost growl. Ran-Mao nodded and stepped aside to let Hannah and Lizzie through.
Escorting them downstairs, and into a dimly lit room, Ran-Mao took them to see Lau.
Lau was lounging on a ruby red velvet chaise lounge. Dressed in a traditional forest green Tangzhuang with long sleeves that hide his right hand, he held out a long thin pipe in his left. His eyes were closed as he listened to them approach, and then stop just in front of him.
"Smoking is illegal inside buildings in California." Hannah mentioned sarcastically.
"Not if you own the local councilman dear Hannah." He replied coolly. He opened his eyes slightly and cast them over Lizzie who stood with her hands on her waist.
"Why Lady Elizabeth, how nice to see you again and so soon." He greeted her and motioned for her to come and sit down next to him.
"Lau, it's been a while."
"Yes, since that birthday party." He smiled as Lizzie sat down next to him, leaning back and crossing her legs.
"Speaking of which, I asked you to beat up Sebastian not nearly hospitalize him." She scolded lightly, chuckling. Ran-Mao moved over in front of them, lifted her leg up and straddled herself onto Laus' lap.
"I know but when Ran-Mao here gets excited, who am I to stop her?" He grinned as he stroked her underneath her chin.
"True." She agreed. "Well, to the reason I'm here. I need your help again." She began.
"What is it?"
Lizzie leaned back, lifting her arms up, she rested them on the top of the backrest, letting her hands drape down and crossed her legs.
"It seems I've been given the go ahead to take care of Ash." She smiled.
"Well that is interesting news, especially given our last conversation, what will you do?"
"I'm not sure yet." She replied honestly. "I know what I should do but-"
"My, my, Lady Elizabeth, are you confiding in me?" He interrupted.
"Of course not. I'm just strategizing my next move."
"And you need my help? I'm honored."
Switching her legs, Lizzie tossed her hair and lowered her eyes at Lau.
"I just need you to do something."
"What's that?"
"You need to spend more time with Ash."
"So far, he's only using you to do his dirty work but you're not in his inner circle."
"Why would I need to be in his inner circle?" Lau purred as he stroked Ran-Maos' back.
"Because, I want to know what he's planning before it happens not the day of."
"Is this for Sebastian or for the other one?"
"Let's say for both. I know he won't stop until Ciel is taken care of or until he fully punishes Sebastian for his part in his sisters' death." Lizzie stated.
"Ah, well, in that aspect, I might be able to help you."
"What aspect?"
Ran-Mao looked up at Lau with wide eyes, almost curiously. Lau gently holds onto her chin as he looked at her through semi-open eyes.
"It's all right Ran-Mao, as soon as I tell Lady Elizabeth she will be beholden to me for this information."
"We'll see."
"You will. I may not be in his inner circle but I have a source who is and I know something you don't know about the death of his dear sister."
'What's that?"
"Ash is the one who killed her." He replied softly as he placed a light peck on Ran-Maos' forehead.
Lizzie uncrossed her legs and sat forward. Her eyes traveled over to Hannah who just stared at her blankly.
"He what?" She finally managed to blurt out.
"Ash. Killed. Angela. He killed her."
"Why would he have done that?"
"That I don't know but it seems that your darling Sebastian is off the hook."
Lizzie crossed her arms and fell back against the seat, trying hard to hide her shock. She chewed on her bottom lip as she ruminated on this turn of events.
"I don't know what do to with this information." She muttered to herself.
"Oh, now this is interesting, what will you do indeed?"
"Holy shit." Alois gasped. "It was Ash that killed Angela?"
"So, Sebastian didn't drive her to suicide?" Ciel asked.
"As far as I am aware, no."
"Wait, didn't you say that he went to Angelas' grave to make amends?"
"Why would he do that if he knew he didn't kill her?"
"That's probably because I may not have told him that Ash was the one who did it."
"Lizzie..." Alois uttered.
"Why would you keep it a secret?"
"It suited a purpose." She shrugged.
"Poor Sebastian, he must have been carrying that guilt all this time." Alois shook his head in sympathy.
"What purpose?" Ciel demanded, but Lizzie didn't reply.
Alois cleared his throat as he raised his hand.
"Can I say something?" He asked.
"Shoot." She smiled.
"If Ash is seriously this cray-cray and I think we all agree that he is, why haven't you done anything to him? Not that I want anyone killed or whatever but seriously, what the actual fuck?"
"It's my secret to keep." She winked.
Ciel shook his head. After everything he heard today, he knew one thing was for sure, he didn't believe her. As much as he didn't believe her, he couldn't figure out what the truth was or what she was hiding but he wanted to know and he wanted to know now.
"Lizzie, is Lau right? Is this because you think you're going to lose Sebastian?"
Lizzie sat back in the chair. "Who would I lose Sebastian to?" She tried to casually brush off the question.
Ciel studied her as he tried to read her body language but Lizzie was seemingly giving nothing away. She met his gaze staring straight at him, unblinking. Alois' eyes darted between the two as he processed the conversation in his head, her cool and composed demeanor hid something, and he knew it did, but he worked to figure out what it could be. If Lizzie wasn't worried about losing Sebastian, then what was she doing this for?
Lowering his gaze, Alois thought to himself for a moment.
Lizzie knew about the bet, she knew Ash was dangerous and would probably try to do something to Ciel, either scare him away or worse, like the others. She knew all of this but she could have resolved the whole thing by taking care of Ash, why didn't she? He wondered.
His eyes widened as he landed on something.
"It's Ciel." He blurted out and the pair turns to him.
"What's me?"
Alois' gaze remained firmly on Lizzie. "The one who can take Sebastian from you, is Ciel."
She snorted. "What? Don't be-"
"Oh my God, you're in love with him." Alois surmised with a slight gasp.
"What?" She hesitated.
"With me?" Ciel choked out as his head whipped over to Alois.
"No, Sebastian. You're in love with Sebastian."
"That's ridiculous."
"It's so not, it makes perfect sense." Alois declared excitedly.
Lizzie shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Ciel gawped at her.
"Lizzie, tell me the truth, are you in love with Sebastian? Is that why you didn't tell him about what really happened to Angela and why haven't killed Ash?"
Her lips curl into a dry smile. "You're smarter than I gave you credit for Alois."
Folding his arms, Alois huffed at that backhanded compliment. Ciel stood up instantly and marched over to Lizzie who just raised her head to him.
"So it's true?"
"Of course it is." She replied nonchalantly. Ciel bent over, his face so close to hers he could smell her sickly sweet perfume emanating from her skin.
"Is that why you've been pushing me to be with Will?"
"Only because he's the better man for you." Using two fingers, she pressed them against his chest to push him back slightly. Ciel swatted them away swiftly, stepping back.
"That's not your decision to make!" He seethed.
"What does it matter?"
"Lau was right, if the threat of Ash was gone, then Sebastian would be free to be with Ciel." Alois interjected.
"Lizzie, why?"
Furrowing her brow, she slapped her palm down on the desktop, causing both of the young men to jump.
"Sebastian belongs to me, he's collared to me but he could never be mine." Her tone was as sharp as the look on her face. "At first I thought that it was just because of who he was but then he started to change."
"When he met me?"
"I only went along with this because I thought that it was just one of their ridiculous bets and no more. I didn't think you would last and I didn't realize how far he would go."
"What do you mean how far?"
"He gave up Jardin for you! Can't you see that he's serious? He chose you and naturally, that made me jealous."
"Then why protect me? Why not just let Ash get rid of me?"
"Because I promised Sebastian that I would protect you." She confessed.
"He asked you to protect me?"
"I may be jealous of you but I'd do anything for Sebastian and if he asks me to do something, I will do it – despite how I may feel."
Ciel walked back to the bed and sat down. Putting his elbows on to his knees, he rubbed his head and sighed loudly.
"I'm sorry Lizzie."
"What are you sorry for?"
"I never knew this would cause so much trouble."
"Would you have done things differently?"
"Probably not."
"Then don't apologize." She paused for a moment. "I like you Ciel, I really do, from the first moment I met you to now. Can't you just let him go? Stay with Will, he is the better man for you." She pleaded.
"I can't chose who he wants to be with Lizzie."
"No, but you can chose who you want to be with." She retorted.
Ciels' mouth dropped open to say something further but not one word came out.
"So this is where the party is?" Ronald interjected as he poked his head through the doorway.
"Mistress, apologies but Lau is still not answering." Hannah spoke as she moved past Ronald and walked into the room. She handed Lizzie her phone and stood next to her beside the desk.
"What do we do now?" Alois asked as he leaned back on the bed.
Lizzie looked over to Ciel whose face was red and his chest, puffed out, still seething with her recent revelation. He crossed his arms and looking towards the door. She knew that this wasn't over between them and it was a conversation she really wasn't looking forward to completing.
Her eyes darted around the room, looking at everyone as they stared back at her, awaiting instruction. She didn't know what to do next; it was now down to Ash to make the next move.
"Now? Now, I guess we wait." She concluded.
Authors' Note: Well, hello there… I guess it's been a while, eh?
This is my very first story, started a year ago without any actual knowledge of what fanfiction was or was supposed to be. I didn't know any of the rules that I had to follow or, to be honest, any of the terms… like shipping. So, I apologize to anyone who has been offended (of which there have been many) by my blatant naïvety – although, it's too late now, isn't it?
I'm putting this story on hiatus for a while whilst I right some wrongs, for instance, more play scenes and just some basic grammatical changes. Please bear with me.
Ciels' Chapter Playlist
Royal Blood – You Can Be So Cruel
Amy Lee – Push The Button
The Naked and Famous – The Sun
Dry The River – Everlasting Light
Gnarls Barkley – Who's Gonna Save My Soul
Little Children – Distant Shouts
(Incidentally, if you can't find any of the songs mentioned in any of the chapters, give me a shout on Tumblr and I'll get them for you.)