Romantic: Hey dear readers. Now I want to make a note. I hate the Twilight series. The whole love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf kind of pisses me off. Becoming an adrenaline junkie because your boyfriend left? Drama~ I only watched the first movie because I was forced to by my sister. I know somethings because I hear my sister rant about how cool it was.
Hinata: I apologize on her behalf for those who like it.
Romantic: Yes, this is just my opinion. If you guys like it, cool. Do not let my opinions deter you.
Sasuke: Then why are you writing this story?
Romantic: Well I do not like the Twilight series but I absolutely adored Imprinting on a Ninja. A fanfic written by Werewolvesfanatic, a SethxHinata crossover that got me hooked on this couple. So I will be writing this story for them, but it won't include much of the Twilight stories. Maybe one or two scenes of the movie that Hinata will take part.
Hinata: Seth? Do you even know his character? If you didn't watch the rest of the movies, how will you know some of the terms?
Romantic: I have a friend who has watched it and is willing to help me. ^-^ Thanks to my imouto, Karin-Chii.
Sasuke: So will this take part in La Push and Forks or The Elemental Countries?
Romantic: For a while, this will take place during Forks and La Push. Then I will move it to the Elemental Countries. You know what? I don't know, I have not figured out everything so if you have any ideas, I am all ears.
Hinata: Romantic does not own Naruto or Twilight.
Romantic: That is right! If I did, Hinata would be the main heroine and end up with Sasuke. If I owned Twilight, I would commit suicide for writing those kind of books! JUST KIDDING! Do not take it seriously. I would focus on the wolf pack instead of vampires.
Hinata is sitting on her bed, contemplating on what she did for Uzumaki Naruto. She wouldn't say she protected him, no, she was defeated in the end. She was close to death, feeling shinigami's cold fingers touching her arm when a warmth spread through her body. She did not completely protect him but he did not die. She isn't sure if she felt useful or not. Not to mention that she confessed. 'Ahhh! How embarrassing', Hinata drops herself on the bed with a large blush on her cheeks. It has been approximately three weeks since Naruto saved the village from Nagato and his Six Paths of Pain. In those three weeks, Naruto has not approached her about the confession she said before she laid her life on the line. Sure, the village is rebuilding but there should be sometime to reject or accept her confession.
She is interrupted from her musingings by a hawk circling in the sky. She quickly gets up and rushes out the door, knowing that the hawk is a way of summoning shinobis to the Hokage's office. She opens the flap of the tent to see her teammates already in the office. Inuzuka Kiba with his ninken Akamaru and Aburame Shino look at her with happiness. This is obviously going to be a renaissance mission, they are the best renaissance team among their age group and a generation above. Their team goal is to be the best renaissance team in Konohagakure.
"This is a B-rank mission to capture a thief who has stolen important scrolls to this client", Senju Tsunade motions to the man next to her. He is a fair-skinned young adult with mossy green eyes staring at the former Team Eight. He runs his hand through his black hair in a nervous manner and flashes them a small smile.
"He wants them back as soon as possible and will reward each of you with something if the mission is completed", Tsunade informs them.
"My name is Kazuhiro Raiden. These scrolls are of utmost importance to me. They were stolen near Takigakure no Sato, the Village Hidden by a Waterfall.", the client inform them.
"You will head to Takigakure no Sato to search for clues and search for him and retrieve the scrolls. Dismissed!", Tsunade yells and Team Kurenai bolt out the door to get their belongings.
No words are needed for the three friends, they all know what to do and get when a mission is issued to the three. Go home, pack up, and leave right away. As a renaissance team, they know that they must hurry to their destination before the clues disappear.
Hinata knocks on her father's study with nervousness filling her body. She stands outside the door completely still until she is allowed to go in.
"Enter", a deep strict voice gives permission to enter.
Hinata walks in and bows down in front of her father, "I am off to a mission, father."
"Do not disappoint the clan. Make sure you are not in anyone's way", Hiashi sneers at his eldest daughter, "Do not call me father. No daughter of mine is weak."
"Hai, fa- Hiashi-sama", Hinata corrects herself.
"Leave", Hiashi returns to his work.
Hinata looks at her father with unshed tears for a moment before she gets up and walks out of the Hyuga manor. She hurries to the village gates to start on her mission, 'Jutsu scrolls? Check. Kunais? Check. Shuriken? Check. Tent? Check. Extra clothes? Check. Salves? Check. I think that's everything...', Hinata runs the list one more time, touching everything she names. She spots her teammates head and all three run outside the gates the minute Hinata reaches them.
The three run to Takigakure no Sato with only one break, knowing that the clues are of utmost importance in chance of finding the thief. The three get to the place where their client was attacked. Kiba and Akamaru sniff around, trying to catch how many scents there are around. Shino sends out his bugs to check the perimeter. Hinata activates her byakugan to check for anything the two miss.
"He went east", Shino informs as a bug lands on his finger. The bug informed Shino of messy landscape made when the bandits tried to get away.
"There are is a group of bandits. Around eight", Kiba stands to look at the other two.
"They are a group of ninja thieves", Hinata places her hand on the ground, "The earth has been moved. One is an earth type."
"One is definitely a fire type. The air smells like ash",Kiba takes an extra sniff as Akamaru barks in agreement.
"There are multiple water type. My bugs detect some residue chakra in the lake nearby. It has been used", Shino's deep voice is heard.
The three nod and take off in the direction their target has gone to. Shino, as the leader, order Kiba to follow the faint scent and Hinata to check their surroundings every ten minutes. As the tracker team gets near the target, they stop to watch their movements. The four, including the ninken, separate to surround the enemy. No words are needed for they know their role. After Hinata locates and informs where the item is at, Shino Aburame will sneak up on the target and hold the scrolls. Kiba and Akamaru create a distraction and eliminate as many as they can. Hinata will sneak up behind demobilize the opponents with her gentle fist. No words were really needed with this tracking team. Kiba gets to release his energy with his attacks and head into battle first. Hinata gets to work away from the spotlight. Shino gets the mission done with ease. Team ten would consult with Shikamaru for a plan first. Team seven would jump into action without a real plan but a competition. Team eight is the most natural with each other. They are the closest team of the Rookie Nine, the best balanced team and the ones who can spring into action first knowing when to move for the team. The only time when needing to group and brainstorm a plan is when they are not tracking or retrieving something. For regular missions, the three had modified jutsus to fit with their clan style and learned different types of jutsus. Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are the main focus when learning different types of jutsus.
A scream is heard in the camp of the bandits, surprising them and catching them off guard, "Jūjin Taijutsu Ōgi: Gatsūga!" Kiba and Akamaru, who looks like Kiba, rotate their body and attack the camp and inflict damage on the weaker ninja bandits. Kiba and Akamaru stop spinning and stand in front of the group with a smirk, "Is that all? How weak." The bandits turn their attention to Kiba, all glaring and sneering at him. They ready their weapons and start to take a step forward when some of them start to fall to the ground unconscious or dead, blood splattering on their opponent. The bandits start to notice their fellow members falling and start to look for their enemy, taking their eyes off Kiba. Kiba and Akamaru go into action once more, doing their family's taijutsu. Soon, the amount of unconscious bandits start to pile up. Shino brings up his hands and insects fly out of his sleeves in number. The insects go straight for the leader, the one who has the scrolls in his rucksack.
Some start to attack back with their jutsus, "Suiton: Teppōdama." The man kneads his chakra and converts it into water. He releases it from his mouth in the shape of a ball. Kiba smirks and inhales sharply, kneading his chakra and converting it, "Doton: Tsuchi Kairō!" The earth rises up and traps his opponent and the attack in a cavern.
A shout is heard, "Doton: Ganban Kyū", sections of rocks move around Hinata intending to crush her. Hinata looks at the rocks with a bit of worry but calms her nerves. She stands completely still before releasing chakra from every tenketsu, making sure to convert the chakra to lightning, "Raiton: Hakkeshō Kaiten." She inwardly smiles when she completes the jutsu, it took her months to incorporate her affinity to her Hyuga ways. A bandit sends a puddle toward her, hoping to sneak up on her and then turn the attack into a powerful one. Hinata looks at it and looks at the bandit with an apologetic smile as she whispers, "Hōryū Raika no Jutsu." An wave of electricity flows through the water and electrocutes the bandit.
Shino appears in front of the pile of unconscious bandits and mutters,"I didn't get to try my new fire technique.." Hinata giggles while Kiba facepalms at the thought of Shino sulking again. He coughs to complete his composure once again,"Three of them have a bounty on their head. Who is going to carry who?"
"Well Akamaru will take one. I can tie the other one and drag him along", Kiba grins pointing at himself.
"We have some chakra binds to make it easier on you", Shino rummages through his satchel and brings out a rope. He hands it to Kiba and turns to Hinata, "Can you do a summon for the last one?"
"Yea. No problem", Hinata bites her finger. She goes through a series of hand signs and slams her hand on the ground, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Her soft voice calls out and a smoke of air is seen. A pure red lion with an orange mane, the size of Hinata, appears in front of her.
"Yes, Hinata-sama", a childish voice calls out.
"Yuuta, I told you not to call me that", Hinata blushes out of embarrassment, "Can you take him on your back?"
"Hai. Hinata-sama", Yuuta calls out and lays down so they can put the bandit on him.
"Yuuta", Hinata pouts a little. She quickly remembers to heal her finger before the three head out. While running, Shino sends a scroll to Tsunade, using his insects, to inform that the three are on their way back.
The three are an hour away from the gate when Kiba complains about his extra luggage. Shino just stares at him which creeps Kiba into staying quiet. In the next thirty minutes, Kiba complains once again. Hoping to pacify both, Hinata bites her thumb and slams her hand on the ground. A blue lion appears in front of them.
"Aoi, can you carry the last bandit on your back?", Hinata asks the lion who is a bit smaller than Yuuta.
"No problem, Hinata-chan", a low voice comes out of the lion. She makes sure that the bandit is steady on her back before running next to Yuuta.
"Don't fall behind, Aoi", Yuuta seems to smirk at Aoi.
"Loser Yuuta", is the only response given.
The three near the gates when Sarutobi Konohamaru and his team bump into them. I mean literally, Konohamaru was too excited for his C rank mission and ran outside the gates with his team following closely. Konohamaru almost stopped himself from bumping into Shino but a final bump from Udon made him crash into Shino. Shino could not stop himself from avoiding Konohamaru since he was rushing to the gates. They were not the only ones who bumped, Moegi bumped into Kiba as well. Although she did it purposely, "Ah. I am so sorry Kiba-kun. Maybe I can buy you something to make it up to you." Yes, Moegi does have a crush on Inuzuka Kiba.
"Ah no, it's alright. I should have reacted faster", Kiba gets up and extends his hand toward her. She takes it with a blushing face, 'He is such a gentleman!'
Shino sighs as the contents of his satchel spill onto the ground. No one can make Shino lose his composure and catch him off guard except Konohamaru and Inuzuka Hana.
"I am sorry Shino. I got my first C rank mission today!", Konohamaru shots at them, still very excited that he has not gotten off of Shino.
Hinata giggles and hands Udon a tissue which causes him to blush, "Oh you better be careful." Hinata goes to the things thrown on the ground and immediately starts to pick them up. She looks at a scroll that is unfurled, "Oh no. The scroll for Kazuhiro-san!" Hinata quickly picks it up, not knowing her thumb is still bleeding from the summoning earlier. Her blood drips down the scroll as she closes it up and places it in her jacket.
Yuuta and Aoi look at the smaller humans with confusion. "Hinata-sama, who are they?", Yuuta asks.
"Oh they are our friends. Their sensei should be catching up really soon", Hinata looks into the distance, "Udon-kun, be careful on your mission. Keep Konohamaru in check."
Konohamaru's team seeks out Team Kurenai regularly because Moegi makes them. Well Udon doesn't really mind considering he gets to see his crush and Konohamaru admires them.
Shino sighs and gently pushes Konohamaru off him, "Konohamaru, remember you need to relax so you can think clearly." Konohamaru grins and salutes Shino, "Hai, Shino-sensei!" He runs off with the other two reluctantly following.
"Bye Kiba-kun!", Moegi winks and runs off behind Konohamaru.
"B-Bye Hinata-san. I will keep him in check", Udon wipes his nose with his sleeve and runs off as well.
Kiba blinks and looks at the other two, "She should get that twitch checked."
Shino chuckles lowly and shakes his head while Hinata giggles. Yes, Kiba is clueless that the young genin has a crush on him. While Hinata is oblivious to Udon's crush on her as well.
The three finish picking up Shino's items when Ebisu runs into them, making the items spill once again, "Honorable grandson!" Ebisu half heartedly apologizes while running off again with greater speed than before. Kiba sighs and looks at all the items on the ground once again, "Damn…."
"Just stop complaining", Shino sighs as well.
"I will make a clone", Hinata raises her hands and concentrates on her chakra. She makes a handsign when a large gust of wind appears. Quickly, both lions move in front of Hinata but are puffed away a second later. The two boys close their eyes to make sure nothing gets into them. Hinata feels her jacket move around alot so she takes out the scroll in hopes that it will not fall out of her jacket. Hinata reaches out to Kiba and Shino but feels herself get farther away from them. A large lightning hits Hinata while Shino and Kiba try to fight the wind when they hear Hinata scream. Before she loses conscious, Hinata feels herself falling.
Romantic: There you go. Well I am not too sure what to say about this just that I need ideas. A big major plot bunny or else it will go on hiatus. Have fun reading and such. ^-^ Next chapter will be a meeting.
Sasuke: Where am I in this?
Romantic: I am not sure whether to bring you in or not.
Sasuke: What?!
Romantic: Un. I might be tempted to do a triangle which I do not want to do. It makes me torn.
Hinata: Please review