The Bet
I don't own Wreck it ralph
If there was one thing Vanellope loved more than her boyfriend and sweets, it was her electronics. Her huge tv's, iPhone, ipad, game systems, computers and everything. Whenever she got the chance she would sit on her throne or bed and play games, surf the internet, watch movies, anything online. But sour bill thought she was spending too much time online and that her technology was interfering with her presidential duties, which it wasn't but he thought it was. Sour bill approached Vanellope who was on her throne playing a game on her laptop
"Rapid shot, rapid shot, Plasma blast yeah" said Vanellope before Bill closed the computer and took it
"Ms. President I think you've had enough of these silly gadgets" said Bill
"says the guy who had a sweet addiction" said Vanellope as she took an ipad from behind a pillow but bill took that away too
"You really need to get off the Internet" said bill "And you shouldn't watch as much tv either"
"Im just a little girl experiencing the childhood I couldn't have since I was a glitch" said Vanellope cutely
"In reality you're like 18 or 19 years old, you're just programmed to look like a child" said Bill
"So you don't think I can go that long without my stuff huh?" Asked Vanellope
"Oh please you'd be rushing for one of your iPads in a flash" said bill
"Lets make a bet, I don't use electronics for a whole 24 hours. No tv, computer, ipad, phone, or video games. If I win you have to give me my stuff back" said Vanellope "If you win you can do whatever you want with my gadgets"
"A tech free castle, that sounds great, you're on, the bet starts now" said Bill
"This'll be a piece of cake" said Vanellope
(2 hours later)
"I can't do this, I must watch tv, must play a video game" said Vanellope who was pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She turned towards the microwave and oven
"Microwave and oven"
She walked towards them and pushed a button
"Vanellope likey"
vanellope started pushing random buttons on both the oven and microwave
"Defrost, popcorn, crisp burn, defrost defrost, pizza sno cone"
She started messing with the blender
"Stir, chop, smoothie, custom defrost. Chicken, popcorn"
she turned around to see an Oreo guard looking at her
"Pathetic ms. president" said the oreo
Vanellope grabbed the blender and ran out of the kitchen. The Oreo took out a bunch of twinkies out of a secret door and hugged them
"Hello my loves, I love you all so much" said the oreo
"Yeah, I'm pathetic" said Vanellope before leaving again
"Don't worry twinkies, the mean girl is gone" said the Oreo
"I heard that" shouted Vanellope