The boy and the doll went out onto the street. The kids were still running around and cheering and looking up at the giant clock on the tower's side, even though it was silent now.
Sky smiled as a little girl ran past them, her pink dress flowing behind her in the soft wind.
Ty watched her, his neck craning as she disappeared behind a wall.
Sky looked the doll up and down. The doll's clothes were dusty and old.
"We need to get you new clothes," he mumbled.
Ty nodded automatically, following Sky as he headed to the town square.
Since he was taller than the doll, it wouldn't do to give him his own clothes, so he'd have to buy him something from the shop.
The brunet boy left him standing outside as he went into the shop.
It took him mere minutes to come out with a shirt and jeans. Ty was standing perfectly still, just like he had left him here.
He grabbed the doll's hand, pulling him back to the tower. They ascended the stairway again. Ty didn't seem to mind the creaking boards one bit, so Sky tried not to either.
When they entered the room again, it seemed more spacious in the setting sun. Sky handled the clothes to Ty. The doll took them, looking at Sky neutrally.
"Change into them, Ty," Sky said, walking over to the window.
The doll changer into the new clothes, leaving the old set laying on the ground. Sky looked him over again.
The new shirt had long sleeved and his the joints of his shoulders, elbows and wrists. He nodded to himself at his choose.
He looked at the clock on the wall and sighed as he read it backwards.
"I have to go now," he said.
Ty nodded.
"I'll come to you tomorrow," Sky promised. He ran out of the room and down the stairs, heading home.

Ty stood in the middle of his room, velvet eyes gazing at the door. He closed it after a while and picked up the clothes. He looked around and put them into the wardrobe.
Within the silence of the room, he listened to the ticking of the giant clockwork, beating almost like a heart. He blinked, stopping by the main control panel.
The ticking was off a little bit. The clock was a bit ahead of time. It needed tweaking.
He pulled the cover off of the panel, his deft fingers fumbling with the metal wheels.
The ticking stopped and started again, this time in sync with the time.
Ty put the cover back on the panel and crossed the room to sit on the bed by the wardrobe.
This was where his old milady slept.
His eyes gazed to the sun that had disappeared to allow the moon to rein over the sky.
Ty's mind was empty but filled with thoughts at the same time.
It was just like the clock tower itself; silent, yet still ticking.