I definitely had enough people requestion that I add more to this, so I did! I'll definitely add more after this one as well! I hope you guys like it!

The sun beamed brilliantly through the trees. It was hot and the air was heavy as Neal and Emma wondered through the Neverland forest in search of their son.

"We're going to find him," Neal whispered, watching Emma attempt to hide her pain and fear.

She looked at him quickly before turning her head, tears stinging the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill out at any second.

"We have to," she said, her voice breaking.

Neal's eyes fell to the ground. He couldn't handle seeing Emma like this. There was a point in time when he had known her better than anyone, he probably still did, but he had never seen her as concerned as she was now. She was blaming herself for something that wasn't her fault.

They continued to walk in silence, both anxious to get to Henry. All either of them could think about was that he was alone, the one thing they had never wanted him to be.

Emma was grateful to have Neal with her, not only because he knew Neverland pretty well, but because having him around made her feel a little closer to her son. Henry was the best thing that had ever happened to her and Neal was partially to thank for that.

Every so often, Neal would steal a glance Emma's way. The pain he saw on her face made him feel guilty. She shouldn't be without their son again. It wasn't fair. He wished more than anything that he had never left her or met Tamara because then she would have never lost Henry. He would be safe with his mother.

The minute he had woken up in the Enchanted Forest after falling through the portal, he began to think about everything he was missing. Every second of his son's life that he may never get to see. Every second he had already missed; the first time he kicked inside of Emma, his first breath, his first step, the first time he said "Dada". He was determined to save Henry. He didn't want himself or Emma to miss out on any more of their son's life.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of voices, some childish and others deep, echoing through the trees. The Lost Boys were getting closed. Emma questioningly looked over at Neal, who nodded. Their pace increased as they tried to get away.

Focusing on fleeing, neither saw a little lost boy with matted blond hair peer out from behind the trees and shout, "Intruders!"

Neal looked over his shoulder, immediately recognizing the wild eyed Lost Boy who had outed them. Quickly reacting, he whispered, "Shit! Emma, run!"

She reacted instantly, reaching for his wrist and following him through the forest.

The crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs warned them that the Lost Boys were growing closer. They didn't have time to stop or time to think. It reminded both Emma and Neal of their thieving days many years before.

In that moment, Emma only thought about running for her life in order to save her son, so she was surprised when, out of nowhere, Neal gently grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a tree. She nearly gasped, but he quickly calmed her down.

"Shhh, we need to let them pass, let them think they're still chasing us."

Emma nodded in agreement. She had forgotten how well he was at creating escape plans.

Minutes passed before they heard the Lost Boys scurry by. From the small patch of bushes and trees where Emma and Neal were hiding, they could see the boys. Some looked young and scared, others looked hopeless and exhausted, all wanting a place to call home. It reminded Emma a bit of herself when she was a child and then she thought about the man standing next to her, who had spent hundreds of years on the island wanting a home like all of those other boys.

"I can't—Our son can't grow up like this," Emma sighed, looking up at Neal. She could see the pain of the childhood spent in Neverland in his eyes.

He looked at her, clearly trying not to tear up, and whispered, "I won't let him. I promise."

They stared into each other's eyes for a long minute, one that seemed like an eternity, neither wanting to break away.

"Do you think they're gone?" Emma finally asked, breaking her gaze. She shuffled her feet a little and stared at the ground, embarrassed.

Neal then cleared his throat and barely managed to utter the word "Yeah."

The two inched their way through the forest, now taking extra precautions to avoid the Lost Boys. They made small talk as they walked, both trying not to bring up the moment they had shared just minutes earlier, which wasn't easy.

"I wonder how he's doing," Emma said, speaking her mind. She looked down at her feet, worried about her little boy.

"So am I. He's a tough kid, though. He's got your DNA, after all."

Emma rolled her eyes and jokingly began to walk ahead of Neal. He quickly caught up with her, only to stop right in his tracks.

"What is it?" she asked, concerned.

"Henry," he said looking straight ahead.


She followed Neal's eye line, noticing her son's red and grey scarf swaying gently from a tree that led straight to a large cave. The scarf was caked in mud, but both Emma and Neal knew it was Henry's. He had worn it a thousand times.

Neal pulled the scarf from the tree. Before handing it to Emma, he carefully clutched it in his hands, remembering the times he had gotten to spend with Henry. He refused to believe that he would never get anymore.

The look on Emma's face while holding her son's scarf was the same that had been on Neal's, the need to be with their child.

Without another word, Emma held the scarf to herself and walked forward towards the cave, determined to find her son more than ever. Neal walked steadily alongside her, ready for a fight if that meant bringing Henry home.