Disclaimer: non of this is mine. Le Hussie wields all the homestuck power. Oh and I really appreciate all the reviews I get and I really look forward to them. :3

Getting dressed again after taking off my gym clothes I grabbed my bag and headed to the door. Opening the locker room door I was pushed to the ground, getting up I fixed my glasses and looked at who had pushed me. Looking up at the male I saw that it was Horrus, Equius' brother. Standing I looked at him.

"Watch where you're going." Horrus smirked as he pushed me to the ground again.

This time my glasses fell off my face and he took the opportunity to step on them. One of the lenses broke and I sighed. I was glad that I brought some contacts with me even though I hated wearing them. I sighed and looked at where I heard the break from and felt around on the floor for the broken frames. I kinda felt like Velma from Scooby-Doo. On the ground, feeling around for my glasses was not my favorite pass time.

'Just a normal day of trying to find my broken glasses on the floor and-'

"Oww!" I exclaimed as I brought my finger to my mouth from pain.

Putting my finger in my mouth I tasted blood, but at least I knew where my glasses were. Reaching down I carefully grabbed the frames and put them on. Looking out of them I noticed that the left lense was completely broken and the right one was only cracked.

"WWhat the hell did he do, jump on 'em?" I asked as I stood, keeping my bloody finger in my mouth I headed to the Gym when I heard the bell ring.

I finally headed to the Gym doors that led out of the building. Since my glasses were broken I was kinda walking with double vision so I stumbled quite a bit. One eye was blurry as fuck and near-sighted,the other was as if I was staring into a broken mirror. Walking toward the main office I bumped into the door, I cursed and opened it. Walking into the office I heard the voice of the bitchy assistant lady that everybody hated. You could ask her a nice and simple question and she'd give you a snarky, bitchy reply. Ignoring her as I walked by I headed to the nurse's office. She was a mean-looking old lady but on the inside she was nice and sweet. I stopped in front of the nurse's door and knocked on it.

"Come in." A nice voice came from inside.

I turned the knob and walked in, closing the door behind me. "Hello Mrs. Duffy." I smiled slightly

"Oh, hello Eridan. What can I help you with today?"

"I accidently cut my finger on my glasses when I was trying to find them."

"Oh you poor dear. Come and sit down." She smiled.

I nodded and sat at in a chair as she took a look at my finger, there was a long deep cut on my finger.

"Hm. Go and clean the blood off and then I'll clean it for you." She smiled.

I smiled slightly back at her and went to the sink, I turned the warm water on and lightly put my finger under the spray. When I got the blood off I turned the water off and went back over to Mrs. Duffy. She sprayed that Neosporin shit on my cut and bandaged it.

"There you go." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"No problem, now you might want to get to class." She smiled.

I nodded and headed to the door before I walked out. I walked out of the main office, past the bitch and went toward my fourth period class. Even though the bell didnt ring for like 10 more minutes.

Ok This is the end of Chapter 8 I'm sorry its so short and so late but at least its up there. If there is any thing yous people want to have in the story I will be glad to put it in there sometime.