Chapter one
Checking myself over in the flip down mirror of my blue Honda Civic for the final time I readjusted the bobby pins that were keeping my hair back and reapplied my apple cinnamon flavored lip glass, my gray eyes met my reflection taking in my appearance down to the dangly brown feathered earrings I wore. I didn't need to look down to see my light blue sleeveless dress that almost reached down to my knees, with a thin brown belt around my waste and matching brown four inch heels.
Slipping out of my car I reached in to grab my laptops white leather bag, before closing and locking the door. Turning my breath stalled in my lungs as I took in the site of the huge Google building, I knew it would be large and beautiful but in still seemed to take my breath away.
Taking my time I walked into the building, I still had time to take a little look around after checking in and receiving my idea tag and a map of the building to go with the days schedule detailing where I should be for the majority of my summer.
Walking up to the snack bar I waited behind an older guy as he ordered what was starting to sound like a very long list of different food, glancing back at me he had the biggest grin "hey did you know that everything is free?" "I can help you miss," a woman's voice had me turning to another till "ah ya thanks," I stated not sure if I was talking to the man or the woman, not that it mattered.
After grabbing my mix fruit smoothie I started towards the room where all the interns would be gathering, sure enough everyone appeared to be mingling in clusters of small groups. Making my way through the groups I held on to the strap of my bag trying to keep it close to avoid damages. Not that, that had seemed to stop people from bumping into me.
Lifting my gaze to the boy who had just backed in to me I was met with brown eyes, "uh hello," he gave a small smile as his eyes dragged from my heels to my eyes, "I don't believe we've met, I'm Graham Hawtrey, and you are?" resisting the urge to roll my eyes I accepted his out stretched hand, "Ava Barren."
Graham gave a single nod before glancing back the way he came, "can you believe those two old geezers are interns?" Arching a single brow I looked around him to find the older guy that I had seen earlier that day standing beside another blonde older male, shrugging I glanced back over at Graham whose eyes were also no longer on the pair.
"well I'll see you around," he gave a cocky smirk before brushing past me, shaking my head I continued to find a seat which landed me a few seats over from a boy with thick black glasses whose eyes were glued to his phone.
It wasn't long until an Indian man came in to start an introduction speech, " I'm Mr. Chatty head of the intern program, welcome to Google!" He went on to tell us that we would be doing what they did at work and of course would be supervised, he went on to explain that we'd be divided into teams and only one team would get the internship.
Holding my breath I took a quick look around, there were a good 100 kids or so in here. "Now you will be split up into several seminars to get you introduced to the program and our culture, emails with descriptions have been emailed to you. I'd wish you luck, but it's not luck that you need. Get to work!"
With that everyone was moving so of course I did what I always do, I froze holding up anyone that was behind me. "Are you going to move, or wait for everyone to leave the room first?" Glancing behind me I was met with glaring caramel eyes behind glasses and a scowling boy, "uh ya, sorry." I nodded rushing to merge myself with everyone else, much to my displeasure, if he hadn't of been there I so would have waited for everyone to be out of my way first.
It didn't take me long to find the next room, which I noticed a few familiar faces the older men, Graham and glaring glasses wearing guy. "Hey Ava," Graham smiled at me as he walked through the door after the older men, I simply nodded in response as he sat behind me. "You should definitely be in my group, I mean your credentials aren't anything to boost about, but I checked out a few of your web page designs not bad if I must say." "Uh thanks? Listen not to be rude but I'm joining my friends for the whole group thing." I lied without looking at him in hopes he wouldn't see through it.
"Google is a work place," Mr. Chatty started the speech where we would raise a red paddle if it wasn't allowed to happen here or a green on if it was okay, as you can imagine everything seemed to be off limits, dating a fellow employee, getting drinks with your boss even taking home food from work.
Sitting outside at one of the many bench tables, I pulled out my laptop and opened my email it turned out that there were dorm rooms for the interns at the back of the building and I'd be staying in room 23 which was a relief because I really didn't want to make this drive every day.
Packing up my lap top I headed to my car where my suitcase was in the trunk, since I had planned on renting a motel I had prepared a nice amount of luggage. I had my wheelie suitcase and a carry on plus my laptops bag, so the trip to the dorm rooms were going to be long and aggravating.
Locking up my car once again I turned and glared at the distance I'd have to walk, "hey! wow where you going with all those bags?" raising my eye brows I turned to see the older men from my intern class walking over "to the dorm?" I hadn't meant for it to come out as a question but it had, "wait we have dorms?" the taller one asked, I nodded.
"Well let us give you a hand with that, then we'll know where the dorms are." The blonde smiled trying to be friendly, I knew socializing with these two would make everyone here look at me like I was a big of freak as they all thought these two were, but on the upside that meant Graham would most likely leave me alone, and I didn't have to carry all these bags by myself.
"Alright," I nodded handing over the carryon bag to the taller man as the blonde reached for my suitcase, walking with them in silence by the time we had reached the Google building was driving me insane. "I'm Ava, by the way." I stated glancing over my shoulder with a small smile, "Oh I'm Billy, this here is Nick." the talker one answered seeming pleasantly surprised.
"So," I started falling back so I wasn't so far ahead as we walked, "what made you guys decide to try out for the internship?" "uh well, you're never too old to try something new right?" I smiled and shook my head, "of course not, I mean you have to keep life interesting."
"So why'd you try out?" Billy asked sending a small smile down my way, "well I got into graphic design online at my collage so my mom thought it'd be a good idea to apply while the internship was going on." Billy and Nick nodded as we turned a corner at the back of the building, it was a long hallway filled with doors that had black numbers on them.
We were at the far end of course, glancing to my right the door was 102 to my left was 101... I groaned "everything ok?" Billy asked with a raised eyebrow, "yeah I'm at the other end." I pointed down the hall which was looking like it was endless at this point.
"That's fine, we don't mind." Nick stated as we continued to walk, 99...97...95...77...57...43...29... I perked up we were getting close. 23 I stopped and turned with a smile, "this is it! So which rooms are yours?" I asked glancing around the hall see only a few people coming and going, no one I recognized.
"uh, not sure, but we actually already rented out a motel so we won't be staying here." nodding I spun to use my id card which doubled as the key for my room's door, and opened it wide. Stepping inside the small space, the was a single bed in the middle of the wall on my right side, an end table beside it that had a small lamp and clock, on the opposite wall was a dresser that was bare.
"Well it's not home," I mused side stepping so the boys could take a look see on what they weren't missing out on. "nah I'm sure you'll have it looking homier in no time," Nick stated as Billy nodded as they placed the bags beside my door.
"Hey uh, thanks for doing that," I nodded towards my bags "it was really nice of yous." they only smiled back, "anytime, we should get going though, Nick?" Billy started for the door as Nick nodded fallowing behind him closing the door for me.
Smiling I took another quick look, there was another door in my room I hadn't noticed walking over I opened it to find a very small bathroom but it would do. I didn't waste any time as I set out unpacking my clothes, my toiletries a few books I brought with me. I placed my laptop on my dresser then pulled out my phone, walking over I laid on my bed shifting through to see what texts that I had, turned out just to be my mom...of course.
Hey hunnie, how is everything going?
Make any new friends?
Dad says hi, we love you and are very proud of you!
Rolling my eyes I couldn't hide the smile that my mom's text brought me as I typed away my reply.
Everything's good, still slow we'll be put in groups tomorrow.
Not really, tell dad hi back, love you to.
Tossing my phone onto the end table after I set my alarm I went to get out what I'd be wearing tomorrow, pulling out a green halter I pursed my lips and shook my head putting it back, next I pulled out a see through black spaghetti strap shirt that had white underneath with a champagne colored ribbon in the center, placing it on my dresser I moved on to pants and decided on a dark gray jeans, with black heels to go with it. After I showered I fell into a dreamless sleep without so much as blow drying my hair...something I'm sure I'd regret in the morning.