Chapter 1

I do not own adventure time.

Fionna and Cake came up the hill laughing and giggling as the Tree house came into view. They had just slayed a cyclops who had terrorrized the candy kingdom.

"Girl, are you ready for the jam session with Marshall?",Cake asked her as she reached for her most prized possession,her Dolsamer.

Fionna blushed deeply. "I don't know. I still get nervous around him."

Cake smiled and made a sound of interest knowingly. Fionna was still blushing but she was angry. Cake never stopped teasing her about liking Marshall. She repeatedly told Cake she wasn't interested but something inside her told her otherwise.

"Listen,", she said hastily,eager to get off the subject,"we don't have time for don't wanna be late!".

With that she stormed off to take a quick shower. She smelled like sweat and cyclops guts. She didn't want Marshall to think she was gross. Well, not that she cared, she told herself.

Soon after, they were well on their way to the " Bad Little Boy's" house in a cave a distance away from the tree house.

Cake looked at her tall, beautiful friend with blonde hair and a cute little bunny hat on top of her head. She seemed very nervous and uneasy.

"Relax girl!",she said trying to calm her friend,"It'll be don't do anything stupid."

They entered the cave and soon the were on Marshall's porch. Cake nudged Fionna to ring the doorbell but her arms wouldn't let her. Cake scoffed in frustration and rang the door bell. It opened to reveal a tall ,grey boy in a red plaid shirt,blue jeans and read sneakers.

"Hey Cake.",he said. He looked at Fionna and smiled,"Hey,Fionna.",he said in a smooth,romantic tone.

Fionna turned as red as a Tomato. Sweat started to pour down her face as he rested his hand on her shoulder.

Oh glob! Oh glob! Spit it out,Fionna! she thought.

" Hiiii Maarrshall.",she said shakily. They entered the house and Cake rested her Dolsamer on the couch.

" I need to use the Bathroom.",she said with a mischievous smile. Fionna looked at her angrily.

"Caaakke!",she said through clenched teeth,aware of what her friend was trying to do.

Cake ignored her and went up the ladder to the next room.

Soon Fionna and Marshall were in the room by themselves. Both of them were nervous but Fionna was the worst of the two.

Just be cool and everything will be fine, she convinced herself.

Marshall gave her that look which really annoyed her. The look which seemed to say , I know you like me, Fionna.

She turned away quickly and looked up the ladder.

"Cake,are you almost done?" ,she shouted.

"No honey,I'm taking my time!",came the reply.

Annoyed by Cake's response , Fionna mumbled angrily to herself.

"Calm down.", he said, with that same voice and that same look.

Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and stared into her eyes.

Oh no! He's touching me!

" Get off!", she shouted furiously as she threw his arm off her shoulder.

Marshall glared at her both surprised and furious." Whats your problem!", he shouted.

She stared at him blankly, unable to believe she had just done that! Now Marshall thought she was some sorta psycho rolled down her cheeks and they stung. She felt grew more miserable as she stared at the bewilderment on his face. She burst through the door sobbing loudly as she ran back to the tree house.

She knew she could never face him again!

So please tell me what you think , I really want this story to be successful. I'm very open to suggestions!