The wind was howling with the snow storm. The girl was sitting near the window curled up with a good book. The boy was sitting in a rocking chair writing one of his many stories. The boy and girl go to bed. The next morning the girl got up and pulled the blanket down she shivered, she went to the window to see a blanket of snow. Two feet of snow! She ran to the boy's room and knocked on the door, "who is it" asked the boy. "It's me are you up?" The boy walked to the door and opened it. "Yes?" "Did you look out side?" "No I just got up." The girl dragged him to the window "well look then we got 2 ft of snow. After breakfast can we go ice-skating Fakir?" Fakir looked at the puppy dog blue eyes girl he could not resist her puppy dog look, he gave in. "Sure, but only after breakfast." The girl jumped for joy and ran down to get breakfast ready. Once the breakfast was eaten and cleaned up the two teens walked out under the snowy sky they walked to their secret pond. The girl and Fakir walked out on to the deck and looked out to the frozen pond. The girl dangled her feet over the pond and put on her skates to test the water. Fakir watched the girl and she asked "if she did it right?" Fakir examined the skates and he gave her the go ahead she slowly pulling yourself on to the pond at first the girl was about to fall but she caught her self. She skated around while Fakir got his skates on. He looked out to the girl that he loved ever since she and he have rescued the prince. He has not have the confident to tell her. He snapped out of his day-dream and hoped onto the ice to rescue the girl. When she fell he pulled her to him and cushioned her fall. "Fakir are you ok?" 'Yes Ahiru I am fine. Would you like me to give you pointers on how to skates since you are a beginner?" "Yes that would be nice.' Unbenost to him she too had strong feelings for him. He grabbed her hand and told her "to lift your foot and glide with the other that's it you are doing it ok now I am going to let go." Fakir let's go and Ahiru did good in till she fell down again. "Ow Fakir do you think we could do Ballet moves while ice skating?" "Yes we can would you like to try?" "Sure teach me please." The two teens did ballet moves together on the ice. When the sun seted Fakir asked Ahiru "would you go ahead and get dinner ready please I will be right there I forgot something." "Ok don't be too long now." Fakir skated to one comer of the pond and ice-skated a heart out of ice. Then in the middle wrote AHIRU I LOVE YOU. Fakir was proud of himself. He was admiring his work when he heard a voice "aww that's so sweet!" He turned around to meet the couple of Kin Kan town Rue and Mytho.