A/N: Hey! Woo! I'm posting new stuff really fast!

I really have no idea where this came from (maybe it's just how I hope everything turns out) but it is extremely short, and explains nothing, but I think that it is okay, and I am proud of it.


I hope you like it and leave me a review!

Oh yeah! (This is a long A/N) I am still searching for a good "Truth or Dare" fic, so PLEASE let me know if anyone finds a good one! If I don't find one, I'll probably end up writing one...

Anyway! I might start taking a few requests, so let me know if you want something specific! (What about a "Reading the Books" fic? Too overdone...?)

I'll shut up now! On with the story!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

After everything was over, after the last enemy had fallen, after the dust settled, a pen could hit the ground and produce echoes that the world would hear.

The demigods and gods stood in ragged circles here and there, in shock of the conclusion of the fight.

It had been Percy and Annabeth in the end. They could see it now.

Annabeth broke the silence first. She had one of her hands pressed to a wound on her side, but she wiped the blade of her knife off and said, "Now I expect to be left the fuck alone. Is that acceptable in any way?"

The demigods were laughing then. That was such an Annabeth comment, and somehow it was the perfect thing to say.

Percy stumbled over to her, grabbed her by the waist, and kissed her.

When he pulled back, he grinned, and it had been so long since anyone had seen Percy Jackson smile, they all smiled.

"Saved the world again. How many times is it now?" Percy bragged playfully. "I'm getting a little tired of counting."

"Who cares?" Annabeth said. "I'm not doing it anymore, so everybody else can suck it."

Then they were laughing so hard and yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs. They were jumping up and down, and crying and celebrating at the same exact time.

And it felt so good to finally win.

A/N: Review! Thanks for reading!
